Yeah, I've considered Mentor of the Meek and I'm sure it would be a really good draw engine but it would have a pretty huge impact on the mana curve; I've already got a lot going at the 3 mana spot, which makes me reluctant to add another card there, and I've got Twilight Drover, Mind Slash and Attrition that would compete with the Mentor for mana, plus Smallpox eating some of my lands.
I would like to include it, but I'm really not sure how I would fit it into the deck.
March 23, 2015 5:56 p.m.
BiomancingTerror says... #6
Best fucking name i've ever seen for a deck ever. +1
March 27, 2015 11:56 p.m.
@ninjaman16782, they're fine removal spells, but just has some better options and with Attrition in the deck I don't want to overload on removal.
wonjunicle says... #1
I personally use Mentor of the Meek in my token deck. It functions as amazing drawpower.
March 21, 2015 1:29 p.m.