Zedruu of the Greathugs
Commander / EDH
Playtesting —April 22, 2015
Played a couple 5 player games, Zedruu was effective but trollish. Took out main offenders (looking at you, Transcendence)
MunchingAberration says... #2
Ooo, nice one. Propaganda + Taniwha for excellent pillowforting XD
September 10, 2014 2:09 p.m.
This is looks like a perfect deck to make Goblin Cadets useful.
September 20, 2014 12:49 p.m.
Steven_Fuckin_Hyde says... #4
So when you hear phasing out, does that mean it stays exiled until the end step or it exiles itself and then comes straight back in?
September 23, 2014 10:33 a.m.
Steven_Fuckin_Hyde says... #5
And Ghostly Prison ? Or did you leave that out on purpose?
September 23, 2014 10:36 a.m.
MunchingAberration says... #6
I believe cards with phasing leave/enter on the untap step; e.g. with Taniwha
the lands would phase out on upkeep and re-enter on the player's next untap step, only to be immediately phased again in the following upkeep.
Ghostly Prison should probably be in, I put Propaganda because it's $2 vs. $4. I'm slowly upgrading as I feel like spending money. e.g. Hallowed Fountain and Sacred Foundry to complement Endless Horizons . Suggestions for what to take out? I'm also considering Forced Fruition for possible mill/hug, Oblation for more control/hug, and Sacred Mesa to combo with Vicious Shadows . Was thinking of removing Darksteel Ingot , Political Trickery , and Journeyer's Kite .
Tezna says... #1
No Taniwha ? He is amazing with Zedruu.
September 9, 2014 5:50 p.m.