Zada the real Goblin King!

Commander / EDH Malicious


Malicious says... #1

This is my take on Zada, while it might not be the most competitive list I wanted to go with a goblin theme. With that said there are obviously some non-goblin additions, like iron myr and hedron crawler for example to help with efficiency of mana and Zada triggers. Young pyromancer, storm-kiln artist, dualcaster mage and runaway steam-kin are also too good not to include.

Glacial crevasses was added as a sudo glacial chasm, seeing as I'm already using snow-covered mountains paired with extraplanar lens.

Wild magic surge is in here to help deal with problems, and not rely solely on chaos warp.

Lets be honest if this deck is running the way its supposed to be, there should only be one or two attacks needed to finish out a game. So instead of running 8 to 10 creature boost cards like titan strength or brute strength, I opted for more draw cards and only included the real heavy hitting creature boost cards.

Purphoros and Guttersnipe help soften opponents and get them ready for the kill shot, but they also draw a bit of hate away from Zada. And anything that draws hate away from the commander is always welcome.

This deck has the potential to draw a lot of cards that's why there is both the reliquary tower as well as the thought vessel. Hopefully i can draw into one of them, assuming the kill shot turn goes south and I need those cards to re-establish the board. Or I am drawing a good amount of cards, but still haven't drawn into the necessary win conditions like firestorm or fists of the flame etc.

August 1, 2022 8:25 p.m.

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