May 25, 2022
It's been a while since I've last updated, seeing several overhauls and major changes back and forth on a few things, so not only do I not have the changelog for the past four years, but I'm going to consider this a relaunch of the deck list.
July 24, 2018
Overhaul Time! With the release of Goblin Trashmaster, I've decided to try to further embrace the idea of Tribal Goblins. With that in mind some old cuts have been undone and new toys are coming in I'm not yet certain what is going to stick yet, but this is where Im starting. All of the cards I've cut have had a great and certain place I'm the deck, but I'm trying without them for now to see what happens. I will do further write up after testing.
Out: Chandra, Pyromaster, Strionic Resonator, Possibility Storm, Gauntlet of Might, Molten Birth, Pia and Kiran Nalaar, Mirrorwing Dragon
In: Goblin Trashmaster, Goblin Instigator, Mogg Alarm, Adaptive Automaton, Goblin King, Door of Destinies, Blood Moon
May 23, 2017
I feel that with the number of other win-cons than strictly Zada + pump spells, I can try the deck sans Boots to see if I miss them.
Out: Swiftfoot Boots
For the time being at least, Bloodmark is going to reclaim his slot.
In: Bloodmark Mentor
May 9, 2017
My out choices here were tough, and possibly not final. Chancellor is big CMC, so I'm going to bench him for the time being and see if I miss him. Mentor hurts. I like giving all of my stuff first strike but this feels like the Goblin I'd hunt least if I drop Matron, so we're on a trial seperation atm. As for Helm, I'm bringing in another alternate wincon/out so the protection on Zada feels less necessary.
Out: Chancellor of the Forge, Bloodmark Mentor, Champion's Helm
Combat Celebrant feels like it could be awesome in this deck, cheap creature that can (to some degree) double the effectiveness of my pump spells? I'm on board. And it combos for infinite combats with Kiki-Jiki. This is also the reason KJ finally stopped warming the bench. I'm really not sold on him because as just strictly a creature, his body to mana ratio is terrible. His ability is good, but it'll take more testing to see if he gets to keep his slot. Throne of the God-Pharaoh had me excited since the day it was spoiled. It's free extra damage for doing what I already want to do: turn my creatures sideways. It also allows me to get value even if I get fogged, and gets around pillowfort in multiplayer.
In: Combat Celebrant, Throne of the God-Pharoah, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
February 28, 2017
This is honestly just a change to pieces I like better: trample over first strike, immediate draw over delayed and conditional.
Out: Aleatory, Sure Strike
In: Renegade Tactics, Invigorated Rampage
September 2, 2016
Okay, some people may think I'm crazy for this but I am cutting Kher Keep in favour of Nyx because I just don't use Kher Keep that often. I usually have better things to do with my mana. Goblinslide is fun, but the mana investment to get use of it adds up quickly, it's good but I'm not sold on it being good enough.
Out: Kher Keep, Goblinslide
Grenzo's Ruffians is one I instantly liked. It self pumps in multiplayer games, and allows to get in a hit on the guy behind the pillowfort.
In: Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Grenzo's Ruffians
August 12, 2016
Otherworldly seemed like a good idea, but after some testing would up being REALLY situational. As for Bloody Frenzy, I find myself sitting on it too much after I've drawn it to justify it's slot.
Out: Otherworldly Outburst, Bloody Frenzy
How have I left Koth out this long?
In: Koth of the Hammer, Aleatory
July 18, 2016
The only card I feel like I need to explain leaving is Fists of the Anvil. It is a good pump spell. That's not a maybe. But I need to find room to try Otherworldly Outburst.
Out: Fists of the Anvil, Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs, Marton Stromgald, a Mountain
This is a wealth of riches coming into the deck for this update. Second copy of Zada's ability? Check. Token generation? Check. Board wipe recovery? We'll see!
In: Mirrorwing Dragon, Otherworldly Outburst, Hanweir Garrison, Hanweir Battlements
May 1, 2016
Out with the new and in with the old.
Out: Caged Sun
In: Gauntlet of Might
April 4, 2016
Outmaneuver is another card that is just too situational for me. With the way I ramp with spells, I tend to cast a large % of my pumps and coat spells in the precombat main, and Outmaneuver can only be used in combat and only to maximum efdect if Zada is being blocked, thus I prefer trample effects.
Out: Outmaneuver
In: Rush of Adrenaline
March 22, 2016
Personal choices here for cuts, I don't have a lot of opponents who play mountains, so King is out, I don't like the rigidity of the conditions Balduvian Rage requires (can only be used if Zada is attacking, and can only be copied to other attacking creatures), Blazing Shoal is better with bigger CMC cards.
Out: Goblin King, Balduvian Rage, Blazing Shoal
Big fan of Possibility Storm in this deck, it not only messes with opponents, but allows double triggers with Zada (cast a Cantrip on Zada, flip until you hit another and get 2x-1 draws).
In: Possibility Storm, Boiling Blood, Dualcaster Mage