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Zombie Tribal with Mill Combo

Casual Combo Mill Tokens Tribal UB (Dimir) Zombie



Creature (2)

This zombie deck is very fast most of the time and can mill 3 other players out in 1 turn or horde the other players blockers.

The lords: Cemetery Reaper + Diregraf Captain Undead Warchief + Zombie Master they buff every one and give bonuses ( such as swampwalk and making zombies cost less) .

Flyers: Scrapskin Drake + Sewn-Eye Drake keeps your air space safe.

Deathtouch Blockers: Diregraf Captain + Grixis Grimblade make people think before they swing early game and all Grixis Grimblade needs is another multicolored creature.

The zombies that just wont stay down: Gravecrawler + Unbreathing Horde . Gravecrawler will come back every turn and as long as you have a +1/+1 lord is on the field they cant kill Unbreathing Horde so just chump block away.

The token fun: Endless Ranks of the Dead + Undead Alchemist both will make you a lot of tokens and if you have Undead Alchemist + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Zombie Master = free tokens every turn while you mill Then add Noxious Ghoul in to the mix and you have bored clearing power ever turn.

The mill: Lich Lord of Unx + Undead Alchemist Altar of Dementia + Trepanation Blade The Trepanation Blade give a small buff every swing and slowly mills them. Lich Lord of Unx will hit them and mill for the zombies on the field. The big game ending combo is with Altar of Dementia + Undead Alchemist is you have them both out at the same time with about 20 - 30 power worth of zombies you can sac them all to Altar of Dementia then make more tokens with Undead Alchemist and do it over and over till everyone has been milled to death.

Infinite Combo:Grimgrin, Corpse-Born + Diregraf Captain + Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm

You can feed Gravecrawler to Grimgrin, Corpse-Born then recast it for free with Rooftop Storm to keep buffing Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and do life drain withDiregraf Captain till everyone you want it dead then smash them with a huge Grimgrin, Corpse-Born

As a added bonus if you had Noxious Ghoul out you will wipe the whole bored.

The fun toys:Rooftop Storm who doesn't love free zombies every turn and you will never run out of things to feed to Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and after you have milled them almost to death you can use Grimoire of the Dead to steal everything and atk them with there own cards.


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