MisterRoach says... #2
I would say drop Unliving Psychopath because in my experience he is never big enough to destroy most fatties that get played in EDH, maybe throw in Phyrexian Delver to replace him because it's just Reanimate with legs and counts as a zombie as well.
Corpse Harvester is also nice to run as well.
April 18, 2012 6:39 p.m.
What about Ratchet Bomb or Nevinyrral's Disk or something like that to fill up those graveyards and restore balance if another deck builds up faster or more powerfully than zambies can (with all that sacrificing and not flying and not trample etc. etc.)
Otherwise the only thing that I can think to say is Braaaaaaiiiiiiiiiinnnsss +1
May 11, 2012 8:43 a.m.
I would just like to point out that edh decks have to be 100 including the general.
February 3, 2013 7:42 p.m.
MartialArt says... #5
I know this khazper. This is one reason why I need help with this deck. To cut things out till I get to the 99 cards.
February 4, 2013 4:48 a.m.
PropaneAddict says... #6
I'll just go through the list and name cards i think you should cut.
Drop the Adaptive Automaton , he's really not as useful as you'd think, being so small and giving so little of a buff.I don't really see the value in running a Boneknitter either, I'd much rather throw another fatty in his place.Cairn Wanderer doesn't make much sense in this deck as Mikaeus and the Pharaoh would buff it.Crypt Champion can be very bad for you as you don't have very many 3 drops that make a huge difference. The best you could return is a zombie-lord style creature. Dreadwing is nice because you can pump him... but expect him to be dealt with fairly quickly since he is an x/1card:Geralf's Messenger is okay... but i wouldn't run it in my EDH deck.Gloomdrifter is VERY meh, since it's a one turn effect and a pretty poor one at that. Cut it.I wouldn't use a Gravecrawler unless I had very many consistent sac outlets. Late game, a Gravecrawler will be a dead draw.Gravedigger is too high mana and doesn't offer a whole lot in terms of body size.The Gravespawn Sovereign is spectacular but can leave you vulnerable if you over extend by tapping to bring back something you shouldn't. Play with caution.Nefashu might be too weak to do very much against other comparable 6 drops in EDH. I would cut it.There is no need for the Nightscape Familiar with the lack of red and blue spells.Shapesharer is great clone card, just be careful of the legendary rule.I absolutely love Skinrender I don't run it because it's kinda weak but if it works in your play group, then go ahead and use it.Stromgald Crusader takes too much to get a whole lot out of. That said, he can really tear up decks that rely on white removal spells. I'd suggest sideboarding him.I like Wight of Precinct Six but not in this deck, you don't have enough ways to plop creatures into opponents graveyards.
Why the Snuff Out ? I know you have a nice pool of life to use, but 4 life or 5 mana? that's awful. There are much better cards out there. Such as Dreadbore , Agonizing Demise , card:Crosis's Charm, Dark Banishing , Essence Vortex Execute , just to name a few.
Jace Beleren doesn't deserve a spot in this deck since you don't rely on mill. If you're looking for draw, a Howling Mine would do the trick.
Drop some Islands and Mountains in favor of Dragonskull Summit and Darkslick Shores , it will go further in the long run to have as much black mana as possible.
Nice selection of Sorceries to work with
You have a lot of nice, power enchantments that work well with your deck. Maybe a painful quandry would help slow your opponenets.
Grave Pact NEEDS to be in this deck.
February 9, 2013 12:29 p.m.
PropaneAddict says... #7
Onto your maybe board.
No to card:Belbe's Portal, You only have a handful of cards over 5 mana so it's practically worthless in this deck, 6 and 7 mana drops will be no problem especially with a well distributed mana base.
Chill to the Bone ... eh. It's removal. don't rely on too much spot removal.
Cruel Ultimatum eh. It's decent but and a single sacrifice and a couple discards isn't spectacular
Deadapult No. WAYYYY better sac outlets out there.
Deathbringer Thoctar might be a good choice, he can get huge faster than some expect but you may want to consider other cards first.
No to a Dimir Charm , it may save you from a board swipe but you've got to be really lucky.
Dralnu would quickly become a target for burn spells and might do more harm but he is very popular and a lot of people stand by him.
Dread Slaver is too small to kill enough to win you anything major.
I'll pass on an Entrails Feaster . Might be the last card you want in a reanimation deck.
No on Escaped Null
Maybe card:Eyeblight's Ending
Absolutely not to Faces of the Past
Fatal Lore no
Fatestitcher no
Feeding Frenzy maybe, remember, not too much spot removal.
Fleshbag Marauder is nice. Include him.
Gempalm Polluter is pretty good late game.
Mindcrusher doesn't have enough support to go full out mill or self mill.
Not sure if I said it yet, but Geth, Lord of the Vault is an absolute must-have.
Plague Wind and Shepherd of Rot are nice.
Skullclamp is an EDH necessity.
No to any other maybeboard cards. Hope this helps in any way.
February 9, 2013 12:30 p.m.
Mojo_man23 says... #8
I'm fairly new to deck building, but a zombie tribal is one of the first attempts I've taken. I decided to go the more traditional route and build with Grimgrin, Corpse-Born as my commander. I've actually found cards like Corpse Connoisseur and Buried Alive very useful with cards like Filth and Vengeful Pharaoh . They also nicely compliment cards such as Gravedigger , Ghoulraiser , and of course, Sheoldred, Whispering One .
February 17, 2013 7:02 p.m.
Negrodamus56 says... #9
I have a Thraximundar Zombie edh deck as well. Maybe take a look and see what you think. Thraximundar, Executioner of the Undead
February 23, 2013 2:23 a.m.
Thraximundar's Decree Take a look here, I've put about 2 years into this deck so far. See what you can get from it
March 8, 2013 7:41 a.m.
Have you thought about Lord of Tresserhorn ? His card may not say so, but he has been Oracled to a Zombie.
October 28, 2013 9:53 a.m.
MartialArt says... #13
I have thought about him but he seems to be too much of a pain then he is worth.
How should he be worth what he costs me in this deck and what should I take out for him?
October 28, 2013 9:56 a.m.
shaistyone says... #14
Here are my suggestions:
This adds a lot of board control and synergy to your build. Things like:
Deathbringer Thoctar + Basilisk Collar
October 28, 2013 12:44 p.m.
peru_soldi says... #15
nice deck!!
how come you are not using Grimgrin, Corpse-Born ? there is a combo with Gravecrawler and Rooftop Storm not to mention Vengeful Dead or with any other sac outlet like Nantuko Husk or Carrion Feeder
take a look at my deck to get some ideas I need brains! I have an Army to feed!
couple of points... i used to play with Oversold Cemetery and it is just too slow to trigger, i would take it out
i would increase your land count to about 36 or more
i noticed you dont have Skinrender he is really good either early game or late game
also you don't have Geth, Lord of the Vault and Diabolic Revelation to set up your combos
+1 from me i like zombies!!
October 28, 2013 1:43 p.m.
Don't underestimate the card advantage Graveborn Muse can generate.
November 18, 2013 12:04 p.m.
PrestonShilling says... #17
+1. Nice take on Nekusar. I like the tribal theme, but if your looking to win faster like your description says, you may want to consider playing Nekusar as a combo deck. Take a look at my build to see the combo aspect. (Looking for +1s)
July 8, 2014 3:29 p.m.
MartialArt says... #18
Thanks PrestonShilling. I wanted a zombie tribal commander and found Nekusar to be the best commander for such a tribal since he gives me card draw, punishes opponents for ectra card draw and does a little extra damage on the top. And he's a zombie of course. But mainly the card draw was why I selected him. I have another Necusar deck that builds around him: Mind games
operationremie says... #1
Nim Deathmantle
should go in definitely.
the issue i have is you're only running 30 land. that seems kind of low. my mono black deck runs about 38 and even that is sometimes tough.
-1 Tombstone Stairwell
i feel like you need more token makers as well
these were just my general thoughts.
April 18, 2012 4:56 a.m.