Zombies a GoGo

Commander / EDH LT


LT says... #1

The deck did well this weekend at a local Commander event. Pulled an amazing come from behind with Rooftop StormMTG Card: Rooftop Storm GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler and Vengeful DeadMTG Card: Vengeful Dead. The super-pump on Grimgrin, Corpse-BornMTG Card: Grimgrin, Corpse-Born worked well too with the Sword of VengeanceMTG Card: Sword of Vengeance added into the mix.

February 20, 2012 10:12 p.m.

LT says... #2

Ran into a snag this week when I dropped the Coat of ArmsMTG Card: Coat of Arms. It seemed like a good idea until someone cast a Thopter AssemblyMTG Card: Thopter Assembly and pumped out a ton of tokens. Maybe a Gauntlet of PowerMTG Card: Gauntlet of Power would be better? I don't like the idea of pumping someone else's mana base though. Thoughts?

March 3, 2012 7:10 a.m.

gibbousm says... #3

you would run into the same problem with gauntlet as you would with coat of arms, maybe more often or less depending on your play group. if you're running gravepurge, footbottom feast is the same thing just different name. Adaptive automaton should be included if your'e running tribal like this. If you can get a Damnation its a great sweeper, if not Black Sun's Zenith could also work

March 12, 2012 7:49 p.m.

LT says... #4

I ended up taking the Gauntlet of PowerMTG Card: Gauntlet of Power out and adding a Vedalken OrreryMTG Card: Vedalken Orrery. Seemed a much better fit and the flash possibilities are great with Rooftop StormMTG Card: Rooftop Storm and all the graveyard effects. I had an Adaptive AutomatonMTG Card: Adaptive Automaton in at one point but have enough Lords that it seemed redundant. I found other Zombies with triggered abilities that worked to my advantage.

March 12, 2012 10:03 p.m.

Goblin_lord says... #5

Hello fellow zombie commander!

Font of MythosMTG Card: Font of Mythos : Group huggy cards doesn't fit zombie theme, if a zombie hugs you it is because he is trying to eat your brain, seriously you play B/U, you have far better draw options in these colors that are not symetrical. Phyrexian ArenaMTG Card: Phyrexian Arena maybe?

Black CatMTG Card: Black Cat / Entrails FeasterMTG Card: Entrails Feaster : I know this is zombie tribal and kitteh are cute, but... really? Carrion FeederMTG Card: Carrion Feeder is a cheap zombie with great utility, sac outlets are good. Bone DancerMTG Card: Bone Dancer is a beast, you want him.

DrownedMTG Card: Drowned : Nostalgia? That's about the only reason to justify playing this guy outside of the zombie tribal thing. FatestitcherMTG Card: Fatestitcher is a zombie and he listens to hip hop. You already love him.

WonderMTG Card: Wonder : is ok, but FilthMTG Card: Filth doesn't look weird when in the middle of a crowd of zombies.

Empty the CatacombsMTG Card: Empty the Catacombs : Why do it half? Go big or go home! Real men play Living DeathMTG Card: Living Death

About your maybeboard: Fleshbag MarauderMTG Card: Fleshbag Marauder, why are you still thinking about... play it! Now! Or my zombies will eat yours.

About my zombies, here is a link to my deck, pretty straight foward tribal too, maybe you can use some ideas:


Otherwise, good deck +1

April 1, 2012 12:44 a.m.

LT says... #6

I like what you said, but here's my reasoning. Font of MythosMTG Card: Font of Mythos can probably go. I agree with that and have been thinking the same for a while. Not a huge fan of paying life to draw cards with Phyrexian ArenaMTG Card: Phyrexian Arena so it could stay. With Call to the KindredMTG Card: Call to the Kindred it might be a moot point though. Black CatMTG Card: Black Cat and Entrails FeasterMTG Card: Entrails Feaster give me a bit of control over rivals hands and their graveyard. EF has been worth it several times and they're both cheap to cast. I have a lot of high cost cards. DrownedMTG Card: Drowned, a 2 drop regenerating zombie. 'Nuff said. It does have a cool nostalgia factor too. I'll look for a Bone DancerMTG Card: Bone Dancer. Forgot about him. WonderMTG Card: Wonder, flying over swampwalk which I already have with Zombie MasterMTG Card: Zombie Master. Living DeathMTG Card: Living Death? Really? Make them pay for their cards. I've already given them their graveyard back if there was one so let them empty their mana pool to cast their critters. Empty the CatacombsMTG Card: Empty the Catacombs works better for me especially if I have Rooftop StormMTG Card: Rooftop Storm out. It draws hate but I can usually protect it or get it back with Skull of OrmMTG Card: Skull of Orm. I've been meaning to put the Fleshbag MarauderMTG Card: Fleshbag Marauder back in. Can't remember why it's sidelined at the moment. I'll give your deck a look over.

April 1, 2012 7:57 a.m.

Goblin_lord says... #7

Hi thanks for replying, if you're not a fan of arenas effects they are still thosands of blue options to make you draw more, but anyway.

I didn't realized entrail feaster ability refered to any graveyard, that's good, but i'll still play Withered WretchMTG Card: Withered Wretch over it anytime.

Comment about wonder was nitpicky, i agree, but swampwalk>flying when you play urborg. And don(t talk me about blocking their flyers, zombies don't block ;)

With some setup and graveyard hate (wich you should have in any edh deck) Living DeathMTG Card: Living Death can be a game winner, you're relying on rooftop storm to argue that EtC is cooler but it's not, RS will have a lifespan of aproximatively 11 seconds, trust me.

About graveyard hate, you have some but you don't run any way to protect your graveyard from mass exile, i personally like Witchbane OrbMTG Card: Witchbane Orb for that.

Thanks for comments on my deck and keep zombifying people!

April 1, 2012 11:24 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #8

Try Door of Destinies over Coat of Arms technically you are casting Gravecrawler so it will keep pumping the door.

I always try and have an alternate wincon in my EDH decks. On that note Triskelion combos with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed for infinite instant-speed table kill. Or my favorite way to say it: "Rocks fall everybody dies!"

Black Market . Nuff said. (Infinite mana the next turn with Gravecrawler , Rooftop Storm , and a sac outlet)

If you could find some Snow-Covered Swamp s and Snow-Covered Island s you could run Extraplanar Lens without fear of a "group hug card"

I see on your maybeboard you are considering Grimoire of the Dead . Stop. There ARE people who play Phage the Untouchable and if you pop that you die.

Hope I can help

June 29, 2012 4:22 p.m.

LT says... #9

So I am considering putting Pontiff of Blight into the deck but I can't decide if it's worth it, or what to take out if it is. The direct damage and life gain seems good, but I rarely run into situations where I need it. Maybe I'm just wanting a new zombie and should leave it well enough alone. Any advice?

January 8, 2014 9:13 a.m.

Gotta love tribal zombies. Even though they're not zombies, Tenacious Dead and Reassembling Skeleton (also arguably Bloodghast ) are great sacrifice fodder for Grimgrin, making sure you can untap him every turn. They also go nicely with Death Baron. Pemmin's Aura is another great card to slap onto your general.

Dead right about adding in Gray Merchant--most beautiful game I've had so far involved him, Rooftop Storm, and Havengul Lich. It was brutal.

Lastly, I really love Liliana of the Dark Realms in my Grimgrin deck: I find the deck to be a bit mana intensive, so searching out swamps to both thin the deck and make sure I have land drops is nice. Also, her Emblem + gravecrawler being sac'd to Grimgrin makes your commander HUGE. I also like the idea of Ashiok in your maybeboard--I may take him for a spin in mine.

February 17, 2014 10:30 p.m.

LT says... #11

I agree. Tenacious Dead and Reassembling Skeleton would be good additions if I was not running Mikaeus, the Unhallowed . All the zombies just pop back up after being sac'd to Grim. Pemmin's Aura is a good suggestion but I am running with Minamo, School at Water's Edge which allows me to untap Grim without worrying about protecting the enchantment. Land Destruction is far less common in EDH. Sword of Vengeance is great on Grim as well. Once he's untapped he stays that way. I also have Wonder which gives the whole tribe flying. I've had my eye on Liliana of the Dark Realms for a while, but plains walkers never last long in my games. They just draw hate. Corpse Connoisseur will get your swamps out as well and get things like Gravecrawler , Wonder , and Vengeful Pharaoh into the graveyard where they belong. I've got another suggestion for your deck so I'll post it there. Thanks for the feedback.

Wight of Precinct Six

February 18, 2014 7:35 a.m.

LT says... #12

Sorry. I meant to say Corpse Harvester . Not Corpse Connoisseur .

February 18, 2014 10:02 p.m.

jrees says... #13

Like the deck. +1 from me. The creature heavy looks fun to play with grimgrin. I play a somewhat similar grimgrin deck. Would consider adding Graveborn Muse ? I run her and the card advantage she gives is great.

I was wondering if you have success running Cabal Coffers in non-mono black? i'm asking because i've been considering buying one but not sure how it will work it my deck. Thanks!

May 3, 2014 12:06 p.m.

LT says... #14

Cabal Coffers is an awesome card to play in this deck. You have to use Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth with it to make it really work though. It's one of those classic combos that never gets old. It's a must in this deck with only 10 real swamps out of 36 land. With it out, all lands in play are swamps. Makes the Zombie Master or Filth that much better. I've thought about Graveborn Muse a couple of times, but just can't get past the idea of paying life for cards. I can slap out 15+ zombies on turn 7 and that'd screw me. If it said "may draw" like Consecrated Sphinx I'd do it.

May 3, 2014 2:57 p.m.

jrees says... #15

Cool. Urborg, is 100% on my list to get. It's just such a good card. I am considering Cabal Coffers , that combo is pretty ridiculous.

As for Graveborn Muse , I hear your concern about losing life for cards. But i way i look it, every card i have should be able to cost my opponent(s) more then one life. The way i play my deck, i very rarely have more then 2 or three zombies out at a time as i use tons of sac outlets. And with Grimgrin, once can always sac her once it get outta hand.

May 3, 2014 3:13 p.m.

EFILjohnny says... #16

This is a great deck list, but what about adding a Command Tower ? It's basically an underground sea.....

July 13, 2014 5:27 a.m.

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