I am running a very innefficient form of this deck, with a lot of one-ofs and no real sideboard to speak of, and picking up cards to round it out more and make iit look like an actual deck rather than just something I slapped together.

That said, I've seen reasonable success with this deck against decks of all playstyles and colors, including a devoid aggro eldrazi, midrangy red, and r/w aggro.

It starts out with a very aggressive playstyle with two different rollouts depending on what you get for your opening hand. After the first few turns and you get your beginning combo pieces Anointed Procession + Anointer Priest + Embalmer's Tools , Bontu's Monument + Wayward Servant + zombie cards, you take a very defensive stance and, using the zombies from your embalm cards + tokens being generated, gain life and just grind out the game. No matter the starting hand it will always end up the same way, with you having a Bontu's on the board and watching as the other guys life quite rapidly ticks away with no way around it. Except removing all your combo pieces, but that's not a huge deal considering you've got A) dupes and B) Wander in Death.

Mana seems on the light side, but in my early playtesting it's perfectly playable, especially with Evolving Wilds. If I can find some mana dorks then I'm probably set, but I've never felt throttled until I really got my combo pieces in place and just started slapping shit down willy nilly.

The important part is to take and hold the early boardstate, while controlling exactly what you're putting on the board so that way you don't gimp your combo later. This deck also features a lot of cards to grab from your graveyard, so that you can keep refilling your hand with cheap zombies and keep ticking away with Bontus.

The biggest downside to it is that earlygame can feel quite akward, being halfway between a zombie token and halfway between an embalm deck. If they remove a lot of your important cards early you'll have a hard time crawling your way out of your hole, unless you pull your "Wander In Death"s. Don't sweat losing your Cats and Priests early, you can just embalm them later after dropping an Embalmers Tool, especially if you start getting your zombie pieces on the board.

The ultimate endgame boardstate for you looks like 2+ Wayward Servant, 1 Bontu's Monument, 1 Oketra's Monument, 2 Lord of the Accursed, plus whatever you can vomit out on the same turn.

I'm still developing a sideboard, but it feels like against heavy aggro you can more heavily go into one direction (Embalm or Zombie) to syngergize with it better and stall him out with more healthgain. You're going to need to get a lot of tokens to chump with by midgame, but that shouldn't a problem when things start ticking away.

Later on I plan to cut some of the shit out and slap in a few Liliana Last Hopes, but I'm really digging the flexibility between either going embalm or full zombie early.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

30 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Anointer Priest 1/3 W, Sacred Cat 1/1 W, Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance, Zombie 2/2 B
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