This deck focuses on getting into your opponents hand with very little harm to yourself. A few interactions I'll point out. Their is the Beat half and the Distruption half.
[b]The Beats[/b]
Gravecrawler - Bloodghast on steroids. This card is the bread and butter to zombies. Even as a one drop, drawing them is ALWAYS good. I would keep a 5 card hand of 4 Gravecrawlers and a swamp ALL DAY. He dies gracefully, and actual removal in the form of celestial purge or grafdigger's cage ultimately favors me.
Geralf's Messenger - Kitchen finks on steroids. He nails the opponents coffin with his resilience and power. Don't need to say much else, but exiling and bouncing kinda hurts him more then gravecrawler, solely that I often spend the turn only casting him.
Diregraf Captain - Basically the end of the curve. Drop him, and all of a sudden my zombies start tearing things to pieces. Demands removal as well, which is nice when my opponent is going to be short on cards.
Diregraf Ghoul - Excellent zombie, his cost help make an OK hand into a great hand.
[b]The Distruption[/b]
Smallpox - Very straightforward. You dont mind discarding, you dont mind sac'ing critters, and since you curve out at a whopping three, you don't need land. In fact, the thing that hurts the most is the 1 life. On turn 2, its often going to take your opponent back a turn.
Altar's Reap - I think "healing your hand is very important when messing with smallpox, and altar's reap is a great way to do it. Again, Sac'n a creature is negligible. It's considered disruption, becomes it can ensure some of my creatures go to the grave when I want them to.
Tragic Slip - An absolute allstar in this deck, and the entire reason why you dont see much other removal. After turn 2, this will be bigger game then dismember. It will always be going -13/-13, because you will constantly be killing things, whether they be your creatures or your opponents.
Liliana of the Veil - All of her abilities are relevant here, and just having another drop that needs to be dealt with gives me a nice pool of game winning cards.
Distress(Despise) - Since despise s only really relevant in certain match-ups, I usually start out with distress, so that I can ensure I'm not throwing a blank card at my opponent. I can ensure whether my small pox will be big game, or if I should bring the beats.
Black Cat - A weaker card, but it's a zombie, it costs 2, and it likes to die. At the end of the day, what more do you need?
Black Sun's Zenith - It seems redundant, but with the expecatant rise of tokens and creature heavy decks, my zombies sometimes won't keep up. My zombies can bounce back after a wipe, while tokens usually aren't so lucky :)
Feel free to criticize or suggest! I'm still tinkering with the sideboard.