Zedruu is a GOAT!! Not a Minotaur!!!
Commander / EDH*
TranquilWyvern says... #2
Thanks! I really thought it would be a fun element that would annoy my friends xD.
February 10, 2016 9:24 a.m.
nyctophasm says... #3
With this sort of coin flipping, it's almost as thought the beat stick was going for an attempt at control. This is bloody cool! I'd still recommend Volatile Rig, but that's just me talking.
February 12, 2016 5:43 p.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #4
Thanks for the suggestion! However with my 4 token generators, I feel that a 4 for a 4/4 trample with a chance to Languish the field may end up hurting me more than my opponents :/.
February 14, 2016 7:59 a.m.
nyctophasm says... #5
I've accidentally killed myself with my own rig trigger many times. It makes me happy, and makes my opponents smile in disbelief as they realize that I might die if this thing blows up. Never mind the fact that it takes a lot of the field with it, and hurts everyone else too. If I had it my way, I'd ensure that it blew apart properly every time.
February 14, 2016 11:21 a.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #6
After some thinking about your comment, I figured that Volatile Rig would be fun to play around. He adds interesting interactions (as you said) that this deck already loves.
Plus, its pretty much the opponents choice to blow him up or not.
February 15, 2016 7:33 p.m.
nyctophasm says... #7
What about Skyclaw Thrash? That one is all personal upside, even if it isn't a whole lot of beef
February 15, 2016 8:53 p.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #8
Ehh...for a 5-drop it really doesn't do enough in my opinion.
At best Skyclaw Thrash a 5 for a 5/5 with flying, which is good, but compared to Icefall Regent, Acidic Slime, Creepy Doll, and Kruphix, God of Horizons, it seems very lacking.
February 16, 2016 12:22 a.m.
nyctophasm says... #9
Fair enough, just thought I'd mention it as it includes coin flipping. Oh well, I tried.
February 16, 2016 12:25 p.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #10
Haha! No problem, thanks for the suggestion; I really appreciate it!
February 16, 2016 4:07 p.m.
nyctophasm says... #11
My advice is significantly hampered by the fact that most of my immediate thoughts towards suggestions are already in there. I've never played Zedruu, I don't know how he operates exactly, except that you want to be able to give stuff away while maintaining the benefit... like Howling mine and such, in fact. You're actually playing Goblin Game. Wow. That one is too much for me, and I play chaos. The first card I looked for was Fiery Gambit, and I saw that one there. I like your capacity for giving everything you cast flash, that is just good business. My favorite counterspell for this sort of deck is Dream Fracture, because it counters a spell, sure, but then draws both parties a card in its place.
However, I just can't argue enough for the joys of playing Grip of Chaos with Confusion in the Ranks. Does that ever get interesting after a while... and heaven help the poor player who happened to play Life and Limb before that.
March 17, 2016 7:56 p.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #12
Haha! I'm hoping that similar things happen whenever I play this deck in my play group. ;]
Actually, I really need to cut cards from the deck (I currently have 120 cards), so if you can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Unfortunately, I took out Goblin Game for that very reason. I also took out most of the beat-sticks from the deck in order to stick to the chaotic aspect of the deck.
March 17, 2016 11:11 p.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #13
Normally, Zedruu the Greathearted decks focus around giving opponents cards like Steel Golem or Delusions of Mediocrity in order to hinder them.
In this deck, I'm using him to basically enable the colors for the chaotic cards, to draw lots of cards, and stay in the game longer.
March 17, 2016 11:16 p.m.
nyctophasm says... #14
If you're not running many instants, Braid of Fire isn't going to do you much good.
March 18, 2016 11:34 a.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #15
I was thinking it would go well with Leyline of Anticipation and Vedalken Orrery. It also generates a lot of support for the activated abilities of the artifacts (i.e. Basalt Monolith, Gemstone Array, Prototype Portal), but yeah, it probably should go.
I've been trying to fit it into a deck; I preemptively bought it without knowing that the mana drains before the first main phase xx.
March 18, 2016 11:51 a.m.
nyctophasm says... #18
You have a lot of artifacts that require tapping, have you ever considered Clock of Omens? Tapping it and something like Howling Mine can provide your Sol Ring with more mana production for example. It's not the strongest idea by any means, but it might have a utilitarian purpose.
March 20, 2016 10:14 a.m.
Dumeeperninja says... #19
Let's see how many other chaotic cards I can think of...
March 20, 2016 10:34 a.m.
Dumeeperninja says... #20
Also, some cuts.
Archangel's Light is a very low- impact card for 8 mana, it's complete card disadvantage.
Archangel of Tithes doesn't contribute to the chaos plan of your deck. Same with Propaganda. (If you want pillow fort, keep these in.)
Tezzeret the Seeker doesn't do enough for your deck to warrant inclusion.
March 20, 2016 10:42 a.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #21
Alright, thanks for the insight.
I wanted Archangel's Light, along with Learn from the Past in the deck, so I didn't deck out. Elixir of Immortality doesn't fit because I'll probably lose control of it. Maybe Reminisce would be better?
I was use Tezzeret the Seeker to search for artifacts (specifically Krark's Thumb), but I guess you're right.
Archangel of Tithes and Propaganda are in their for pillow forting, but I'll take them out.
March 20, 2016 12:39 p.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #22
Also, I don't want effects that cheat cards into play in the deck because it favors decks that plays big creatures. So I don't really like Pyxis of Pandemonium and Timesifter in the deck. Though I'll put Pyxis in the maybeboard; multiple cards entering the battlefield at the same time and at my discretion seems awesome.
Shared Fate looks interesting, but the play-ability of those cards (due to mana colors) would cause less cards to be played, which is against one of the goals of the deck.
March 20, 2016 1:01 p.m.
Dumeeperninja says... #23
March 20, 2016 1:33 p.m.
TranquilWyvern says... #24
I like Juxtapose and Wild Research, but I'm not really sure what to take out for them. :/
My play group doesn't really like people messing with lands very much, so I dont really want to have Vedalken Plotter.
Also, I already have Cultural Exchange. ;)
March 20, 2016 3:12 p.m.
I know this is not what you've asked for, but I've got kind of a collection of silly cards in this decklist, here. Chaos. It's definitely not finished. It's more of a shopping cart, really.
As far as your deck goes, you definitely want Bazaar Trader and Delusions of Mediocrity in there. You probably also want Jinxed Idol. Vision Skeins would be fitting, too.
I see lots of things that don't make a whole lot of sense for your gameplan (or anti-gameplan, as it were). Dictate of the Twin Gods, Learn from the Past, Psychic Spiral, Insurrection. They're cool, but are they fun enough?
I also see lots of overpriced stuff: Gauntlets of Chaos, Scrambleverse, Insurrection, Warp World, pretty much all of your creatures... You can't stir up the muck if you can't pay for your stuff.
I don't think you need any of the coin flip mechanics, but if that's your thing then go for it. You do have some awesome flip cards, but IMO it's not that fun for other people to wait around for a coin flip. I'm speaking from personal experience playing the Pokemon TCG here. It's more fun for everybody if other players feel like they can participate in the chaos with cards like Whims of the Fates or Chain of Plasma.
Ravock says... #1
I love the coin flipping!
February 10, 2016 12:06 a.m.