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It's my current spin on Wolves who bench Eldrazi: It's Better Than Yours for Kaladesh Standard. Like my original Wolves who Bench Eldrazi deck, I'd imagine this one would get better over time.
ALRIGHT, so Zada, Hedron Grinder+card:Silverfur, the thing everybody knows and loves. Marvelous. Target Zada with things and start making wolves off of Silverfur Partisan.
Duskwatch Recruiter
is back to once again help you search for creatures as well as be another wolf triggered by Silverfur Partisan.
New creatures making appearances are Voltaic Brawler, Verdurous Gearhulk, and Architect of the Untamed.
Voltaic Brawler is an early game face smasher dude that gives you energy and potentially becomes a 4/3 trample for one turn, which is not bad for turn three.
card:Vendurous Gearhulk is just absolutely dumb. If you're looking to play a different type of deck I'd recommend going red/blue/green gearhulk because you can smash so much face with it. Gearhulk alone can be an 8/8 trample for five, so he's a bomb to say the least. If in that hypothetical red/blue/green deck which i just might make you throw in the red/blue copy planeswalker and Panhermonicon, you'll have a 16/16 trample for five mana turn 5. Anyways Gearhulk's job in here is to be a beefy bomb that could potentially beef up my some of my creatures. Not as exciting but still important.
Architect of the Untamed is going to be important later. What you need to know now is that we're going to pump all the energy we can into her so she makes 6/6 dudes. We have to have an outlet for all this aggression, so why not make more people to smash face?
Aetherflux Reservoir is in here as more of a test at first to be honest. I want to see how it holds up, but the most important thing it's in here for is life gain so then later If it's successful enough I can smash somebody in the face with it or use it to keep my alive long enough to win if i'm ever running into trouble.
PLANESWALKERS:Arlinn has bowed out as this isn't her realm. She's good, but Chandra is crazy as hell and everyone knows it. She could be in here for burn, she could be in here because she's a mana rock lol, any number of reasons. She's OP GG no re, and that's what I'm going with.
SORCERIES:card:Carthartic Reunion is a sweet card. "The casm of years and worlds collapsed under the power of their embrace." adorable. anyways you get to draw three cards off of it after drawing two, so card advantage.
Spark of Creativity is a way to abuse the hell out of Zada like Expedite does. Just go and search you entire deck for answers. You can chose not to do damage to the creatures and just cast cards. Be careful not to deck yourself if you're really set up.
INSTANTS:Built to Smash is in here because it's a beefy "get there" card. I still might trade it out with Confront the Unknown or Rush of Adrenaline, I just need to figure out how much I like it.
Expedite good ole expedite. Give your creatures haste and draw equal to the number on your side of the field if you have Zada. Use with Spark Creativity to look for answers, and be careful not to deck yourself.
Harnessed Lightning now this is a way to abuse getting energy. With Zada, you target your own creature, choose not to do damage, and get amazing card advantage as well as a ton of energy counters to give to Architect of the Untamed to abuse.
Appetite for the Unnatural is good artifact/enchantment removal at instant speed.
Blossoming Defense is a one drop give your creatures hexproof if you target zada with it, and the buff is just a bonus.
Collective Defiance gives you more access to card advantage and burn at the same time.
Clip Wings is a nice way to be mean to creatures with flying.
Commencement of Festivities is a nice way to alpha strike when it seems stupid to do so, then regret nothing if they alpha strike back.