Zur’s Second Chance

Commander / EDH* Poly_raptor


rshistorysmuf says... #1

Given the Power level of this deck I am surprised you had not gone with a 'Demonic Tutor' - unless you are keeping to the restriction of 10pts of the EDH format.

I'd say ditch the Spell Book for Copy Enchantment. Really scary for taking 2 turns extra!

Those tricky artifacts that do not untap because you need to pay mana... fear not Paradox Engine and or Unwinding Clock or something low key like a Voltaic Key or Voltaic Construct or Voltaic Servant

October 4, 2018 8:21 p.m.

Poly_raptor says... #2

rshistorysmuf Thanks! I can’t believe I didn’t think about Paradox Engine

I did consider Demonic Tutor but I decided to go for other tutors that drain the life total to get you closer to the 5 life for the combo to go off.

Copy Enchantment could be good, there is already Estrid's Invocation which does a similar thing, however once the loop gets going you only need Second Chance and you can have as many turns in a row as you want!

Thanks for the suggestions:)

October 5, 2018 2:18 a.m.

Interesting deck idea! A few comments:

So the Carrion Howler + Darksteel Plate combo won't work the way you think it will. Indestructibility doesn't stop a creature dying to state based effects (i.e. -1/-1 effects). However, you should still be able to continuously activate the Howler in response to its own ability. If you want the Howler to come back then a card like Gift of Immortality might be better. Though if you are only using the Plate as a way to keep the Howler alive until you are ready to go off then my comment is a moot point.

Platinum Angel or Phyrexian Unlife might be a decent safety net.

Near-Death Experience could be a hilarious alternate win-con.

Is the only purpose for Arena Rector to go get Aminatou? Unless I am missing something neither of those cards seem very synergistic with your deck. I feel cards like Erebos, God of the Dead, Damnable Pact, Idyllic Tutor, Bond of Agony, Greed, or even Heliod, God of the Sun (to gum up the board) might be better.

+1 and good luck with deckbuilding!

October 5, 2018 11:06 a.m.

Poly_raptor says... #4

Hey, thanks for your comment and upvote.

I wasnt aware of the ruling on indestructible so that’s good to know, I can remove that equipment then.

I also had bond of agony in the list at one point, however I want to be able to remove the life in one big chunk instead of bits here and there if that makes sense.

I actually want to take arena rector out, when I first built this I’d built an extremely complex engine involving Paradox Haze and Estrid's Invocation as a copy of it, which gave you three upkeeps in which you would use Aminatou or Kaya, Ghost Assassin to blink a creature to return second chance to your hand after sacking it. I then realised you didn’t need to do any of that because Riptide Chimera would work instead so I removed a lot of the other cards in that particular combo haha.

October 5, 2018 12:30 p.m.

enpc says... #5

I really like the concept of the deck, however I think that you have a lot of cards which don't add much value to the strategy.

For cards you could easily cut:

Iona, Shield of Emeria, Cloudshift, Essence Flux, Graceful Adept, Sen Triplets, Greed, Leyline of Anticipation, Near-Death Experience, Paradox Haze, Bond of Agony, Enduring Ideal, Sanguimancy, Temporal Extortion, Conjurer's Closet, Phyrexian Processor, Spellbook, Vedalken Orrery and Carrion Howler. You also have too many lands, you could easily go down to 36 and be fine.

As for cards I would add to the deck:

And if you're concerned about discarding to handsize, Reliquary Tower and Library of Leng between the two should be enough. But for the most part you don't really card, just sculpt your best 7 and go from there.

Hopefully this'll help streamline the deck.

October 10, 2018 5:09 a.m.

Poly_raptor says... #6

enpc thanks that’s a really useful comment. I’ll have a look through it in detail and take a lot on board.

Phyrexian Processor is meant to be one of the win conditions of the deck, but it is fairly slow. I’ll have a look at some other ideas.

Thanks again

October 10, 2018 2:42 p.m.

enpc says... #7

The issue with Phyrexian Processor is that you have to paythe life as it enters, meaning that you go an entire round with really low life and hope not to die. The good thing about something like Unspeakable Symbol is that you can activate it in response to Second Chance's ability and pay the life in your upkeep.

October 10, 2018 9:42 p.m.

Poly_raptor says... #8

That’s why I have the cards that would allow you to flash it in in the end step before your upkeep.

-Vedalken Orrery

-Leyline of Anticipation

So flash it in, trigger the second chance and then tap to essentially create infinite X/X tokens due to infinite turns and the swing for leather.

The rules text on the gatherer for Second Chance is different to the card and it reads:

“at the beginning of your upkeep if you have 5 or less life”

Would you still be able to pay the life at the beginning of the upkeep and then trigger Second Chance’s ability?

October 11, 2018 2:51 a.m.

enpc says... #9

Checked the actual card rulings on gatherer, the ability will only trigger if you have less than 5 life at hte beginning of your upkeep. You're correct there. However you can still just activate Unspeakable Symbol at the same time you would be flashing in Processor. The benefit here is that you don't need an aditional card to enable instant speed plays. That and the fact that Zur himself can tutor symbol, compared to both Vedalken Orrery and Leyline of Anticipation, both of which you still need to draw into/tutor in addition to the Phyrexian Processor. The more cards you have to find, the harder your work is cut out for you to make the combo work.

Also, I'm surprised that you're running neither Demonic Tutor nor Lim-Dul's Vault as both of these are amazing tutors.

Also, Sun Titan seems to fit here well as he can also combo with Second Chance and provides good recursion in the deck in general.

October 11, 2018 3:06 a.m.

KeelHaul10 says... #10

Looks cool but Evershrike could play well into your enchantment theme as a big threat. Back it up with other auras and your opponents are finished. You could also use recursion for your combo pieces. I recommend Cabal Surgeon, Ill-Gotten Gains works too. Also Mnemonic Betrayal can also finish off opponents.

October 25, 2018 3:33 p.m.

As budget doesn't seem to be an issue, Hall of the Bandit Lord lowers your health and speeds up the combo. the off color fetches can also help you fix your mana to get zur out by turn 3 or 4

November 16, 2018 7:32 a.m.

caantpayrent says... #12

so i saw your deck on the forum. I should start with cedh isnt a strong point of mine but have you thought about;

Teferi, Time Raveler - 3cmc and makes interacting with you very tough.

Isochron Scepter you have some very strong targets for this but then you could add Narset's Reversal which creates infinite turns with Time Warp and is also a utility option. great in a counterspell battle

some possible extra control options Flusterstorm - works with scepter

Silence - works with scepter

Conqueror's Flail - 4cmc total so maybe a bit slow but shuts your opponents off on your turns

Angel's Grace - classic

anyway thats all i could think of. hope some of this helped.

August 25, 2019 5:35 p.m.

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