
Enchantment (4)

Instant (4)


Instant (1)

This is a Zombie tribal deck that has a lot of graveyard interactions. It is constantly being updated and edited as I receive suggestions and as new sets roll around.

Card Descriptions


-Bloodsoaked Champion: This guy is the butter of the deck. Provides great aggression and chump sacs for Nantuko Husk .

-Risen Executioner: This guy is the bread of the deck, and Bloodsoaked Champion's dad.

-Gurmag Angler: The Zombie Fish. We're putting a lot of stuff in our graveyard, and we only need some of it. This guy is crazy almost any time of the game. I pity the fool that has to hard cast him.

-Tasigur, the Golden Fang: Our other delver. He provides a nice body for cheap, and amazing card advantage in grindy matchups.

- Nantuko Husk : This is an amazing card, as demonstrated in tokens, aristocrats, Rally, etc.. Here is no different, with no shortage of expendable creatures. Makes blocking and attacking much harder for your opponent.

-Screeching Skaab: It's a Zombie that fills our graveyard. Not much else to say.

-Sidisi, Brood Tyrant: She(?) is our token generator that can get out of hand quickly if our opponent does not have an answer.

- Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet : Our only source of life total sustain in the deck. He lets our field grow bigger when our opponents lose a creature, and is a decent sac outlet mid-late game.

Noncreature Spells

-Stoneforge Masterwork: Although it can't be brought back other than by Tasigur, it provides a decent buff to any guy I need, and combos well with Sidisi and Kalitas.

-Ruinous Path: Our mainboard answer to Jace and any other pesky creatures we don't like.

-Evolutionary Leap: This card blanks almost any removal while netting us advantage.

- Gather the Pack : This card is a great two-for-one. You get tons of fuel for Delveing and at least one creature. Amazing at any stage in the game.

-Sultai Ascendancy: Helps filter your deck and get fuel. This card is a tough pick over Monastery Siege, but I chose it because it can trigger Sidisi.


-Erebos's Titan: To be sided in against control, as they have a lot of graveyard manipulation(Jace, Dig Through Time) and not a lot of creatures.

-Encase in Ice: To be sided in against any deck running Green or Red creatures. Hoses Mantis Rider, Siege Rhino, Atarka Red, the list goes on.

-Infinite Obliteration: Great for nabbing any annoying creature.

-Self-Inflicted Wound: Hoses Abzan, Mantis Rider, and any other decks running Green or White creatures.

-Sidisi's Faithful: Sided in as an early body against aggro, especially Atarka Red. This is also our only answer to Hangarback Walker.

-Stratus Dancer: Basically, a body that can trade with Mantis Rider. God, that card is annoying. Great two-for-one against Jeskai.

Cards I am Not Using

-Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  : Would be amazing, but it's got a price tag to rival Snappy.

-Liliana, Heretical Healer  : Again, would be amazing, but I don't have the money ATM for her.

-Fetches: Would provide Delve fuel and thin the deck, but I really can't afford them ATM. Maybe someday.

-Taigam's Scheming: I would run this, but I had to cut it early. I prefer Gather the Pack , but they are almost interchangeable.

- Den Protector : This guy would be a beast in this deck, but I can't afford him right now. If you have him or can afford him, playset automatically.

-Deathmist Raptor: Only run him if you're running Den Protector , but he's amazing as long as you are. Needs Den Protector , and I can't afford either.

What I need help with

-Fine tuning the land base.

-Fine tuning sideboard. My meta is comprised of 4-5 color Jace control, with some Aggro(primarily Mardu) and a couple homebrews.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out! Feedback/suggestions are great, and much appreciated.

Special thanks to: nateblego, ninjaclevs13, Eiyros and TMBRLZ for helping me develop this deck to where it is now.


Updates Add

I'm getting ready to update for SOI. We'll be losing a lot of great cards(Sidisi) and even our namesake, Gurmag Angler. However, we'll be getting more-than-able replacements such as Relentless Dead. At the moment, only two usable Zombie Tribal cards have been spoiled, but I'm super hyped. I'm really excited that Zombie Tribal will be supported, but I'm also a bit sad(selfishly) that this will not be an original deck idea anymore.

Big changes are coming to every aspect of the deck, and I will need a lot of help. Expect to see me on a lot of help forums.

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #29 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 2 Rares

0 - 7 Uncommons

7 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Standard, Interesting, Decks to Review, Sultai, standard khans bfz, Decks, Elderzi black/green?, Standard Ideas, Gimmick, Interesting Decks
Ignored suggestions
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