Zaxara, the Exemplary: Hydra Infestation

Commander / EDH Forkbeard

SCORE: 132 | 120 COMMENTS | 33322 VIEWS | IN 62 FOLDERS

Forkbeard says... #1

poopyboner, yeah Elemental Bond + Garruk's Uprising don't trigger on Zaxara's tokens due to them entering the battlefield as a 0/0. The hydras that I cast trigger those enchantments as they ETB with their +1/+1 stats, but there's probably better options out there that I should consider. Perhaps I'll just slot in the aforementioned Branching Evolution in place of Elemental Bond, shrug.

June 22, 2020 6:42 p.m.

Xephon_ says... #2

Since you have lots of +1/+1 counters in this deck, I wonder if a couple proliferate cards would be worth it. I know cuts are getting tight, so the only ones I can find that could potentially make it are Sword of Truth and Justice and Karn's Bastion. The sword protects against cards like Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares, but probably won't make the cut. Bastion on the other hand could be swapped out for a Swamp or Reliquary Tower and also has a lot of synergy with Seedborn Muse and just in general because this deck produces a lot of mana to activate its ability.

July 1, 2020 noon

Forkbeard says... #3

Hey Xephon_. Considered proliferate effects in here but decided that they're just not needed. I was even running Hardened Scales in the first iteration and quickly learned that bumping up hydras by a mere 1 +1/+1 was of little value. Ramp and other big/infinite mana strats are the way to go for Zaxara.

July 2, 2020 7:24 p.m.

No doubling cube???

July 18, 2020 7:21 p.m.

Xephon_ says... #5

Bloodsucker1211, in order to net mana with Doubling Cube you need at least 7 mana in your mana pool before activating its ability. This is a bit of a high activation requirement, and functions better with decks that allow you to hold mana in your pool between phases and turns (ex: Omnath, Locus of Mana and Kruphix, God of Horizons). Instead, this deck uses infinite mana combos with cards like Pemmin's Aura which have a much higher power ceiling and lower opportunity/required cost in a deck like this.

July 19, 2020 6:08 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #6

Thanks Xephon_, hit the nail on the head re. Doubling Cube. Good card, just a little clunky and unneeded.

July 20, 2020 4:11 p.m.

CrazyDanPsycho says... #7

I apologize if this has already been suggested, but I didn't see it anywhere: what do you think of Altered Ego? I'm attempting a Zaxara build, and am contemplating the Ego. I think it'd be kind of a funny kick in the opponent's teeth to not only copy one of their really awesome creatures, but a lot bigger than their puny version...(lol) Just a thought...

September 4, 2020 5:25 p.m.

CrazyDanPsycho says... #8

Sorry, another random thought...wouldn't a reusable ramp, say Sword of the Animist or Explorer's Scope, be better than a one time use item like Expedition Map? Just curious, hope I'm not buggin...

September 4, 2020 5:41 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #9

Hey CrazyDanPsycho. Altered Ego is a fun clone card and I like that it's an honorary hydra (re. shapeshifter), but ultimately it didn't make the cut here.

I hear you on the reusable ramp cards, but Expedition Map is part of a suite to specifically assist with getting Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth online - it's why I'm running other land tutor cards like Nylea's Intervention, Pir's Whim & Sylvan Scrying as well.

September 6, 2020 3:29 p.m.

Xephon_ says... #10

Just saw some of the Zendikar Rising spoilers, and the new mythic dual-faced modal lands caught my attention. I wonder if Turntimber Symbiosis (not linked because TappedOut doesn't have it added yet) would be able to replace a forest here (since it has a green land on the back, but it's not a forest and to enter untapped costs 3 life). This is a flexible spell for later in the game, or mid game if you ramp fast enough, that digs into your deck a decent bit to put a creature onto the battlefield. It even works with hydras and Walking Ballista because it puts a few +1/+1 counters on them since they're cmc 3 or less.

To a lesser degree, Sea Gate Restoration  Flip could replace an island, but this doesn't necessarily synergize with the deck and is just utility draw.

The black land has not been spoiled yet, but if it's good I'll likely comment again (if I remember to).

September 6, 2020 4:13 p.m.

I understand your reasoning, thanks for the explanations.

September 6, 2020 6:15 p.m.

Xephon_ says... #12

Also, check out the newly spoiled Lithoform Engine (again not linked because TappedOut hasn't updated yet). This card is insane and can slot into basically every deck. Even more so here because there are so many triggered abilities, activated abilities, you could copy one of your doubling enchantments for some very explosive results, or you can even copy your hydras themselves (including their X cost!), although this wouldn't trigger Zaxara an additional time because Zaxara's ability triggers on cast. You could copy Zaxara's trigger though...

Basically, if it's on the stack and you control it, you can copy it.

September 7, 2020 1:52 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #13

Hey Xephon_! Yep, that new mythic flip land cycle has my attention for sure. Not entirely certain if I'll include them in here or not, but they're definitely cool. The black one was just spoiled and it's pretty sweet!

And yeah, Lithoform Engine is bananas, useful in most/all decks for sure. I'm already planning on adding it to my Roon deck but I could see it doing work in here too. At mythic I'm guessing it won't be a cheap single to pick up either.

September 8, 2020 2:42 p.m.

Bassduff says... #14

Hey Fork, I really like your list, I have almost the same! my playgroup is not allowing infinite combo so I need to swap the Basalt Monolith and Pemmin's Aura and Freed from the Real what would you replace them with? I would like to know

right now Im trying Leyline of Anticipation+ Wilderness Reclamation combo and Manascape Refractor to copy Cabal coffer or Nykthos

October 7, 2020 1:21 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #15

Thanks Bassduff! Those infinite mana pieces are core IMO, but I completely get why your group frowns on it. There's been a lot of combo talk recently in my playgroup too and having a 2 card infinite mana combo with one of the pieces sitting in the command zone is pretty potent to say the least.

I like those 3 cards you've mentioned. Leyline of Anticipation is just a great card in blue no matter what you're trying to do - it also pairs really well with Wilderness Reclamation, good call there. Manascape Refractor is interesting! Lots of additional ability that you could take advantage of for big mana. You asked me to suggest 3 other potential replacement cards so I'll give that a shot:

  • Herald of Secret Streams: I've been tempted to add this guy in here for additional evasion.
  • Corpsejack Menace: Many folks have suggested this fungus here and honestly, he probably deserves a slot in the 99 for obvious reasons.
  • Animist's Awakening: Seeing as you're taking out the mana combos, maybe this spell has potential? Getting lands, thinning your deck & probably creating a huge hydra while you're at it seems decent.

  • Nothing revolutionary, but there's a few ideas for you to think about.

    October 15, 2020 8:28 p.m.

    WarSpaniel says... #16

    If you were going to add Herald of Secret Streams, Corpsejack Menace, and Animist’s Awakening to your current list, what would you take out? Out of curioSixty? Your list is great btw!

    October 19, 2020 9:52 p.m.

    Forkbeard says... #17

    Thanks WarSpaniel, your name is great haha. That's actually a tough question - I made those 3 suggestions for Bassduff's brew, and even though I think they're cool cards I don't think I'd swap them in here.

    BUT IF I DID! I'd put in Corpsejack in place of Branching Evolution, Herald in place of Triumph of the Hordes & Awakening in place of Nylea's Intervention. Similar effects without losing any spells, slightly different plays (e.g. instead of a trample infect win with TotH, you slap down Herlad when you're ready for that big fat unblockable hydra win).

    October 20, 2020 12:46 a.m.

    WarSpaniel says... #18

    Thank you very much for your feedback and your quick response time. I’ve played this deck several times in paper and it’s really fun. Thank you

    October 20, 2020 9:06 p.m.

    unwucht says... #19

    Awesome list!

    December 22, 2020 9:06 a.m.

    Forkbeard says... #20

    Thanks unwucht!

    December 22, 2020 10:59 a.m.

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