
"Zur you've been working on this for an hour!"
"Come on let me just fetch one more combo piece."

Welcome to my first competitive c/EDH deck! I first published this deck about a week ago, and with the help of Alucarde, KayneMarco, and AlphaAuthority, It has changed from a wonky voltron, to a 100% competitive -but still slightly affordable- Zur the Enchanter deck. I'd also like to thank the other Zur Decks on the site that provided me with some of the combos. intruzur alarm by Sun's Champion, Zur's weird necro deck by KayneMarco and Ad Nauseam Doomsday Zur by Skuloth. Without them this deck wouldn't have as many options as it does. Let's get into the big picture.
I compare this deck to a puzzle, and Zur is the one doing it. You have to work off the pieces you have, but Zur can fetch the others. The goal of this deck is to be able to hold out long enough in a multiplayer or 1v1 format, to complete one of the game winning combo's. To do this always get Zur out turn 3, which requires 3 lands and a turn 2 mana rock. After that is where the puzzle aspect come in. Look at your hand to see if you have any combo pieces, then attack with Zur to fetch the remaining pieces. If you have none fetch Necropotence and draw twenty cards. Then go back and finish a game winning combo.
Everybody starts with the edge pieces right? And Zur must do the same in a multiplayer format. He won't last long with edge pieces to protect him. These are the two defensive combo's that I advice getting:

  1. Solitary Confinement + Necropotence = No damage with minor side effects. Since Solitary Confinement makes you discard to keep it alive Necropotence fuels this and gives you your normal draw back for 2 life a turn. Add Thought Vessel and you can draw as much as you want. Even better Venser's Journal and you'll gain back all you paid.
  2. Rest in Peace + Energy Field / Web of Inertia . Rest in piece is great in general for graveyard hate. (Notice the lack of Starfield of Nyx in the deck list) but is a very viable defensive combo. Also no damage with Energy Field , or no attacks with Web of Inertia . Throw in a Helm of Obedience for once per turn infinite mill.

These "Edge Pieces" Define the other combo's and buy you time to get the game winning Combo's.

Once the edges are done, the main task may seem daunting, but Zur can already smell victory. Now we complete the puzzle to win. Look at what is in your hand. See if you have any of the pieces to complete one of the game winning combos.

  1. Rest in Peace + Helm of Obedience = infinite mill. We talked about this already so I won't go into detail.
  2. Bloodline Keeper  / Steward of Solidarity / Thraben Doomsayer + Intruder Alarm =Infinite tokens. The goal for this is to draw any of the tap to make token cards, then use Zur to get intruder alarm. Wait until the end step before your turn to tap them. Intruder Alarm will go off etc. Declare this infinite. Attack with infinite tokens for game to all players.
  3. Phyrexian Unlife + Ad Nauseam + Laboratory Maniac + Brainstorm = Good game. Now it seems hard to get, but anyone who uses Ad Nauseam knows its not. Uses Zur to tutor Phyrexian Unlife . In the end step before yours use Ad Nauseam to draw your entire library, but one. Because of Phyreian unlife your life will be zero, but you won't lose. Next play LabMan then Brainstorm to instantly win.

Sadly this deck has no turn one win. I feel like there should be, but I can't find one. The deck does have two turn 2 wins though -One in multiplayer,one in 1v1. The 1v1 combo goes as follows:

  1. Starting hand Plains , Chrome Mox , Lotus Petal , Sol Ring , Mana Vault , Helm of Obedience , Rest in Piece, Random card (you have to go second)
  2. Turn one: play Plains , then Chrome Mox exiling random card, then tap it to play Sol Ring , tap sol ring play Mana Vault floating one. Tap it now floating four. play Lotus Petal and sac, then finally tap plains. With that six mana play Rest in Piece and Helm of Obedience . Pass turn.
  3. opponent plays island and passes turn.
  4. Pay one for infinite mill.

And for multiplayer:

  • Starting hand Plains , Chrome Mox , Lotus Petal , Mana Vault , Steward of Solidarity , Intruder Alarm , Random card
  • Turn one: play Plains , then Chrome Mox exiling random card, then tap it to play Mana Vault . Tap it now floating three. Play Lotus Petal and sac to add a blue mana, then finally tap plains. With that five mana play Intruder Alarm and Steward fo solidarity. Pass turn.
  • opponents plays islands and pass turn. During the last end step tap for infinite 1/1s
  • Attcack for game.
  • Of course We will almost never get the hands necessary for a turn 2 win. So here is what the more average game will look like.

    1. Turn one: Land, maybe sol ring, if so a mana rock. If not hopefully Mystical Tutor or Enlightened Tutor
    2. Turn two: mana rock or maybe Lightning Greaves
    3. Turn three: Zur, if haste, attack and grab Vanishing or Diplomatic Immunity
    4. Turn four: Attack with Zur fetch Necropotence pay twenty life.
    5. Turn five: complete a complete you drew with Necropotence
    6. Turn six: (At the latest) Win!
    So in conclusion, It's a mildly competitive and affordable deck, that has lot's of different combo possibilities. One think I didn't say was that if all else fails, you can equip Zur with etheral armor and steel of godhead and attack for game. Of course ALL advice is welcome, and I"d appreciate upvotes! Thanks again to everyone who made this deck possible.


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    I've added a new description and practically finalized the deck lists. let's make the deck popular!



    93% Competitive

    Top Ranked
    • Achieved #14 position overall 6 years ago
    Date added 6 years
    Last updated 3 years
    Splash colors B

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    7 - 0 Mythic Rares

    34 - 0 Rares

    24 - 0 Uncommons

    11 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 2.48
    Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Human 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 C, Vampire 2/2 B, Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance
    Folders Other people's folder, My best deck, Enchantments, want, Crazy decks, sddrfdtbf, Interesting Commander Decks, make it
    Ignored suggestions
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