
Modern* APPLE01DOJ


WovenNebula says... #1

I have been looking for a fun yet nostalgic zombie deck, this may be the one +1

December 22, 2013 11:51 p.m.

tchau204 says... #2

Grisly Salvage , and a few MB Abrupt Decay seems good here.

August 2, 2014 6:06 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #3

Holy shit..........

September 3, 2014 1:20 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #4

I would suggest a sac outlet so that you can abuse the interaction between vengevine and gravecrawler more.

November 9, 2014 10:39 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #5

Lotleth Troll is kinda that & Liliana of the Veil puts things in the grave...

I've seen people use Blasting Station before.

November 9, 2014 2:56 p.m.

jnmc2013 says... #6

cool deck!

November 9, 2014 6:50 p.m.

Death_The_Kid says... #7

I kinda feel like Zombie Infestation could be good here

November 14, 2014 2:08 a.m.

mtgplayer100 says... #8

Is 20 creatures enough?

Maybe you could cut a land and add a Glissa, the Traitor.

November 18, 2014 2:21 p.m.

Melok says... #9

I Run a very similar deck with a slightly different land base 22 land

-4 Bloodghast +4 Putrid Leech-4 Diregraf Ghoul +4 Death's Shadow-4 Abrupt Decay +3 Maelstrom Pulse +3 Varolz, the Scar-Striped

Been Playtesting with Fauna Shaman which is really get the sauce rolling. Hard to take anything out, have been going -2 liliana, -2 varloz,

November 18, 2014 10:02 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #10

Melok I have a suicide black deck. It seems to be similar to what you're suggesting. Although I don't really care for the whole Scavenge mechanic. Besides this is a Pox deck that really wants to Pox. It operates with about 2 land post-Smallpox just fine. I think that adding 3 drops, and taking away some of the best removal and recursion in the format wouldn't be the best move I could make. I haven't really found a need for Fauna Shaman or any tutor really. I think that Infernal Tutor may be the way to go, I have ran Bitterblossom and Garruk Relentless  Flip together in Pox before and it works quite nicely. U may want to give that a shot in your deck provided u have mana for it. (looked on your page, didn't say your above mentioned deck). U cast him and he's removal the turn he comes down, plus flipped.

They Exist to Cease -Suicide Black- Playtest

Modern* APPLE01DOJ

SCORE: 14 | 16 COMMENTS | 2445 VIEWS

mtgplayer100 It's been working so far but there are times I wish I had more blockers. I'm thinking I need to add some more Spellskite to the SB. I'm also adding some Smother because Infect molly whops this deck if they get an Inkmoth Nexus online. So the Spellskite will help out there too.

November 20, 2014 5:04 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #11

didn't see*

November 20, 2014 6:03 p.m.

Saljen says... #12

Carrion Feeder might be a better alternative to Diregraf Ghoul. It's a zombie and can sac Gravecrawler and Bloodghast for extra +1/+1 counters, then just replay your repeatable creatures and you can make him crazy huge for very small amounts of mana.

November 24, 2014 1:58 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #13

HHHmmm... I like that idea honestly. I like that I could attack with Bloodghast and if they're going to block in their favor just sac the Bloodghast(s), build Carrion Feeder & crack a fetch to bring them all back EOT. ...Only thing that worries me is that Diregraf Ghoul at times is my only blocker & I would be replacing it with yet another card that can't block.

November 24, 2014 2:22 p.m.

miracleHat says... #14

I would like point out that Carrion Feeder is not modern legal.

As much as i like this deck, I believe that it isn't for modern. I know that statement was very pessimistic, but the modern banlist restricts this deck so much, plus cards like Wild Mongrel and Basking Rootwalla aren't legal.

That being said, keeping this in modern, I agree with taking out Diregraf Ghoul. A card that I have been interested in for a deck like this is Kitchen Finks. I am aware that most non combo decks have forgone Kitchen Finks for Courser of Kruphix, but this is a sacrificial deck and the persist and aggressive body with Kitchen Finks I think would be really good.

P.S. , Sword of Light and Shadow would be better for this deck instead of Sword of Fire and Ice. The extra life is good and recurring Lotleth Trolls is really fun.

P.P.S , if you want help with the legacy version, I am willing to help!
November 28, 2014 7:25 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #15

I didn't even know that there was a legacy version. I put this together based on this list http://sales.starcitygames.com//deckdatabase/displaydeck.php?DeckID=55108

I've been fairly happy with it so far.

I love finks as a card, especially the promo version, I really don't like the double green in Finks' casting cost though, the fact that its a 3 CMC spell that isn't Lilly hurts it too. Same reason I'm not using Geralf's Messenger triple black can be asking a lot post poxing.

November 28, 2014 11:09 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #16

+1 vote coming

I love this guy, Just not in here Diregraf Ghoul. The ''enters tapped'' just kills it for me. Bloodghast + Gravecrawler & Diregraf are "Non-Blocker" (at least when Diregraf enters he is).

what about Vile Rebirth? he is a Zombie Token Gravecrawler, Enters NOT TAPPED, Instant speed creature/Blocker (but I don't think would trigger Vengevine's "2nd creature spell") & works with Thoughtseize (if you Targeted a creature?).

Or other option was Blood Scrivener Again Gravecrawler's need of Zombie's, if you can get your Creature count up Blood Scrivener + Lotleth Troll was fun? and first time I've seen this card Smallpox but, I believe it hits you to for a discard as does Liliana of the Veil's +1. Draws I think you need more of.

Do you need 4x Liliana of the Veil's? even 2 Veils and 2 of Liliana of the Dark Realms might work. Does Liliana of the Dark Realms + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth +1 Ability work together?

November 29, 2014 9:45 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #17

Yes u need 4 Lillys.

LotDR + Urborg doesn't work. Lands are only swamps thanks to Urborg if they're on the battlefield.

Vile Rebirth doesn't have many targets in this deck otherwise it would work.

I think I prefer Phyrexian Arena to Blood Scrivener. I own both so its easy to test out...

Diregraf Ghoul ETB tapped hasn't been too bad of a set back.

November 29, 2014 10:35 a.m.

ginko2580 says... #18

ya, I went to forums on the Lili + Urborg... Bummer might have been neat.

As for Blood Skriv... I do like that Arena, But I was also like the 2 drop CMC of Skriv. It was just a thought but nice deck anyways.

Happy Tapping

November 29, 2014 3:02 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #19

1CMC vs 2CMC is a huge difference in a Smallpox deck. If I was going to go that route I think Putrid Leech would be the best option.

November 29, 2014 9:27 p.m.

OpenFire says... #20

November 30, 2014 3:55 p.m.

mtgplayer100 says... #21

November 30, 2014 4:48 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #22

Don't own any Bobs yet...

December 2, 2014 12:57 p.m.

hbomb33 says... #23

Why not up the Urborgs to 2 or 3 since you can sac and discard extras?

December 4, 2014 2:04 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #24

No space. What would u change to make them fit? I was a little weary with the already too much colorless but so far mana hasn't been an issue.

December 4, 2014 3 p.m.

hellto says... #25

Nice! Really nice. +1

I like the concept with Smallpox, also tried to build a deck around it but instead I ended up with a more creature heavy deck and some madness creatures:


Your deck seems like it might be fun to fiddle around with!

December 14, 2014 11:28 a.m.

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