You're homeless. (Land destruction, $30!)
SCORE: 254 | 115 COMMENTS | 22220 VIEWS | IN 156 FOLDERS
Eddiejmars says... #2
Araganor yeah you're right. I got the deck and have used it with my friends (never lost btw) but that Artisan of Kozilek is a dead draw every time. This deck is built to get to the point much faster so it's not of much use until the end in which I've already won. I've added another Argentum Armor instead. Only 6 manna and still gives me one big guy just in case Silent Arbiter is out, and does the same thing by destroying a permanent. Thanks for the pointer.
February 12, 2015 2:34 a.m.
bozobuckets7 says... #4
What about Shattering Spree I know its a budget deck, but if if you were to drop a little more do you think that would work??
February 12, 2015 2:30 p.m.
+1 great deck. I was wondering what you were considering for a sideboard.
February 12, 2015 4:51 p.m.
griffcake745 says... #6
I don't even play modern and I love this deck. It gets a +1 from me, and I might even get into budget modern due to how fun these look. Thanks for showing me the light!
February 12, 2015 4:53 p.m.
nashbridges52 says... #7
This is great. Really devastating, but I'm thinking it needs some more ways to draw cards. You've got to land a liquid metal coating, but even after that you want to keep drawing your kill artifact spells. Also, I Argentum Armor isn't really needed, the times i playtested this it just kinda of sat there, what about replacing them with Haunted Plate Mail ?
February 12, 2015 5:05 p.m.
Eddiejmars says... #8
nashbridges52 yeah you're right. I've been trying to find some heavier hitters but also stick with the idea of artifact destroyal. I like the plus 4 but I want more permanent destruction. I just added two Deus of Calamity for now. Still looking into better cars for it.
griffcake745 thanks for that! Yeah there are some fun modern decks you can make, this ones my favorite so far.
talus I'm still looking into a sideboard. I should have one up In a day or so. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
February 12, 2015 6:08 p.m.
griffcake745 says... #9
Hey again. I'm definitly going to test on and possibly play this in reality (I filthily net decked this because I know nothing about modern). I was wondering what you could use as sideboard material. I know of some removal for Aggro decks and enchantment removal so that you can focus on destroying lands, but they are all standard legal. Just wondering if there is any good modern sideboard cards.
February 12, 2015 9:44 p.m.
Reclamation Sage Viridian Corrupter Vithian Renegades Myr Landshaper. I know you got the last one in the maybeboard, but it's especially useful if you don't draw the coating. The first 3 are all better than Manic Vandal, aside from Sage being 1 toughness (I would personally lean toward the infect since it's a juicy deterrant while you're building up).
February 12, 2015 11:08 p.m.
You know what sucks about decks that rely on one activated ability? Pithing needle is something everyone has in their sideboard. :/
February 12, 2015 11:30 p.m.
Boomk1ng 90% of the nonlands in this specific deck blast pithing needle instantly and reverse its effects :P
To the author, some neat late drops are Defiant Ogre Rust Scarab Rustmouth Ogre Oxidda Scrapmelter if you have any interest in those.
February 12, 2015 11:40 p.m.
turricanfan says... #13
If you don't need to stay modern legal, Thran Forge works great too.
February 13, 2015 1:12 p.m.
Eddiejmars says... #14
Pseudohc thanks for bringing all those cards up, defjntely like a couple of them. I exchanged Viridian Corrupter for Manic Vandal. I want to add Myr Landshaper, and plan on adding maybe two to help get my preferable draw more readily. Still figuring out what to exchange it for though. And Rust Scarab defintely caught my eye too, I'll consider that one for sure. Thanks for the great suggestions.
griffcake745, haha, that's fine. Tell me how you do on there. I'm undefeated with this deck so far (casual modern). As far as sideboard goes, it's a slow process. I know I will add two more Whipflares in there. The main threat to this deck is aggro decks so the sideboard will have to have a solid amount of cards that, If need be, I can get them in. Aside from the I think Echoing Truth would be smart to add just in case they get a bunch of tokens out. The rest, well I'm going very slowly on it lol.
February 13, 2015 1:41 p.m.
Scouring Sands does nice work on tokens. It's not instant speed, but it is in the colors of the deck.
February 13, 2015 2:19 p.m.
RoosterAfro says... #16
Any particular reason to chose Whipflare over Pyroclasm? I just find it so much more effective against myr, affinity or robot decks :p if it's for protecting your myr landshapper I wouldnt really worry about that since you should drop the landshapper after you have survived the initial aggro from those decks :p
February 14, 2015 3:36 p.m.
triproberts12 says... #17
This is brilliant. +1. Hellkite Tyrant would be a good win con. Consider Shattering Spree Smash to Smithereens Oxidize Wickerbough Elder Vithian Renegades Glissa Sunseeker Smash Echoing Ruin Destructive Revelry Tanglewalker Rust Scarab
February 15, 2015 2:44 p.m.
triproberts12 says... #18
Also Buried Ruin might be a good choice, Roiling Terrain could be fun, and Spreading Algae would make a great sideboard card
February 15, 2015 3:04 p.m.
Eddiejmars says... #19
triproberts12 you just made my deck that much better. I'm digging the Tanglewalker and Hellkite Tyrant. If I use Liquimetal Coating on a land, my Hellkite Tyrant will deal combat damage to the player no matter what (just about), therefore taking control of the land I just made an artifact out of. Brilliant!
Also, diggin the sidebkard suggestions. Will defintely be changing some stuff.
February 15, 2015 3:52 p.m.
triproberts12 says... #20
I got excited about this deck, so I made my own version: Terminator Model T-1000
February 15, 2015 4:37 p.m.
Eddiejmars says... #21
johnpyp thank you! And yeah, I wouldn't mind something that's hex proof, I just don't want to stray too far from continued destruction. Have anything in mind? I would even be open to some good equipment. Just have to look a little harder.
February 15, 2015 11:33 p.m.
Fireball would be a decent sideboard.. It will be very versatile dealing with aggro or token decks. Plus you can use it to target the player to finish off a game if needed.
T0Rtur3 says... #1
The reason Echoing Ruin won't work, is because it says "all other artifacts with the same name". The other lands in play aren't artifacts. Splinter just says search the library for cards with the same name. It doesn't say those cards need to be artifacts.
February 12, 2015 12:21 a.m.