MindAblaze says... #3
The Suture Priest s maybe? They're decent Soul Sisters but being non-human hurts them in a Xathrid Necromancer build. On the other hand only having 2 necromancers makes them less of a liability.
You only have 2 cards that can target your Agent of the Fates so that could be a potential cut too.
June 22, 2014 2:43 p.m.
well the plan is to cut the Suture Priest
for Soul Warden
s when i get them so if drop em now when i get the wardens ill have to cut something else and i only have one agent and i want atleast two loyal cathars. for now im dropping 2 lands for 2 loyal cathrs
June 22, 2014 7:53 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #5
Makes sense to me.
Another thing, over time I'd look at adding some dual lands like Orzhov Guildgate , Isolated Chapel and Godless Shrine to help with all your cards with heavy color weight. I feel like you'll have a hard time casting many of your two drops on turn 2.
June 22, 2014 8:51 p.m.
yeah im gettin a play set of Tainted Field s and a pair of Caves of Koilos
June 22, 2014 9:20 p.m.
i mean a pair of Isolated Chapel s i dint know they were that cheap
June 22, 2014 9:38 p.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #8
Sorry for not responding earlier, I didn't have the time.
Assuming its modern, there are a few things I want to point out:
1) You have some guys where if humans die, you get a bonus. Well, you don't have anything that necessarily kills them for you. So you might want that.
2) You have some heroic guys, but no auras to use their abilities. U can replace these with sac stuff.
On to some suggestions:
Ravenous Demon Flip : Lets you get any sort of sac bonus, and for a 9/9 flyer on turn 6! Plus, he keeps any bonuses rolling off the shelves.
Thraben Doomsayer : Gives you a quick-ass army that can be sacked by the big demon. Plus, his faithful hour is pretty good
Heartless Summoning : Xathrid Necromancer , from personal experience, likes cheap shit that dies fast. This card gives you both sides of that. With Gather the Townsfolk and Xathrid Necromancer /Unruly Mob /Village Cannibals , this guy could be nice and very funny (at least for you).
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben : Right now, you don't have many other spells. Hopefully, opponents do. This human hatebear could be very effective.
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite : Nice big fat dude (works with Heartless Summoning pretty good) that makes you opponents not get bonuses.
Sheoldred, Whispering One : Get stuff back, make opponents sac, what more could you ask for?
If this deck is truly casual:
Greed : The 3best words in Magic the Gathering (other than those 3)are DRAW A CARD!!! This deck needs fuel. Lots.
Hope u enjoyed and use some of these suggestions! It doesn't cost much right now and hopefully it won't break your back to add 2 Elesh Norn.
Happy Tapping! Mention me if u want to respond.
June 26, 2014 8 p.m.
thanks for the suggestions. but elesh norn is def outta the budget and so is sheoldred. but thalia is a must i dont know how i over looked it., i dont want to kill my own creatures ill let my opponent do that so thats a no to the daemon and heartless summoning. i have Read the Bones in to help keep this deck steamed up but Greed is good ill have to get one
June 27, 2014 2:59 p.m.
after some thinking ravenous daemon is a worthwhile card for this deck
June 28, 2014 3 p.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #12
I don't see the Ravenous Demon Flip mainboarded. If you want to use him, also consider Thraben Doomsayer . And, after a bit of thought, there is Door of Destinies , Adaptive Automaton , and Obelisk of Urd (M15)
June 29, 2014 1:03 p.m.
i honestly dont know what to drop for doom sayer or automaton. but door of destines would fit right in here if only i had one
June 29, 2014 5:16 p.m.
Athreos, God of Passage would fit very well in here as a 2-3 of.
Soldier of the Pantheon is better than Elite Vanguard all day.
June 30, 2014 12:48 p.m.
word up on the soldiers of the pantheon but as for the Athreos, God of Passage is outta the price range
July 1, 2014 12:53 a.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #16
Champion of the Parish, and if you want more zombies, i'd suggest switching to clerics and us Rotlung Reanimator. High Priest of Penance, Grand Abolisher, Mikaeus, the Lunarch would be fun.
March 3, 2015 7:25 p.m.
i get more use out of Doomed Traveler then champion of the perish and i thought about Rotlung Reanimator when making this deck but hed only go in here if all i had were human clerics. however the high priest would work very weell in here
March 4, 2015 6:10 p.m.
I have considered him I just don't know what I'd take out
April 24, 2016 10:54 p.m.
dakota.cowart says... #20
Hello, I really like this idea that you have. You may want to take out the "illegal" Tainted Fields and the two Evolving Wilds from your deck for two more Isolated Chapel and a playset of Marsh Flats. In addition, if you are running permanent sac mechanics like Dictate of Erebos then I would cut the bone splinters. The dictate effect would resolve first, and most opponents would just sac the creature you originally targeted with your bone splinters. I do love the Altar's Reap as an instant speed response to exile and such and adding value of your creatures that would die anyway; The Loyal Cathar Flip really gives you synergy with that card.
I suggest that you run Fiend Hunter over the Banisher Priest since you can exile their creatures for good because of the split triggered ability. In addition, cut Odric, Master Tactician, Unruly Mob, and Blood Artist. You could run Skirsdag High Priest like Arnez mentioned which would allow you to instantly sac in response. Dark Confidant would net you so much advantage in this deck. You could also run Small Pox to grind out your oppenent. Lastly, if you are willing to go outside of the human tribal, Nantuko Husk.
As for sideboard, Blind Obedience could be really fun; and Rally the Ancestors or Immortal Servitude.
June 7, 2016 12:28 p.m.
Im not buying fetches or bob they're way to expensive. I use the how would I get the permanent exile off of fiend hunter? I use banisher because it's more aggressive the the hunter. The tainted lands aren't a big deal I only play causal. I'll try out the husk in here and thanks for heads up with bone splinters and the dictate. Sorry if I rambled
June 7, 2016 12:49 p.m.
dakota.cowart says... #22
The reason Fiend Hunter is better is because of how his ability is stated. At face value, it looks like he and Banisher Priest are basically the same card except for a difference in base stats. However, banisher has one ability; hunter has two separate abilities. When fiend hunter enters the battlefield his ability goes on the stack, when he leaves his ability goes on the stack. Thus, with instant speed sacking (or -bouncing) effects you can permanently exile your opponents creatures.
For Example:I cast fiend hunter, he resolves. He enters the battlefield, I choose to exile their Tarmogoyf. While that ability is on the stack (before resolving) I Altar's Reap the fiend hunter. Regardless of whether or not it actually resolves, Fiend hunter's second ability hits the stack. Now, since the stack in magic works like LIFO (last-in-first-out), the fiend hunter's second ability resolves first. Then the original ETB trigger will resolve. In essence you flip the ability of the fiend hunter; in your deck, he becomes a 3 drop exile creature. It works better with bouncing since you can spam it, but it would work for you.
June 7, 2016 2:18 p.m.
ok i didnt know i could abuse it like that. I use hunter with Cloudshift in another deck of mine and abuse it that way. now time to acquire him for this deck
MindAblaze says... #1
Loyal Cathar Flip looks fun with Xathrid Necromancer .
June 21, 2014 4:35 p.m.