This is my first ever CEDH brew, and I'm excited to share it. As an introduction to the deck, I will state that what this deck lacks in direct interaction, it makes up for with its ability to pivot between win conditions VERY effectively due to its low average CMC and high ramp capability.
What this deck does:
Plays off of early card draw using the commander to insure that you can get something to help if you dont have anything in your opening hand. this leaves more room in your opening hand in which to fill with more necessitive cards. dont worry about not having that rhystic or remora in the opening hand if you already have a couple pieces to the puzzle and 3-4 good lands/ramp artifacts. Zur is enchantment tutor on a stick, and its very rare that you have NO targets to attack if you can get her out on turn 2 or 3.
Heavy emphasis on warding off attacks on our important pieces and granting them effects such as indestructible and hexproof. cards like Karmic Justice can be tutored in early game via one of the many direct tutors in this deck, or just as easily with our commander Zur. The one stax creature in this deck is Grand Abolisher who will obviously be a great help in getting your bigger pieces down without instant speed removal taking them out. Any stax piece in this deck is either eye for an eye or pillowfort, as we dont want to draw unnecesary hate and attention to us, our main goal is to really subvert attention and grant the illusion that we're not building towards anything all whilst sculpting our hand to throw down a instant win on the next turn out of nowhere. Cards like Mycosynth Lattice and Leonin Abunas can be used to completely lock your board off from direct removal and is usually a safe play late game so as long as theres nobody at the table that benefits from having everything become an artifact. (im looking at you Osgir)
Utilizes a wizard theme to encourage tutoring of our artifacts on top of any and all direct tutors we could stuff into the deck. there is heavy emphasis on ETB triggers and copying them with cards like Strionic Resonator and Lithoform Engine. For example, you already have Strionic on the field. You cast Treasure Mage and copy its triggered ability, tutoring for TWO 6+ cost artifacts. combos like that are game changing and can be the difference between you finding all of your combo pieces in one go or not finding the last piece at all. copy effects interact really well with some other cards in the deck too and are actually apart of some of our game winning combos, take a look!
Finishes the game with a sudden blast of damage that kills everyone off via Debt to the Deathless + Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
(or Vizkopa Guildmage if Vito gets wrekt) , or you can finish with an infinite lifegain / death cannon combo using Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top
Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top
(game ending infinite death cannon or lifegain combo depending wether or not you have a sanguine bond type effect on the board at the time of using this. if you have vito or vizkopa on the field, you'll kill everyone with the lifegain off Aetherflux. if not, you go infinite with the above mentioned combo and death cannon blast every player one by one.)
Lithoform Engine + Magister Sphinx
or Magister Sphinx + Strionic Resonator
to instantly smack two people down to 10, which you can then finish with tapping Bolas's Citadel if there isnt a third person left by that point. if there is, you should begin to get one of the above mention game winning combos into play. OR, drop painful quandry down on your next turn and no matter what, one of the people hit by sphinx will have to take 5 life to even get rid of it and by then that player is good as dead without their own engine being up and running. cards like Master Transmuter can be used to bounce Magister sphinx back to your hand for an additional ETB trigger if needed.
Chromatic Orrery + Voltaic Key
for 4 extra mana off orrery, pretty classic mana boost combo. if you have Mycosynth Lattice on the board, these combos in particular become much more insane and can win you the game on the spot if you have bolas's citadel or necropotence at the ready to keep hitting your library for cards. you can enhance these combos by using Clever Impersonator and Phyrexian Metamorph to copy Orrery or Voltaic to keep cheesing mana.
Darksteel Forge + Master Transmuter
is a good alternative to mycosynth if someone else at the table is running an artifact deck that benefits heavily off of mycosynth and you dont want to risk giving them an edge whilst still protecting your own artifacts. cards like Padeem, Consul of Innovation and Leonin Abunas can give your artifacts hexproof. slap Diplomatic Immunity on one of them to make them much harder to remove, or have Karmic Justice out to ward off potential removal. nobody wants to take your piece if you can just as easily take one of theirs off the field. (or ALL of their pieces if they decide to boardwipe.. such a great pillowfort stax piece, i dont see it as often as i feel like i should for how good it is at 3 CMC).
Gudul Lurker + Vorpal Sword
or Invisible Stalker + Vorpal Sword
is a really good late game combo that can completely catch the table off guard. throw down your 1/2 unblockable, everyones like ok lol. wait until you can get your Chromatic Orrery out preferably with voltaic, and out of nowhere just slap vorpal onto on of them and send it at someone. if everyones tapped out (which happens quite often in CEDH) , its a guaranteed kill. Vorpal is a new card from the d&d set that probably doesnt see alot of play due to its high ability activation costs. However, in our case its simply a fallback option in case one of the better combos in this list gets completely shut down.
while Necropotence or Bolas's Citadel arent a combo, they are both your BIGGEST sources of card draw in this deck. There is other cards in here that will help like Notion Thief , Padeem, Consul of Innovation , Teferi's Protege , Mystic Remora , Rhystic Study , but you really do want to get Necro or Bolas out as soon as possible to start digging through your deck.
Narset's Reversal + Tasha's Hideous Laughter
another combo playing off a card in the new set. Cast Tasha's laughter, bounce it with Narset's Reversal while still getting the effect, play it again, copy its effect with Lithoform Engine for a total of 3 triggers on your opponents.
while these are all the "important combos" that i want to make known for utilizing and winning with this deck, there is alot of synergy between copy effects in here and theres most certainly some different combos that I simply didnt think of at the time of writing this.
bonus info