
You get a board wipe! You get a board wipe! You get a board wipe!

Taking notes from Walking Nightmare (Zurgo Helmsmasher) and after seeing the hilarity of Stop hitting yourself I decided I wanted a Zurgo deck with some flexibility. Does this sacrifice a more straight forward deck strategy like Sword and Board? maybe.. but in my first three games with this build I have't lost, but I also have yet to get my combo off.. we will see. I really just wanted to get this uploaded. These are all cards I own. I will be getting a Phyrexian Arena Boros Reckoner and Mystifying Maze for a land, so those will be in soon.

There are a lot of ways you can crush your opponents. Namely, getting Worldslayer + Zurgo Helmsmasher

Aggravated Assault + Sword of Feast and Famine for a lovely way to end the game if you have Rogue's Passage to make him unblockable and if you have the 5 mana to activate additional combats when you untap all your lands.

The fun combo in this deck comes from Pariah + Stuffy Doll + Volcano Hellion which may detract a little for the synergy but I like having a backup plan if Zurgo is removed from the board more than twice, which is where my deck hits a wall. Stuffy also makes a great blocker.

Of course for great protection/Destruction we have Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Obliterate .

Black Market gives you another advantage with board wipes, which there are plenty of in this deck. Could add more but I have yet to have a problem drawing at least two a game. Crackling Doom is a great early wipe to keep in an opening hand in my opinion. I have gotten a T2 Zurgo with enough mana rocks with T3 into Blood Moon for a complete early lockdown against my friend's non-basic heavy decks.

Overall I think this is a fun, aggressive, unforgiving deck so far and I look forward to keeping it around as a high-tier but not totally competitive commander deck. I would like to be proven wrong and see Voltron become a more viable strategy. I know Zur the Enchanter can be considered for Voltron but I am not sure if playing against his true strength is worth getting hated for playing him.

Let me know what you think! Maybeboard are cards I have played in this deck before.


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97% Casual


Revision 1 See all

(5 years ago)

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Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.58
Tokens 4/4 C Token Legendary Creature Avatar, Copy Clone, Human 2/2 G, Phyrexian Horror X/X C, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Decks I wanna STEAL!!!!, Decks
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