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Zombies got it bad cus' we black

Modern* Aggro BR (Rakdos) Zombie



My current standard deck. This deck has gone through many incarnations, starting with mono-black, to B/R, to U/B, back to B/R and now the inclusion of Birthing Pod. All of my lists have seen success, but this Birthing Pod variation is proving to be the strongest of them all.

Top Deck

Feb. 10, 2012 - top 8 out of 75 people, losing my only round to the classic Wolf Run deck.

Feb. 18, 2012 - 6th out of 56 people, losing only to a G/U self-mill deck that got first

June 1st, 2012 - 4th out of 32 people, [4-1] losing only to R/G aggro

6/3/2012 : - Trying out Birthing Pod in conjunction with zombies.

June 8th, 2012 - 1st of out 41 people, [5-0] dropped only a single game.

June 13th, 2012 - 1st out of 26 people, 10$ entrance fee so only spikes were there. 70$ winnings :)Went [4-0-1], tied last round to guarantee 1st. Did not lose a single game all night.


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This was my first FNM after making some major changes to my standard deck.

Round 1 - vs. Naya Ramp His deck was all about ramping into Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, unfortunately for him he never got past turn 5. WIN 2-0

Round 2 - vs Haunted Humans (U/W Humans) LOSS 0-2 Game 1 - We are each at one life, I draw a land and lose. Game 2 - I wipe his board twice with Whipflare and even break his double Honor of the Pure with Ratchet Bomb. I then proceeded to draw lands for the next 7 turns.

Round 3 - vs. G/R/B midrange WIN 2-0 Game 1 - Burned him to death Game 2 - Outraced his 3 Strangleroot Geists

Round 4 - vs. B/G Infect Game 1 - I get killed turn 2... Game 2 - I take out all my Gravecrawlers for Whipflare and I pack all the removal and destruction my deck can muster. Killed each creature as soon as it came out. Game 3- Killed his Inkmoth Nexus turn 2, then locked him out with Liliana of the Veil.

Round 5 - vs. G/W Humans WIN 2-1 Interesting deck; his creatures included standard white humans along with a playset of Blade Splicers. Game 1 - I get rolled. His creatures were just way too efficient. Game 2 - I side in 4 Whipflare, 1x Sever the Bloodline, 1x Manic Vandal. 1x Batterskull, 1x Curse of Death's Hold. I start off with a Diregraf Ghoul in hand but don't play it turn one. Instead I build up the weenies in my hand while playing lands and wiping his board repeatedly. Turn 5 I play [[Batterskull] and turn 6 I play 3x Diregraf Ghoul and a Stormblood Berserker. Easy win from there. Game 3 - Whipflare on turn 2, killing his Avacyn's Pilgrim and Mirran Crusader. Turn 5 Batterskull. turn 6 Curse of Death's Hold. Easy win.

So went 4-1, placing 4th for the night - a successful debut performance. Unfortunately didn't play any delver players, lucky for them.


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #7 position overall 13 years ago
Date added 13 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 4 Mythic Rares

28 - 4 Rares

13 - 2 Uncommons

6 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.22
Tokens Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
Folders Similar Decks, wanna try, Interesting Decks, Possible Decks, Zumbis marotos, Tribal
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