Zombies got it bad cus' we black

Modern* Karnage


FNM Report —June 2, 2012

This was my first FNM after making some major changes to my standard deck.

Round 1 - vs. Naya Ramp His deck was all about ramping into Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, unfortunately for him he never got past turn 5. WIN 2-0

Round 2 - vs Haunted Humans (U/W Humans) LOSS 0-2 Game 1 - We are each at one life, I draw a land and lose. Game 2 - I wipe his board twice with Whipflare and even break his double Honor of the Pure with Ratchet Bomb. I then proceeded to draw lands for the next 7 turns.

Round 3 - vs. G/R/B midrange WIN 2-0 Game 1 - Burned him to death Game 2 - Outraced his 3 Strangleroot Geists

Round 4 - vs. B/G Infect Game 1 - I get killed turn 2... Game 2 - I take out all my Gravecrawlers for Whipflare and I pack all the removal and destruction my deck can muster. Killed each creature as soon as it came out. Game 3- Killed his Inkmoth Nexus turn 2, then locked him out with Liliana of the Veil.

Round 5 - vs. G/W Humans WIN 2-1 Interesting deck; his creatures included standard white humans along with a playset of Blade Splicers. Game 1 - I get rolled. His creatures were just way too efficient. Game 2 - I side in 4 Whipflare, 1x Sever the Bloodline, 1x Manic Vandal. 1x Batterskull, 1x Curse of Death's Hold. I start off with a Diregraf Ghoul in hand but don't play it turn one. Instead I build up the weenies in my hand while playing lands and wiping his board repeatedly. Turn 5 I play [[Batterskull] and turn 6 I play 3x Diregraf Ghoul and a Stormblood Berserker. Easy win from there. Game 3 - Whipflare on turn 2, killing his Avacyn's Pilgrim and Mirran Crusader. Turn 5 Batterskull. turn 6 Curse of Death's Hold. Easy win.

So went 4-1, placing 4th for the night - a successful debut performance. Unfortunately didn't play any delver players, lucky for them.

This is certainly a well-made deck, it looks like you have carefully thought out your creature choices. I took the time to read through the comments and it looks like a lot of avenues have been covered for johnny suggestions, so i'll just focus on the few suggestions I can think of that could help your tempo.

I think DespiseMTG Card: Despise should have some sort of role to play in this deck, be it mainboarded or sideboarded. The only thing stopping you from swinging hard into your opponents early game is their creatures and the occasional removal spell, so having a means to eliminate their creature before they can play it (especially for any ETB effects) will help you immensely. I won't mention the significance of this for removing key creatures or planeswalkers that could shut your game down (i.e. from a White player's perspective: Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader, Gideon's LawkeeperMTG Card: Gideon's Lawkeeper, Fiend HunterMTG Card: Fiend Hunter, Grand AbolisherMTG Card: Grand Abolisher to name a few. Don't neglect the occassional Faith's ShieldMTG Card: Faith's Shield or Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing that could pop if you've already waited for the creature to be cast).

Next, you have a ton of lands (23) and a low curve (capping at six 4cmc creatures). I think you have room in here to add a bit more firepower, maybe 2x Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan or 2x Mikaeus, the UnhallowedMTG Card: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed. This is a low-key change for a card that can sit in your hand until you have 6 lands, and there is no question you will run out of cards to cast with all that land and land-draw available, so you might as well have a game-ender to lay down at that point. You could probably even get away subbing out 1 more swamp for a creature.

Also, I think you could probably do without MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpod and possibly even Fume SpitterMTG Card: Fume Spitter. I know that the ping can be great but your creatures are going to die anyways since you're going to be throwing them all at your opponent in order to stay effective, and you may not have the mana to attach MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpod effectively OR use Fume SpitterMTG Card: Fume Spitter after the first few turns. Having something like Black CatMTG Card: Black Cat is timeless in lethality because it forces a random card discard for your opponent and will make them think twice about attacking you, which is crucial if you need a bit more time or you've just lost your offensive initiative. Further, it adds to the zombie tribal and would help make something like Ghoulcaller's ChantMTG Card: Ghoulcaller's Chant even more effective in this deck.

Think about it, a Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger brought back for two more lives RIGHT after your opponent had to deal with it and its ETB effect twice already.

And finally, consider adding 1 or 2 ExsanguinateMTG Card: Exsanguinate as a finisher or lifesaver for a turn where you're already sitting on a ton of mana with nothing left to cast. That card works wonders for any tempo deck. I would at least try to fit one or two in your sideboard.

That's it! Hope that helps a bit! And a well-deserved +1 as well.

March 5, 2012 7:25 a.m.

Also, I normally wouldn't recommend this, but it may be worth it in your deck's case to have some Undying EvilMTG Card: Undying Evil in here. That card is a fantastic means to keeping your creatures in the game, and a free return on a Phyrexian Obliterator MTG Card: Phyrexian Obliterator , Black CatMTG Card: Black Cat, or Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph with all of the removal out there could be an asset to maintaining an aggressive approach against your opponent. Cards like the obliterator or aristocrat have auto-bullseyes painted on their foreheads and that card ensures it stays on the field and the opponent wastes a killspell.

March 5, 2012 7:38 a.m.

If I were you, I would keep it pretty close to straight zombies (B or UB) - no Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph or Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat, but I think Phyrexian Obliterator MTG Card: Phyrexian Obliterator can stay. Make another deck for Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat. If you would like an example of a fast BR vamps deck, here's one I made: Stromkirk Wins. Also, would you please answer my question in response to your comment on The End of HvZ? Thanks!

March 5, 2012 8:20 p.m.

Karnage says... #4

Do you have any reasoning behind your suggestion to take out the metamorph and aristocrat, other than theme?

March 5, 2012 9:15 p.m.

Nevermind...for some reason I thought you had Diregraf CaptainMTG Card: Diregraf Captain in your deck, in which case MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpod is much more useful if you limit yourself to zombies. I'm looking at too many decks and getting them confused - sorry.

March 5, 2012 11:15 p.m.

taeroen says... #6

March 6, 2012 12:19 a.m.

albertflasher says... #7

I like this, will serve as inspiration for my black deck.

March 7, 2012 4:54 a.m.

Karnage says... #8

@vampire_nighthawk don't be! I completely understand, it's easy to get things mixed up when you are all over the place.

@taeroen I think I mentioned in the updates, but it's for the versatility and mind game potential.

@albertflasher Thanks man! Hope it serves you well~ If you think you can make some better changes to it, I'd be happy to know!

March 7, 2012 11:37 a.m.

haolopes says... #9

Your deck is very interesting. Caught my attention because it has because it has some similarities with my deck:sacrifice-of-the-damned.I do not know if the purpose of Fume SpitterMTG Card: Fume Spitter is to remove the +1 / +1 counters of Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger, if it is, Hex ParasiteMTG Card: Hex Parasite is also a good option. Nice deck!Take a look at my deck and give me your opinion!


March 7, 2012 12:07 p.m.

BuLLZ3Y3 says... #10

Alright, I finally read through all the comments, thought about your deck, and have come to a conclusion.

My conclusion is:




You're playing the wrong splash.

I believe, absolutely, that you should be playing U/B Zombies. Diregraf CaptainMTG Card: Diregraf Captain is TOO strong to be ignored, and you get access to some of the sickest effects in Magic.

You are keen on making this a tempo deck, correct? Well, the number one tempo card in standard at the moment is probably Vapor SnagMTG Card: Vapor Snag. Also, you get things like Phantasmal ImageMTG Card: Phantasmal Image. Think of this scenario:

You: Play Image, copying Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger

Opponent: Target's the Image. It dies.


You: Image returns to play, copying Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger

That just seems too strong to ignore. Plus you get things like Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice or, even better, Forbidden AlchemyMTG Card: Forbidden Alchemy to power through your deck and smooth things out.

Unfortunately I'm suggesting you basically re-make your entire deck, so I will sit down and think out a list that I think would make you happy. You tell me what you think, cards you like, don't like, and any information about your local meta (The FNM report is super helpful!) and I'll see if we can't make you the best list possible for Zombies.

Sound like a plan?


March 9, 2012 2:41 a.m.

Karnage says... #11

True, Image has some sick interaction with undying, as does Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph is more resilient, but in the scenario with the Messenger, you don't really care if it leaves the battle field, so long as it was not exiled. In tempo decks, I don't think generic card advantage is needed. But gravecrawler and the Messenger do provide for some card advantage that will carry you through a game. My meta is pretty aggro oriented, but control is coming back in popularity. Will be seeing a lot of B/U control and Esper Control. Atm, with this list, B/U control is still a very difficult matchup. What do you think about taking out a swamp, and 2 Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorphs for 3x Brimstone VolleyMTG Card: Brimstone Volley?

March 9, 2012 2:07 p.m.

I have been playtesting this deck against some of mine for the past hour and a bit or so because I really like it. Here were the results (from your deck's view):

0-2 vs. White Lightning (white weenie excel)

2-0 vs. deck:puresteel-paladins-entourage (mono-white equipment)

1-2 vs. The Broken Token Battalion (W/B human tokens (primarily) + big drops)

0-2 vs. Fury of the Forsaken (W/U spirit tokens + spirit tribal)

So, what I noticed during these games was your deck's crazy potential for strict damage to the player. Thus, I have to agree with you that red is an excellent choice as a compliment colour. I got to fire off your Vampire AristocratMTG Card: Vampire Aristocrat a few times, and boy is that some cheap sh*t with GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler. 90% of the time you were also able to bring back the GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler the same turn you attacked. And don't doubt the Highborn GhoulMTG Card: Highborn Ghoul either, he has a unique advantage in your deck: he's not high enough a threat to warrant a killspell, but yet his intimidate means he cant be blocked. With 2 of these out it was rough.

If I could make some suggestions, here is what they would be. First, take out that 1 mountain you have. It actually cost you the game vs my token battalion deck because you couldn't play a number of your cards (the Phyrexian Obliterator MTG Card: Phyrexian Obliterator in particular, which would have won you the game). Almost all of your cards have solid black mana costs only. So since red is the secondary colour of this deck, I would second its mana to ONLY your dual lands. You would be suprised how terrible it is to draw great cards in your hand, only to have a mountain that hinders you from playing any of them.

Take out Stormblood BerserkerMTG Card: Stormblood Berserker. You have the right idea with bloodthirst but he is not the card for this deck. I would rather see a vampire with bloodthirst or something. Also, take out the Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph. It doesnt serve its purpose often and it will cost you 2 life to often copy something ultimately redundant. It's a control card that doesn't really fit with your aggro/tempo element.

I also would advocate to get rid of your MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpods. Most of the time they just sat around and weren't useful. It's a great ping card but by the time you have the mana to start using it and not cast creatures, the 1 damage it deals isn't that significant anymore. It does combo nicely with GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler though, so I will give you that. Fume SpitterMTG Card: Fume Spitter is a MUCH better alternative.

Overall, here are my suggestions: -1 MountainMTG Card: Mountain -2 Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph, -3 Stormblood BerserkerMTG Card: Stormblood Berserker, -2 Geth's VerdictMTG Card: Geth's Verdict, -2 MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpod. THEN, +3 DespiseMTG Card: Despise, +4 Ghoulcaller's ChantMTG Card: Ghoulcaller's Chant (non-negotiable), +3 YOUR (mixed) CHOICE of SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender, Black CatMTG Card: Black Cat, Mikaeus, the UnhallowedMTG Card: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper, Geth, Lord of the VaultMTG Card: Geth, Lord of the Vault, Highborn GhoulMTG Card: Highborn Ghoul, or even more Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat. My personal suggestion would be 3 Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reapers, but that's just me.

March 11, 2012 10:18 p.m.

Wow sorry I didnt mean Vampire AristocratMTG Card: Vampire Aristocrat there, I totally meant Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat. Lol.

And my reasoning for the Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper is because he would be a monster with your zombie push. You are constantly slamming your opponent with zombie cards, and so having their stats buffed a bit with a fellow zombie card (that, I might add, can exile opponent's creatures from their graveyard so your opponent can't res them, AND getting a free 3/3 zombie from it) is an awesome deal. I would probably see him as a direct replacement for your Stormblood BerserkerMTG Card: Stormblood Berserker cards.

This is all just one person's opinion though. Whatever angle you take this deck runs well and had my vote a long time ago.

March 11, 2012 10:24 p.m.

Minousmancer says... #14

I think SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender & Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper would be awesome in this deck.

March 11, 2012 10:28 p.m.

permhole96 says... #15

if you wanna check out my take on this, look at my deck deck:dablackattack... its tooken first and second in my past 2 FNMs...

seconded on the Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reapers

March 12, 2012 10:50 a.m.

Karnage says... #16

@MetaphysicalxProdigy: Thanks so much for the feedback man!! I agree with taking out the Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph, against other aggro decks, it's not that great and it can end up a dead card. Decided to remove 1 to mainboard a Sword of War and PeaceMTG Card: Sword of War and Peace, and I'm going to remove the other one to make my 2 drop slot a 4 of. I'm torn between either Highborn GhoulMTG Card: Highborn Ghoul and Vampire InterloperMTG Card: Vampire Interloper, so for now I'm splitting it at 2/2. DespiseMTG Card: Despise is a strictly proactive card, but that means I'm not playing a creature. That's why I feel it's better in the sideboard. Ghoulcaller's ChantMTG Card: Ghoulcaller's Chant certainly seems like it should be good, but the only targets I have are Highborn GhoulMTG Card: Highborn Ghoul and Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger. Otherwise it's not worth it. MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpod kills a lot of things in the meta right now, and always gives me something to do with my mana. SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender I don't like, because I could be playing an Obliterator or and Aristocrat instead. I used to run Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper as a 4 of, but it's just not a bomb like Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger is, and I would run Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph over the Reapers for just that reason. Black CatMTG Card: Black Cat is more control, because I can't really be aggressive with a 1 power 2 drop, and zombie Mikaeus is too expensive to cast reliably. Keeping Geth's VerdictMTG Card: Geth's Verdict in here is imperative to deal with Hexproof creatures, especically since I am taking out Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph completely.

Thank you all for taking an interest in my deck and I hope I am clear in explaining the reasoning behind my decisions.

March 12, 2012 5:33 p.m.

I am glad I could give you some thoughts for your deck! And you are also clear in your explanations - I agree with you for your choice about SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender and Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper. All that I can suggest is for you to somehow try Ghoulcaller's ChantMTG Card: Ghoulcaller's Chant, because that card would just make this deck just that much more devastating than it already is. Don't forget that it works for Diregraf GhoulMTG Card: Diregraf Ghoul and Highborn GhoulMTG Card: Highborn Ghoul in addition to Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger and GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler. It would really compliment with going 4 slots of Highborn GhoulMTG Card: Highborn Ghoul. And it's not like you would even need to use it for GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler either. But it doubles as a DisentombMTG Card: Disentomb as well, and say you were giving someone absolute hell with your Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat or Phyrexian Obliterator MTG Card: Phyrexian Obliterator and they JUST managed to kill it and would be screwed if it came out again? Well, the card's versatility gives you that option too.

To me, the focal point of power in this deck is the Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger and the GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler. The vampire is great but can be limited if you dont have GravecrawlerMTG Card: Gravecrawler or another expendable creature available (not to mention susceptibility to -1/-1 counters). The fact that you could res Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger a second time, with ANOTHER zombie card, and make your opponent lose 4 life and deal with 2 creatures all over again (in addition to your other zombie ressurected) seems worth it for just 1 mana to me. If you get a chance I would recommend trying it with 2-3 of them in just once or twice, just to see what I mean (and humor me :P). It fully supports the tempo of strict life loss and creature bombardment against your opponent better than any other card, even other creature cards like Cemetery ReaperMTG Card: Cemetery Reaper (because, as you said, it's more valuable to have Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger out). But either way man, you have done well with this deck, and I think it can only ever get much stronger from here.

p.s., i dont think DespiseMTG Card: Despise ever made it into your sideboard. Also, in the event you play someone who has an answer for Highborn GhoulMTG Card: Highborn Ghoul, I would have some sideboard-specific cards for him in case his intimidate gets nullified.

March 15, 2012 6:27 a.m.

RoyLancaster says... #18

You asked what I thought, and I think this: I believe your deck could kick the pants off of mine. I had a haphazardly thrown together assortment of cards, you have a very well-thought-out Magic machine.

Definitely a +1 from me.

May 21, 2012 8:57 p.m.

Vman says... #19

Soulcage FiendMTG Card: Soulcage Fiend you sure it does enough? it could kil lyou (which opponents will try to take advantage of)

i actually prefer Olivia VoldarenMTG Card: Olivia Voldaren over aristrocrat because olivia can controll the field a bit while aris gets chumped all day by Lingering SoulsMTG Card: Lingering Souls' tokens..

other than that, +1

and a side note.. i miss BloodghastMTG Card: Bloodghast

May 23, 2012 8:45 a.m.

huginnson says... #20

Olivia VoldarenMTG Card: Olivia Voldaren is really more of a control card. While her abilities are awesome, she's a 3/3 for 4 that doesn't do anything the turn she comes in and, playing aggro, you rarely even have the mana open to make much use of her. Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat, on the other hand, is 4 damage the turn she comes in with the added bonus of being one of the most annoying creatures to remove; and that's before you consider the fact that she's basically a Killing WaveMTG Card: Killing Wave on a stick with Blood ArtistMTG Card: Blood Artist out.

May 23, 2012 12:08 p.m.

Minousmancer says... #21

huginnson A flying 3/3 for 4 that cant be GeistflameMTG Card: Geistflamed or Gut ShotMTG Card: Gut Shot is better than Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat... Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat is great. but The Blood Queen is better.

May 23, 2012 4:32 p.m.

Karnage says... #22

Soulcage FiendMTG Card: Soulcage Fiend is very underrated. It shines in my deck, because it's almost always guaranteed 3 life lost. Of course, against decks that can race with me, I'd side it out. But if I'm ahead in life total, it's a great card! And yes, Olivia VoldarenMTG Card: Olivia Voldaren is more of a control card. I never really want to have more than 4 mana, and I'd have to wait a turn before I swing with a 3/3 or I'd have to heavily invest in her, potentially not playing another beater. Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat is so relevant because of the haste, and I can always sacrifice a creature in response to a Gut ShotMTG Card: Gut Shot; they probably won't waste a burn spell on it anyway. Also, the Killing WaveMTG Card: Killing Wave on a stick with Blood ArtistMTG Card: Blood Artist out makes for an easy finisher.

May 23, 2012 7:11 p.m.

cooknathan says... #23

So I had a playtest against my deck:birthing-of-the-genesis-elves,

Game 1 we both mullagan to 6, you got a little mana screwed which slowed you down and left you unable to cast removal effectively on my elves. I cast a Genesis Wave , flashbacked it and ended it next turn.

Game 2 you sideboard 3x Whipflare for g' blastl. You are a lot quicker this time getting 2 gravecrawlers straight out, I try to build up some mana but the best I can do is viridian emessary. Turn 5 you swing with gravegrawler and 2x Falkenrath Aristocrat ftw. You had a few burn spells left in your hand but didnt need them.

Game 3 I sideboard Stingerfling Spider for hollowhenge scavanger. We both get off to a decent start, you are quicker and litter the board with zombies. I chump block and turn 5 Birthing Pod into Molten-Tail Masticore and start picking your creatures off (card:Geralf's Messenger was annoying) you eventually found an answer by Incinerate ing after I had blocked a Stormblood Berserker but by that time you only had 2 zombies out (one a gravecrawler) I was down to 5 life lol. I got a few more creatures out and eventually Primeval Titan you drew mostly land and kinda ran out of steam at the end.

I like the deck, its hard to stop and can be very quick lol. I probably didnt play it to the best of its ability but I still might suggest some card advantage (in some draw spells), the creature resilience worked wel but when I did get rid of them, you had nothing left in the tank. +1 anyway it was fun to play.

May 30, 2012 6:10 p.m.