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Revision 4 See all
(5 years ago)
-2 | Abrupt Decay | maybe |
-1 | Ancient Craving | maybe |
-1 | Apprentice Necromancer | maybe |
-1 | Army of the Damned | maybe |
-1 | Cavern of Souls | maybe |
-2 | Cryptbreaker | maybe |
-2 | Dark Salvation | maybe |
-2 | Death Baron | maybe |
-2 | Defile | maybe |
-2 | Diregraf Colossus | maybe |
-3 | Dismember | maybe |
-1 | Fleshbag Marauder | maybe |
-1 | Foulmire Knight | maybe |
-1 | God-Eternal Bontu | maybe |
-1 | Graf Harvest | maybe |
-1 | Hero's Downfall | maybe |
-1 | Highborn Ghoul | maybe |
-1 | Lazotep Reaver | maybe |
-1 | Leechridden Swamp | maybe |
-1 | Liliana's Mastery | maybe |
Top Ranked |
Date added | 5 years |
Last updated | 5 years |
Legality | This deck is Modern legal. |
Rarity (main - side) | 7 - 4 Mythic Rares 25 - 3 Rares 12 - 0 Uncommons 6 - 0 Commons |
Cards | 60 |
Avg. CMC | 2.59 |
Tokens | On an Adventure |
Folders | expensive, Decks |
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