Zur the Divine - Advice Wanted

Modern* Orron


Orron says... #4

I appreciate the input! I've actually made a straight life gain/loss with Zur as the main focus, but there were some major issues.

The main problem I've run into is it is too dependent on Zur. Also, W/B/U is is somewhat difficult to play with a constellation/enchantment focus imo... You don't have Eidolon of Blossoms so your card draw is limited.

And honestly it seems as though life gain/loss is the most viable (for W/B/U) considering the only fetchable constellation cards are Underworld Coinsmith, Grim Guardian, and Harvestguard Alseids. I feel like it's just too slow as it doesn't really start grinding down your opponent until T6-T7+ and that's only if you get Zur the Enchanter out T4.

If you focus on Zur the Enchanter and use him as an unblockable self buffing monster... well then what is the point of constellation if you are killing them directly with Zur.

If you have some specific suggestions though, I'd be more than happy to hear them.

January 15, 2015 3:49 a.m.

xzypher says... #5

This is a really cool deck! I think that you might want to cut back on your creatures for a better tempo. Your not going to be able to go full control with the setup that you have but the creatures that you have can't win against a true aggro deck like affinity. Here's a list of cards you should take out:

Esper Stormblade: just not fast enough.

Mourning Thrull: same as stormblade.

Nightsky Mimic: same...

Nip Gwyllion: not relevant.

Beckon Apparition: doesn't do anything and you might want your graveyard as I will explain later.

Night's Whisper: there's just better card draw!

Whew! Now that that's over, here's some replacements for those cards.

Thirst for Knowledge: you say you want better card draw, here it is!

Dig Through Time: here's how you find zur and subsequently win the game. Fueled by thirst and your early game removal and control. The new control card from khans.

Path to Exile: great removal. Nuff said.

Remand: Time Walk+ cantrip. This and path makes a control suite.

Take any of this advise or leave it. I think this deck has great potential as a midrange deck with zur beats. Good luck! +1

January 15, 2015 10:33 p.m.

Orron says... #6

@xzypher Time Walk ? While not exactly budget I was definitely not going for a 1K+ deck. Beyond that I think your suggestions are solid.

I was hoping you could explain a couple of your suggestions a bit more:

1) Could you explain why Nightsky Mimic and Esper Stormblade are too slow? It wouldn't be unrealistic to be able to get a Nightsky Mimic out on T2 and play Edge of Divinity / Esper Stormblade / Mourning Thrull / etc on T3. That alone is a 7 damage from a flying creature. If I managed to get any black/white card out on T4 I would easily be able to swing for another 10+ depending on what it was.

2) This one is more of a comment... I had Beckon Apparition not to use on my own graveyard but to use against other aggro or tempo graveyard such as a Jeskai Tempo. Makes it just a bit harder for them to play Treasure Cruise plus it activates Nightsky Mimic's triggered ability. As an added bonus it pops out a B/W token I can cast Edge of the Divinity on if I need to. Plus I don't known if you noticed this but it can exile any card not just creatures.

3) I get what you are saying about the Thirst + Dig combo, but wouldn't it make more sense to go with Taigam's Scheme and Treasure Cruise or Thirst for Knowledge?

Thanks for the suggestions so far!

January 16, 2015 2:39 a.m.

Orron says... #7

January 16, 2015 3:53 a.m.

xzypher says... #8

I wasn't recommending time walk!!! I was reccomending Remand. If you remand their turn two play you essentially steal their turn. The reason I say it's too slow is because affinity kills turn three and zoo turn four. The last point that you bring up is a HEAVILY debated one. Here's my explanation. In a deck like storm or ascendancy where you are trying to assemble a critical mass of cards to melt face with, treasure cruise shows unprecidented power which screams for a ban. Dig in the same slot simply just draws less cards and is therefore less relevant. I'm a control she'll however, treasure cruise is just getting you three random cards, but dig lets you find answers, wraths and in your case, zur. Taigams scheming is a crappy knockoff of dig which is why it sees no tournament play in modern. This deck simply cannot compete with affinity or zoo and will loose to it every time! Beckon aspiration... Meh... If your in love with it keep it, If you can let it go there are bigger and better things. I really think that you can compete with tier aggro decks if you use a more midrange strategy with some removal (and some more land!!! You need to be running at least 22). Again these are just thoughts!

January 16, 2015 7:50 a.m.

Orron says... #9

That makes sense (especially on the Time Walk thing lol). I'll definitely consider it. Honestly, this was never intended as a competitive deck. Mainly I was trying to see if I could make Esper a semi viable tempo deck... when playing with friends and at a local game shop. I already have all but a couple of the more expensive cards. I might change the strategy more along the lines of what you are suggesting and see how I enjoy it.

Thanks again for the advice!

January 16, 2015 8:04 a.m.

xzypher says... #10

Sure thing!

January 16, 2015 8:19 a.m.

Kre says... #11

You should think about pulling Gift of immortality, eidolon of rhetoric, spear of heliod, aegis of the gods, nyx fleece ram, phrexian reclamation and athroes. u can get people to pay life with atheros. get your creatures back either way with reclamation, keep gaining life with nyx fleece to pay the life to get the graveyard back, and to get card draw run erebos. and vigilance with heliod and chump blockers. i have a standard constellation deck running the erebos, heliod and athreos, nyx fleece, underword,and grim with rhetoric with ton of board wipes and a commander extort/ constellaion with zur and its very rarely fails. limiting to one spell and the gettign rid of that one creature next turn its detrimental. theres other stuff to like blind obedience to fight off haste

January 20, 2015 1:26 a.m.

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