Zombie Milhouse

Commander / EDH marz1342


Kirtanian says... #1

Bloodline Keeper  Flip in grave + Grimgrin, Corpse-Born in grave + Necrotic Ooze on battlefield = infinitely large Necrotic Ooze

Use that with something like Blood Artist for the win or Harvester of Souls to draw a lot of cards.

I think you need more ways to find the ooze if that is what you really want this deck to do: Increasing Ambition , Long-Term Plans , Beseech the Queen and of course the less budget tutors.

Also, since the ooze's ability states "As long as necrotic ooze is on the battlefield..." you won't be able to use Reassembling Skeleton 's ability to get him out of the grave. Havengul Lich can take care of that for you though.

December 22, 2012 5:19 p.m.

bloxd002 says... #2

I like it! but I don't understand how card:Conjurer's Closet helps the ooze.

December 22, 2012 5:24 p.m.

marz1342 says... #3

@Kirtanian - Whoa! The Grimgrin, Corpse-Born combo didn't even enter my head! And I've totally got the Bloodline Keeper  Flip in my vamp deck, I can just interchange him until payday!

Yeah, I JUST noticed the Reassembling Skeleton mistake a second ago, looking through the deck. Thanks for the Havengul Lich suggestion!

@bloxd002 - I believe I may have... misread card:Conjurer's Closet. I need a few instants that will allow me to remove Necrotic Ooze from the game, instead. Sorry about that.

December 22, 2012 5:39 p.m.

Kirtanian says... #4

Crystal Shard to bounce him? Can also use it to force your opponents to keep some mana open or get their creatures bounced. Also, I might use card:Life's Finale as a board wipe since you can put 3 creatures from an opponents library into their graveyard and Necrotic Ooze can use their activated abilities as well.

Buried Alive would also be fantastic in this deck. In my GrimGrin deck I like to search out Wonder and Gravecrawler but there are tons of awesome targets for you in this deck.

December 22, 2012 5:46 p.m.

marz1342 says... #5

@Kirtanian - Those are absolutely terrific suggestions, and they ALL stay within my broke, no-money-having budget! Thank you for the help! All of those are definitely going into Szadek < Necrotic Ooze

December 22, 2012 5:59 p.m.

marz1342 says... #6

@All - I was checking out Thraximundar's Decree, an EDH by dethjakal and discovered this: A combo of Rooftop Storm , Diregraf Captain , Gravecrawler and Grimgrin, Corpse-Born leads to infinite death!!

Combine that with Harvester of Souls for infinite draw as well!

December 22, 2012 6:19 p.m.

Kirtanian says... #7

I run that combo in my GrimGrin deck as well. It also works with Vengeful Dead . You could run Deadeye Navigator as well to bounce The Ooze.

For some fun interactions you could run Clone and Cackling Counterpart to copy The Ooze and if you want to be really ridiculous you could try Infinite Reflection to make everything (nontoken) you have in play into Necrotic Ooze .

December 22, 2012 8:14 p.m.

marz1342 says... #8

@Kirtanian - I think I found a bouncer in an Innistrad booster I opened this morning, Lantern Spirit . Of course will need multiple bouncers, so I'll keep Deadeye Navigator on the table.

And... I'm getting Infinite Reflection today, if all goes my way! Outstanding enchantment!

December 23, 2012 10:48 a.m.

lil_cheez says... #9

Cool deck bro! But Deadly Allure is illegal since it has green in it's identity!

December 23, 2012 7:22 p.m.

marz1342 says... #10

@lil_cheez - Oh whoa, that one slipped my vision! Thanks for the reminder, replacing with Bloodline Keeper  Flip now.

December 23, 2012 7:25 p.m.

wreckedd says... #11

Reassembling Skeleton and Necrotic Ooze combo doesn't work I'm afraid. Necrotic Ooze has to be on the battlefield for it to get the abilities of creatures in the graveyard, and Reassembling Skeleton has to be in the graveyard in order to activate its ability. +1 from me though, love the idea of milling the opponent and then making necrotic ooze a bad ass.

December 29, 2012 9:06 a.m.

marz1342 says... #12

@wreckedd - Yeah, that was brought to my attention in a previous comment and I've honestly forgotten to rewrite the deck description, haha. Thanks for reminding me. I'll fix it when I get back from the store.

Thanks for the vote :D

December 29, 2012 9:11 a.m.

HangDoll says... #13

Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is banned in EDH. Unless your play group doesn't care so much about him, I would advise against playing it. And yes this does include your side board. Seeing as your side board needs to have legal cards that your deck could use.

Also, a suggestion. I would remove Dralnu. Seeing as you don't have a lot of Instant or sorcery spells, he is more often going to be dead weight in the deck.

January 13, 2013 10:26 a.m.

HangDoll says... #14

PS: Add more lands. Like, at least 12 more lands.

January 13, 2013 10:28 a.m.

marz1342 says... #15

@HangDoll - I'm aware that Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is illegal, he only makes an appearance when the other players don't mind him being in my sideboard.

True, I don't really have many instants or sorcery for Dralnu, Lich Lord to really get much play. I will consider removing him, it all depends on what gets removed for more land. Which yes, it desperately needs more of.

Thanks for your advice!

January 13, 2013 10:34 a.m.

HangDoll says... #16

Not a problem. Another suggestion to help thin the deck a bit would be to remove the high costing cards that don't do enough. Numbing Dose is the first I would suggest because if someone bounces, flickers or the creature dies you have lost card advantage in a format where card advantage is key. Festering Wound has a similar problem to Numbing Dose in that it doesn't do enough for you. Inexorable Tide Is a really cool card but you don't really have a lot of ways to abuse it. Secrets of the Dead has the same problem as Inexorable tide. It only benefits off of 3 cards from what I can tell. Which means its going to be a dead card more often then useful.

Over all, I think you are trying to do more then one idea for the deck. which you have a few good ideas going on in the deck. You just need a bit more focus on one of them. I think if you thin a few things down you could have a really cool themed deck. :)

January 13, 2013 11:08 a.m.

apt142 says... #17

Consider tossing Tome Scour for Vision Charm . It mills one less, but it is instant speed and it can be used for either of it's other two abilities for more versatility.

Or if you want something with a lot more juice you could always just Traumatize . Traumatize + Mortal Combat might just be an instant win with this deck.

February 13, 2013 10:29 a.m.

marz1342 says... #18

@apt142 -- Great ideas, I'll have to find a spot for those, for sure.

I've actually been looking at this deck and considering splitting it up into a true Zombie tribal, and an activated-abilities style Necrotic Ooze massive mill thing. Still not certain though.

February 13, 2013 3:24 p.m.

doc_cthulhu says... #19

Few ideas:

Add Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to boost your Corrupt (if you really want to use it - you could do well by switching it to Traumatize ).

You might also like to add Rogue's Passage or Filth (with Urborg again) to give you free attacks to get the Whispering Madness rolling.

Also: Keening Stone

Love the deck anyway!

August 25, 2013 10:11 a.m.

marz1342 says... #20

@doc_cthulhu -- Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is something I've been trying to get a hold of for a while, the second I do, it's in this deck, along with Dark Depths , but that's a whole other pricey topic.

I've already got a Rogue's Passage in there, Filth WAS in there, I've got to wriggle it back into the deck. Keening Stone looks amazing, need to grab it as well!

As for Traumatize , I'm waiting for that to come in the mail as I type this.

Thanks for the help and +1!

August 25, 2013 11:10 a.m.

Kirtanian says... #21

If you're going with a mill-ish deck, which seems to be the kinds of cards you are adding, you could add Geth, Lord of the Vault . I always found him to be very fun. Although he can't be used on yourself if that's the only reason you are trying to mill.

Some cards like Buried Alive can help you get specific things into the graveyard to abuse. It could find you a complete combo as long as you have Necrotic Ooze already. You could also use it to find The Ooze if you have a way to revive him.

August 25, 2013 1:21 p.m.

marz1342 says... #22

@Kirtanian -- Geth, Lord of the Vault is already sitting pretty in this deck. And as far as milling goes, I'm hitting either more OR the opponent, depending pretty much on how the match starts progressing. However, I HAVE been trying to track down a Buried Alive , I knew I was forgetting something!

Thanks for the insight!

August 25, 2013 2:22 p.m.

Nusimscaek says... #23

Keening Stone would really accelerate your milling

November 6, 2013 7:23 a.m.

marz1342 says... #24

@Nusimscaek: Oh yes, Keening Stone is indeed a hellacious miller; but it is a 6 mana drop and another 5 to use. This deck is already super slow and in need of a mana ramping, so I'm not sure it will make the cut. I will consider it heavily as I revamp the deck; which I plan to do later today, but I might start right now.

Considering that Zendikar was my favorite block, (H.P. Lovecraft fan) it has a heavy chance to make the cut!

Thanks for the suggestion!!

November 6, 2013 7:56 a.m.

roastbeast756 says... #25

Love some of the combos in this deck, really creative! 1+

November 30, 2013 6:19 p.m.

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