Zegana Syndrome.

Commander / EDH Tynasi


Amnesiac_ says... #1

I built a deck similar to this (with the exception of playing Deadeye) and it is super fun. Lorescale Coatl is a great creature for the deck as your general doubles his power instantly and you might be surprised how big he gets. Mystic Snake is pretty nuts, if you get the chance I would definitely move him into the mainboard of the deck. Trygon Predator is a great control / removal piece for this deck since he is a consistent way to rid yourself of your opponents' annoying artifacts and enchantments. Wood Elves is strictly better than farhaven elf since he puts the land into play untapped for the exact same amount of mana and he can grab Breeding pool. If you play a lot of etb effects Cloudstone Curio can be very useful but fairly mana intensive. I notice a lot of triggered abilities here, Strionic Resonator may be able to help, I find it especially good with the general to give her 2x the counters. For the sheer fun of it I love Unexpected Results , it may be less useful in your deck since you have more counterspells. If you are interested the deck is Zegana, Simic Growth Practitioner . Sorry I don't have a real description put together yet, I have been busy with other projects. Great deck, Keep up the good work.

May 4, 2014 3:03 a.m.

Tynasi says... #2

Thanks for the great suggestions and I'm glad you like the deck ;P. As I said I don't play Deadeye Navigator because it is simply too strong and to me it makes it too easy to pull of insane combos that nobody can respond to but I understand why you play it (no judgment). To be honest I hadn't thought of Lorescale Coatl if I can get my hands on one I might put it in. With Mystic Snake it's more I do not know what to take out for it and I already have so many counters. Trygon Predator Is a great card and I wish I had a copy but I have no idea what I would take out for it.Wood Elves ... I wish I had one ;( nothing else I can say but until I get one I'm stuck playing his less good younger sister Farhaven Elf . Cloudstone Curio seems very mana intense and even though I generally have a high mana base not sure I could justify taking something out to put it in (also for this exact reason I'm looking for a Riptide Laboratory Since I play a decent amount of Wizards and lands are easier to take out). Strionic Resonator was actually in here to begin with, but it got cut because if I'm in a position to use it properly I should already be winning anyway (by that I mean most of the triggers I'd want to copy are devastating for my opponents and generally a copy is not needed). Same story with Unexpected Results it just happened too often that it pulled out a counter spell and also I find it a bit too slow, but like you I love the randomness of the card and kept it in there until I eventually had to cut it(had the dream happen where it pulled me Dismiss into Dream on turn 4 followed by a turn five Tamiyo, the Moon Sage play, it was awesome!). Thanks for the suggestions and I will definitely check your deck out :).

May 4, 2014 4:15 a.m.

Tynasi says... #3

But what do you think essiga9 any suggestions?

May 5, 2014 7:14 a.m.

Amnesiac_ says... #4

I am a firm believer that despite the higher mana cost counterspell creatures are more effective in this kind of build than traditional counters. They act to give you a field presence that benefits things like your general. Cards like Draining Whelk are tremendous here providing counter magic and a potential for large draw from your general. Dismiss into Dream is 7 mana for an enchantment that you only have 4 repeatable engines to trigger. I think you would benefit from dropping it in favor of a more versatile card like Cyclonic Rift or the Mystic Snake . Ranger's Path is a good ramp spell but if you find one Skyshroud Claim is strictly better. Overrun really seems more like a "wins more" card to me. If your winning it just helps you do it better but it will not really dig you out of a hole if your losing, especially being a 1 time use. You have a lot of high power creatures in the list which is why it can be good and it seems like evasion could be helpful in a pinch, Nylea, God of the Hunt is a great card for this and seems better than overrun since she is repeatable and you can tutor for her with any green creature tutors. Staff of Nin is a great card since it draws you an extra card each turn but the 1 damage ability is often irrelevant in this format. Since your general is a constant draw engine (answer her or die kind of thing when she hits field) I wonder if it is really necessary. I know its expensive but the land make the deck, I would try to put some more $ into your landbase. Great deck, keep it up.

May 5, 2014 10:14 a.m.

Tynasi says... #5

Took out Staff of Nin Engulfing Slagwurm Overrun Dissolve Vivid Grove and Dismiss into Dream and replaced them with Capsize Thragtusk Hinder Cyclonic Rift Kodama's Reach and Yavimaya Hollow not certain i made the right choices any thoughts on the matter essiga9 or possibly other suggestions for what to take out?

May 16, 2014 3:39 a.m.

Amnesiac_ says... #6

That looks like a great swap. I think everything that was cut was replaced with more versatile cards. Looks good, keep up the good work.

May 16, 2014 8:08 a.m.

Tynasi says... #7

Okay so this time the changes to the deck are quite big and there are alot of them made, but i'd like some more input on whether i made the right choices or not.Took out: Lightning Greaves Dissipate Oran-Rief, the Vastwood Acidic Slime Spelltwine Bramblecrush Giant Adephage Garruk Wildspeaker Kiora, the Crashing Wave Roil Elemental Mulldrifter Primeval Bounty Boundless Realms Rewind Replaced with:Cavern of Souls Riptide Laboratory Flooded Grove Tooth and Nail Birthing Pod Cloudstone Curio Crystal Shard Capsize Beast Within Consecrated Sphinx Deadeye Navigator Glen Elendra Archmage Mystic Snake Palinchron Trygon Predator Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger So I'd like some input/suggestions on what might have been better choices or whether i made the right choices in general. essiga9 thoughts?

May 17, 2014 5:52 a.m.

Amnesiac_ says... #8

Taken outs - Oran-Rief, the Vastwood is incredibly strong with Avenger of Zendikar and Glen Elendra Archmage so I think it is worth a slot still. Acidic Slime is too versatile of removal to be ignored, I think he is still a must play. As far as ramp goes, Garruk Wildspeaker , Kiora, the Crashing Wave , and Boundless Realms are all some of the best ramp for this deck, might be worth keeping.

Put in - I like everything that went into the deck with the exception of maybe the Cavern of Souls and Riptide Laboratory . They hold great synergy with your general but aside from her I only count 5 wizards. They are still worth playing but I feel like they may be weaker add ins comparatively to the rest.

In deck now - Temple of the False God , this is one of those cards that I have a love hate relationship with. Occasionally I will be at 4 land and have this in hand with a six drop in which case it can be nuts. More often than not I find this land in my opening hand and it sits dead for quite some time or I draw it past turn 6 where pretty much any land will do. With a good amount of hard ramp I think this slot would be just as productive with a basic land. Bane of Progress can be really strong against certain decks but over the course of the game I feel like Acidic Slime , Woodfall Primus , Terastodon , and Trygon Predator are enough to deal with almost any non creature based threat. Sun Quan, Lord of Wu feels a bit out of place here. I am aware that he can make your general almost instantly lethal but a lot of the time he just means that while you rack up damage none of your opponents' creatures will be dying in combat. You win most combats already and if your opponents see you racking up a field of 'unblockable' dudes you are likely to draw a load of aggro from other players. Also you sort of want your general dead anyway so you can recast her for the repeated draw. Just my personal feelings on the guy. Overall I think this last load of changes was very productive and I like the way this deck has gone. It is really strong and fun. Keep it up.

May 17, 2014 9:54 a.m.

Tynasi says... #9

Okay so take out Temple of the False God and put Oran-Rief, the Vastwood back in i can see that making sense the only thing i don't like about Oran-Rief, the Vastwood is that it enters tapped but thats still alright considering what it does. The reason i kept Bane of Progress but replaced Acidic Slime was basically that a lot of people i play against have a lot of artifact based ramp and with bane i can hit all of it while almost never hurting myself, but i agree Acidic Slime is very good and i would like to put him back in but i think I'll see how this goes first. Sun Quan, Lord of Wu has actually been doing a lot of work for me previously so even though i agree with you criticism of him I can't really see what i should put in instead (any suggestions are welcome) Garruk Wildspeaker is out of the deck simply because i feel the overrun mechanic is not required for me and that was his main role even though the 2 land untaps are nice I don't think it's all that powerful and the things i have added in instead seem much more powerful. Kiora, the Crashing Wave was cut because too often it was a 4 mana draw a card play a land and it's just not mana efficient. Boundless Realms is the card i least wanted to cut, but i could not figure out what i should take out and i could not justify any other card because almost all of the cards in the deck have really good synergy with each other. Ofcourse I'm open for better suggestions, but i think you will find that most of the things i cut was cut because i couldn't see any other alternative. Oh and btw Riptide Laboratory is in there for more or less the same reason that High Market is, it lets me protect a lot of my combo pieces and the same is true for Cavern of Souls lands can be very solid protections because not too often do people run multiple land destruction spells unless ofcourse they specifically play to destroy lands. essiga9 always appreciate your input so if you can find better alternatives for the cards then I'd very much appreciate it.

May 17, 2014 11:41 a.m.

neverdie says... #10

Defense of the Heart could give you another Tooth and Nail effect.

May 20, 2014 9:10 a.m.

Tynasi says... #11

That would be a good card to put in here, but currently this deck list is really solid and everything in it works really well together if you have a suggestion for what to take out I would appreciate that. neverdie. Suggestions are always appreciated.

May 21, 2014 5:04 a.m.

neverdie says... #12

I would cut the following:

May 21, 2014 11:26 a.m.

Tynasi says... #13

Hi neverdieInteresting view you have on the cards and you certainly have a good point. So let me explain my reasoning for putting them in.

  • Ranger's Path > Skyshroud Claim I simply do not own one simple as if I did I would use it.
  • Capsize > Curse of the Swine I'd have to disagree with this one, mostly because I think Capsize is much more versatile than Curse of the Swine also with Capsize I can dump whatever mana I don't use on counter spells to bounce troublesome creatures/planeswalkers(Which is relevant when people in my playgroup actually play planeswalker decks) to lead the way for my own it's not a bad switch and I can see why you would suggest that specific takeout, but I do not think it would be the correct way to go for this deck. Also I don't particularly like playing a removal spell that's at sorcery speed.
  • Forbid > Defense of the Heart this one I can agree with I do not particularly like Forbid Myself sometimes it's amazing other times it's just like any other counterspell so I guess I'll have to try and pick up a Defense of the Heart .Appreciate the great suggestions thanks for the criticism.
May 22, 2014 1:08 a.m.

neverdie says... #14

No prob, my reasoning behind the Capsize swap is also my playgroup! ;) Everyone one abuses ETB triggers, which leads me to the Curse of the Swine -- it's the only exile creature spell in green or blue that I'm aware of -- aside from artifact removal like Duplicant , and it's a multi-target spell...

I have a Prime Speaker Zegana EDH in the works listed in my profile; check it out and give me your two cents -- I'd appreciate it!

May 22, 2014 9:10 a.m.

Tynasi says... #15

neverdie you've got it ;) haha the things we do for our playgroups. if you're having trouble with ETB you should look into adding Torpor Orb to your deck it's a really nice way to slow things down, the downside is that it hits you too I'm afraid. As i said always appreciate imputs on my decks and I'm always willing to help out with others' decks if i can.

May 22, 2014 5:32 p.m.

Tynasi says... #16

Small Update.

Taken out.


Let me know what you think. Personally I would say that these are some good changes always fround Garruk's Horde a little lackluster and Forbid is hardly ever anything other than a Cancel

June 4, 2014 4:06 a.m.

Steaditup says... #17

I have a similar Zegana deck on a bit of a smaller budget. With all the ETB abuse, I'm surprised not to find a Laboratory Maniac . I honestly believe that every Zegana list should include him. One of my favorite cards to partner with Zegana is Heroes' Bane . He's a bit more fair than the infinite mana combos so you might avoid him if you're playing competitively, but it sets you up nicely for a huge Zegana draw.

August 27, 2014 1:23 a.m.

Tynasi says... #18

Hi Steaditup I originally considered running Laboratory Maniac in my deck, but it's in my opinion too easy to respond to that as a win condition all your opponent has to do is kill him and you've just killed yourself. Heroes' Bane is a reasonable card to consider my only problem is what to cut every time I cut a card it requires time and play testing to figure out whether or not it's going to work out and it's a huge hassle unless I can find a card that I think is downright underperforming I generally prefer to only "upgrade" this deck atm. That being said if you have any suggestions you're more than welcome to toss them here ;). Thanks for the upvote.

August 27, 2014 3:48 a.m.

Steaditup says... #19

Laboratory Maniac turns Zegana into a combo win button, which it looks like this deck does a lot of.

September 26, 2014 3:31 a.m.

Tynasi says... #20

Steaditup i believe it's been suggested before, but as you might be right it would be a reasonable add in. Any suggestions in terms of cards to take out would be really appreciated ;).

September 26, 2014 4:45 a.m.

asasinater13 says... #21

Okay. I love zegana decks, my one is my favorite. This looks sweet and I'll give it more time to look at it when I'm at a computer, but at a glance, Dissipate is just better than spell crumple

April 30, 2015 12:38 a.m.

Steaditup says... #22

Your Zegana list is much more combo-oriented than mine. My zegana deck is my first and favorite EDH deck and I've been spoiling it with foils recently. May I recommend Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx? It's an absurd mana generator later in the game.

April 30, 2015 12:56 a.m.

enpc says... #23

You'd be better running Chancellor of the Spires over Diluvian Primordial. Especially if your opponent has something like a Demonic Tutor in their graveyard. You shoudl probably look into upgrading your Farhaven Elf into a Wood Elves, especially if you can get your hands on a Tropical Island.

I can't say I'm a big fan of Defense of the Heart or Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger. I think you could find some much better suited cards.

April 30, 2015 12:58 a.m.

asasinater13 says... #24

I strongly recommend finding room for Laboratory Maniac mainboard. he's won me more games than I can count. honestly wins me most of the games I win, because by the time opponents are responding you've drawn your answers (like Mindbreak Trap or any counterspell).

Deadeye + zegana is entirely ridiculous a combo to have.

if you want to jam more combos into your deck you could go Arcanis the Omnipotent or Azami, Lady of Scrolls + Mind Over Matter, though I don't think that's better than the things you already have. I strongly recommend getting lab maniac into there though.

also Archetype of Endurance has done a surprisingly large amount of work in my deck. I Tooth and Nail for him + Prophet of Kruphix and it's extremely back breaking for an opponent to try to work though (my dekc doesn't have any two-creature win combos). especially with the card draw zegana provides, you can hopefully keep counterspells up forever with that setup for any board wipes that could happen.

and consider Snapcaster Mage as well. he's just good.

April 30, 2015 1:07 a.m.

Tynasi says... #25

Hey enpc Chancellor of the Spires would be better if I was playing single player EDH, but seeing as Diluvian Primordial lets me take from all opponents graveyards I prefer that.

Farhaven Elf I play this over Wood Elves simply because my deck is more focused on the blue aspect rather than the green. I'm not limited by how much green mana I have more often than not it's the blue that matters. If I had a Tropical Island then sure it would make more sense, but atm I do not.

Defense of the Heart was something I picked up because I had the foil and my playgroup banned Tooth and Nail from being played. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger works kind of like a second Deadeye Navigator in tandem with Palinchron they both make infinite mana. Probably not the best card, but he's big and looks awesome IMO that counts too any suggestions for swaps are more than welcome.

asasinater13 I forgot to re update my list I actually made this swap already.

Steaditup I don't know It's never really done much for me have to admit I'm not really a fan.

April 30, 2015 1:18 a.m.

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