I was thinking of running a 2 of with Read the Bones . A couple of my other friends have suggested the same thing. The question is what do I take out?
October 24, 2013 8:04 p.m.
You could consider taking out a Xathrid Necromancer considering its a 3 drop and you might not need 4 of them and then the second card could be one Boon of Erebos because although you are running a lot of heroics,Boon of Erebos will lose you life equal to a read the bones, and I would rather play that Read the Bones only because you get to choose what to draw. Choosing your draw can be VERY important.
October 24, 2013 8:10 p.m.
While the Xathrid Necromancer is engine of my deck I really feel like he HAS to be a 4x. I completely agree with you though about Boon of Erebos . Instead of the Necromancer I took out another Young Pyromancer . The tokens he produces are not humans and I only have 2 at the moment anyway.
October 24, 2013 8:19 p.m.
@blackmamba37 I don't think he is. His job is to do 2 damage every time a creature enters the battlefield, which is quite often considering Xathrid Necromancer turns every dead human into a zombie creature. The pump ability to get extra damage for everyone is also nice.
October 26, 2013 11:29 a.m.
rakdosrunner says... #8
Ubermat I play tested this against my deck deck-large:nope (5th at state) and you won best 3 out of five. The score was 3-1 and every time you won you railed me, when I won it was by the hair on my ass lol I love the deck. I was thinking about an idea like this but I just wasn't able to put one together. definitely a +1 from me man I respect it.
October 27, 2013 12:10 a.m.
Dude, I love the deck. Seriously. When I first saw Xathrid Necromancer in m14 he was easily my favorite card there, and ditto with Agent of the Fates for Theros. The fact that you have build a deck around both of them is just freaking awesome.
I played some draft today, and I gotta say, the Boon of Erebos and Coordinated Assault is just dirty. I came in first running red/black. I know he isn't a human, but if you wanted to drop a coordinated assault and a titan's strength for Nighthowler , that might be an awesome idea. The fact that he bestows for only four is amazing, his effect is amazing, he also helps prevent against board wipes, and he triggers heroic.
Anyway, definite +1 from me, and if you wouldn't mind I would love some comments on my own Agent deck that I've put together a few days ago. It's green/black splashed blue, and unfortunately no Necromancer, but it looks almost as scary as this. Here's the link The Name's Agent, Fate's Agent..
October 27, 2013 1:16 a.m.
Biohunter405 says... #10
Just noticed that you have 3x Madcap Skills in your main board, and 2x Madcap Skills in your side board. Just some thing you might want to fix since that's another card you could have.
October 27, 2013 3:04 a.m.
blackmamba37 says... #11
Rochard Yes, you're right , i didnt think it this way...
October 27, 2013 5:19 a.m.
Thanks Biohunter405 I'll fix that. I just dropped a second Boon of Erebos for the 3rd Madcap Skills . Madcap is just too good I think. What do you think?
Thanks rakdosrunner!!! I'm really excited to play this competitively.
October 27, 2013 9:28 a.m.
kyuuri117 Thanks for the comment! I'll test out the Nighthowler when I can. I don't have a great deal of time to playtest. I'll checkout your deck asap.
October 27, 2013 9:31 a.m.
nice but i would keep Akroan Crusader for a nine damage atalk on secend turn. first turn put it down. Secend turn put 2 Titan's Strength to get 2 1/1solders with hast and swing for nine. And with Young Pyromancer you can get 2 tokens for the price of one by puting a instent on Akroan Crusader witch trigers the ability on him for the 1/1 solder and Young Pyromancer ability to for a 1/1 element.
October 27, 2013 12:14 p.m.
You're running 5 copies of "Madcap Skills" between your main deck and sideboard...
October 27, 2013 4:49 p.m.
I tried it out a couple of times and I really enjoyed it. I ended up with a potential turn 5 win even the first time i tried it.
I already have almost all of these cards as well, so i may give it a try some time soon. Might change a thing or two to help a bit better with late game (likely add 2 Desecration Demons instead of Murder King, or figure out a way to add in 2 Whip of Erebos or 2 Hammer of Purphoros ), but I think it has potential. +1 for you sir.
Mind checking out my B/W human deck here? I would really enjoy some comments to help improve it. It's a bit less aggressive than yours as it focuses more so on controlling the opponents creatures with my own creatures, and I have had a bit of success with it so far (even in an incomplete state). Link: B/W Human Sacrifice (7th at Gameday)Thanks!
October 27, 2013 9:43 p.m.
Also, you may want to consider Toil / Trouble over Read the Bones in an aggressive deck like this. It can count as an over the top burn spell later in the game.
October 27, 2013 11:40 p.m.
RamonGrizzly says... #18
Rakdos's Return over Toil / Trouble , I'm still tweaking my version, didn't get to finish it by this friday but i see it having a lot of success at my lgs with all the devotion and esper control decks there right now. Erebos in the sideboard is great vs control, burn your life away to draw cards and they can't gain life from sphinx
October 28, 2013 12:01 a.m.
magic_master says... #19
Dude thank you I have been trying to make a deck for the exact same cards, but I just couldn't make a good enough deck for this cheap of a cost I was the 50th +1.
October 28, 2013 12:08 a.m.
Sweet Guys! Thanks for the suggestions! And Thanks for making it 50 +1's!!! Why stop now! As for the suggestions about card advantage, I think those are all valid ideas. I just got to playtest them out. Which takes some time. I'm hoping to go to my first FNM this Friday (Nov 1) with this deck to see how she does.
October 28, 2013 8:14 a.m.
Just getting back into mtg after a 20 year break.... Put this deck together to be able to jump into some FNM. Have playtested it against some friends and it was a blast. Looking forward to being able to play it at FNM and thanks!
October 28, 2013 10 a.m.
rakdosrunner says... #22
How does this deck play against control? Its removal ability won't do much and stacking enchantments seems like it can get you railed. lol Let me know how it usually plays. Thanks man!
October 28, 2013 11:36 a.m.
Honestly I think that if you took out two dreadbore, added 2 thoughtseize and 4 duress, this would have a fighting chance against grixis and esper control.
October 28, 2013 1 p.m.
HarryMannbach says... #25
@Ubermat: love this deck! I recently built something very similar and made some changes inspired by this deck when I stumbled across it last week. Did a bit of live playtesting against White-Weenie and U/W Heroes, both quality aggressive decks, and this performed admirably! That experience (inspired by some mechanics in U/W Heroes) got me thinking about U/B hero abuse w/ Agent of the Fates as well, so I did some work along those lines. Still not sure which I want to take to FNM this Friday though! Anyway, +1 from me. Nice work!
I'd be interested in any input anyone has for U/B to abuse Agent. Deck is here: Bruised Heroes if anyone would care to take a look!
gastro18 says... #1
You should consider running Read the Bones .
October 24, 2013 7:50 p.m.