I would play fewer one-drops, if you want a more control-oriented deck.
February 5, 2012 6:52 p.m.
Yeah I was considering that. I was hoping to overload the 1-drop spot and keep the 2-drop open for hand disruption/counter magic. Hopefully this deck can go aggro, with the only control being Mana Leaks, Liliana of the Veil and Small Pox.
Currently playtesting with Havengul Lich to make my 1-drops more economical as I can bring them back many times mid/late game.
Thanks for the input!
February 5, 2012 10:11 p.m.
Havengul Lich, in addition to Grimgrin, Corpse-Born, slows the deck down a tiny bit too much for my liking. At least for now, I dropped him for 2x Skinrender and keep GGC-B over him.
Also, Black Sun's Zenith in the SB seems a bit counter-intuitive and might need to go. Possibly another Mortarpod would serve me better if I'm playing against heavy removal and/or weenie decks.
Steimtime says... #1
Ughhhh my Maybeboard makes me cry. I don't know where to fit them in! Only playtesting will solve this.
February 5, 2012 12:30 a.m.