Commander / EDH* sthagenjr
You probably want more instant speed removal to deal with Voltron creatures, as well as non-targeted removal. You can try Curtains' Call, Dismember, Doom Blade, Geth's Verdict, Go for the Throat, Hero's Demise, Hero's Downfall, Malicious Affliction, Murderous Cut, Reckless Spite, Slaughter Pact, Snuff Out, Terror, Ultimate Price, Victim of Night, and Vona's Hunger. Attrition is also good if you have Zombies to sacrifice. Glaring Spotlight and Arcane Lighthouse are useful for dealing with hexproof and shroud.
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elgosu1337 says... #1
You probably want more instant speed removal to deal with Voltron creatures, as well as non-targeted removal. You can try Curtains' Call, Dismember, Doom Blade, Geth's Verdict, Go for the Throat, Hero's Demise, Hero's Downfall, Malicious Affliction, Murderous Cut, Reckless Spite, Slaughter Pact, Snuff Out, Terror, Ultimate Price, Victim of Night, and Vona's Hunger. Attrition is also good if you have Zombies to sacrifice. Glaring Spotlight and Arcane Lighthouse are useful for dealing with hexproof and shroud.
August 20, 2018 12:55 p.m.