I've seen a lot of different versions of this deck on Tappedout. Eldrazi aggro, Eldrazi midrange, Eldrazi control. I didn't want to choose one of them, I wanted to create a unique deck that was flexible enough to get the best from each of these archetypes. So here we are!
This deck tries to control the game, outtempo the opponent, ramp into big threats and then start with the beatdown. It's a bit of every archetype. I like to call it Eldrazi ContRampAggroRange. Just kidding, but you get the meaning.
In the early game, you play like a draw-go control deck, with cards like Delay, Go for the Throat, Warping Wail. Then, cards like
Eldrazi Temple
Grave Birthing
will ramp and cheat high mana cost Eldrazi into play: first of all
Blight Herder
Oblivion Sower
and Sire of Stagnation, strong creatures that utilize the exile zone to be even more powerful. Now, you start the beatdown with your mighty Eldrazi! And don't forget processors' best friend, Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver.
As you will see, this deck is very versatile, and every card serves his own purpose. Let's break them down!
Delay: This spell is usually addressed as bad, but in this deck is just beautiful. Not only it is a Counterspell, it also feeds the exile zone for our Processors. When the exiled card will return in the graveyard, it won't be cast anymore.
Go for the Throat: One of the best removal at disposal of black decks.
Grave Birthing
: This is our little Swiss Knife. It feeds the exile zone, it ramps into the bigger Eldrazi, and it even cantrips. It's the perfect tool for this deck!
Warping Wail: Our second Swiss Knife. It will be a removal in the early game against a ton of important creatures in Modern, while feeding the exile zone; it will be an insurance against Thoughtseize and IoK, and against board wipes; it will ramp some more. Just a fantastic card.
Blight Herder
: Our dimir Tarmogoyf now comes with his friends, the Scions! This can easily be cast on turn 3, overwhelming the opponent with board presence. The tokens will also help ramping in other Eldrazi.
Oblivion Sower
: This. 5/8 for 6, even less in this deck, is already huge. The exile on cast and the land theft is just so sweet.
Sire of Stagnation: I just love this guy! It's the main ramp target. Cast it on turn 4, and the advantage is huge. Also a 5/7 body is always great.
Wasteland Strangler
: The littlest processor in the deck, it will kill a lot of targets with his ability. Great creature, obligatory playset.
Void Winnower: THIS. When it was spoiled I was like "What the..?", and now I found a home for him. In a meta where if something costs 2, it has to be good, with not so many 3-drops, and with relevant 4-mana spells, this creature is a powerhouse. Note that it hoses token decks as well, since they cannot block our monsters.
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver: This card is nuts in this deck. The exile ability is even more relevant with our processors, plus this planeswalker can quickly become a large threat.
Relic of Progenitus: One of the most important cards of the deck. It's the main trigger for our processors, and gives us a card when we need gas. Obligatory 4 copies.
Eldrazi Temple
: Do I really have to tell why this is great in an Eldrazi deck?
Wasteland Strangler
on turn 2. Just an example.
This is an example of how hard this deck can beat.
Turn 1:
Eldrazi Temple
, Relic of Progenitus
Turn 2: Swamp, pass the turn, end of their turn get a token with Warping Wail and activate the Relic.
Turn 3: Land, activate the relic, tap the lands and sacrifice the token to cast either a Sire of Stagnation,
Oblivion Sower
Blight Herder
and start the beatdown.
As you have seen, this deck can explode in a few turns and it's extremely resilient. Give it a try, and you'll see. So far I'm really happy about how it performs, it has a great matchup against lots of other decks: it's fantastic against graveyard based strategies, destroys Tarmo, wrecks slower decks.
As always, comments and +1s are greatly appreciated. Thanks for the attention!
And remember: any resistance is futile.