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Yuriko's Musical Chairs

Commander / EDH*



Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive Isn't really working out like I had hoped, so I thought I might try expanding the color palette a bit. I'd like this deck to be really competitive while remaining within my price range hopefully.

Here is my reasoning behind the cards of the deck; I'm more than willing to fine-tune things.


Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni: One of the bigger Ninjas, can ping for a bunch if Tetsuko happens to draw her. Otherwise, its one of the few large-body creatures the deck has, and stealing from someone else's graveyard may be helpful. I see a lot of competitive decks not use her, so I might be willing to take this card out if there's a better option.
Mothdust Changeling: A one-drop with bad evasion, good for cycling with ninjitsu.
Sakashima's Student: Only costs 1U to ninjitsu which is crazy for a clone that also counts as a ninja.
Silent-Blade Oni: Massive Ninja, huge CMC. Same boat as Ink-Eyes.
Skullsnatcher, Throat Slitter, Mistblade Shinobi: Cheaper Ninjas with good utility.
Walker of the Secret Ways: Her on-hit effect isn't as good, but her ability to bounce other Ninjas can be useful.

Evasive Dudes:

Augury Owl, Sage Owl: I'm seeing these cards being taken out of more and more competitive decks, but I really like the topdeck manipulation here for two mana.
Baleful Strix: Draw on ETB is helpful and the deathtouch adds sort of an extra layer of evasion.
Cloud of Faeries: Sort of a free ninjitsu enabler? The cycling can also be nice.
Faerie Conclave: Is a ETB tapped land worth it for a 2/1 flyer in an emergency? I'm on the fence about this one.
Hypnotic Siren: I've been looking for a home for this card for the longest time. A 1/1 flyer for 1 that can outright steal a creature later in the game is a cool idea.
Mausoleum Wanderer: Another 1/1 flyer for 1. Not many other spirits in this deck (though the other changelings could trigger it), but threatening to counter a 1-drop is a neat extra effect.
Ornithopter: Totally worth it in this deck. Throw one out, attack, ninjitsu, throw it out again. Love this card.
Quickling: Can flash in to save another creature or bring back a Ninja to send out again.
Siren Stormtamer, Hope of Ghirapur: Much like Mausoleum Wanderer, I'm mostly using this is a 1/1 flyer for 1 with a neat extra effect in case of emergency.
Wingcrafter: Can give another ninja flying to jump over potential blockers.
Dimir Infiltrator: Completely unblockable, and the Transmute can be nice if I need it.
Invisible Stalker: Cheap, unblockable, hexproof. Perfect.
True-Name Nemesis: Guaranteed completely unstoppable against a single player. Is it worth 3 mana or the potential political ramifications?
Wharf Infiltrator: Will basically be unblockable unless against a token deck or something due to Skulk, and the looting may be helpful.
Looter il-Kor: Cheap looter, not many people use Shadow anymore.
Thalakos Seer: Only draws when he LEAVES the battlefield, but the Shadow kinda makes this worth it?
Nether Traitor: Fear AND Haste is cool, and he can be recurred easily.

Evasion Enablers

These cards give evasion to other creatures one way or another
Cover of Darkness: Gives Ninjas Fear, but I don't have that many Ninjas in here to begin with. May be worth switching out for something else?
Profane Command: Can give a few creatures Fear as well as a second effect. This is another card I'm seeing being taken out of more Yuriko decks but I think it still has a use.
Shizo, Death's Storehouse: Basically can only give Fear to Yuriko, but there's little downside to having this over another Swamp.
Skeleton Key: Gives Skulk and looting, only costs 1. I think it's worth a try.
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive: The entire reason I originally made an "Evasive Weenies" deck. Great effect for this deck.

Big Mana

These cards have decent general use, but are mostly put into the deck to bleed out big damage from Yuriko's draw ability. I may have too many of these, but I'm not sure.
Commit / Memory: Decent card overall, being a split card is even better for Yuriko.
Curtians' Call Heavy cost to destroy two creatures. Is this worth it?
Elbrus, the Binding Blade  : 7 for an equipment with a big effect on it. I think this matches the deck's theme nicely.
Emrakul, the Promised End: CMC 13, built-in cost reduction, big threat off the bat. Worth it for endgame?
Foil, Misdirection: Not really "Big Mana" but a solid counterspell I can cast for free.
Never // Return: Will probably only be casting this for the first half, but it's pretty good removal for both creatures and planeswalkers stapled to a split card.
Shriekmaw: Basically a Doom Blade, could be a halfway-decent Ninjitsu enabler due to the evasion.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.21
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Zombie 2/2 B
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