Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart RTiffstonybrook pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Fool's Demise ---- Wurmcalling Kaervek the Merciless Walk the Aeons Stonewood Invocation Ghostflame Sliver Knight of the Holy Nimbus
1 - 2 Gemstone Caverns ---- Plated Pegasus Phantom Wurm Sudden Death Wipe Away Locket of Yesterdays Telekinetic Sliver
1 - 3 Corpulent Corpse ---- Riftwing Cloudskate Durkwood Tracker Conflagrate Thick-Skinned Goblin Basalt Gargoyle Premature Burial
1 - 4 Spiketail Drakeling ---- Phthisis Screeching Sliver Sage of Epityr Benalish Cavalry Mwonvuli Acid-Moss Sage of Epityr
1 - 5 Sidewinder Sliver ---- Coal Stoker Rift Bolt Gaze of Justice Firemaw Kavu Mogg War Marshal Gaze of Justice
1 - 6 Blazing Blade Askari ---- Mwonvuli Acid-Moss Barbed Shocker Mwonvuli Acid-Moss Viscerid Deepwalker Prismatic Lens Harmonic Sliver
1 - 7 Search for Tomorrow ---- Think Twice Screeching Sliver Penumbra Spider Penumbra Spider Mana Skimmer Keldon Halberdier
1 - 8 Viscerid Deepwalker ---- Crookclaw Transmuter Savage Thallid Assassinate Ashcoat Bear Goblin Skycutter Sangrophage
1 - 9 Drifter il-Dal ---- Dark Withering Errant Doomsayers Goblin Skycutter Crookclaw Transmuter Crookclaw Transmuter Paradox Haze
1 - 10 Amrou Seekers ---- Thallid Germinator Havenwood Wurm Pentarch Ward Paradox Haze Dark Withering Molder
1 - 11 Ghitu Firebreathing ---- Basal Sliver Zealot il-Vec Drifter il-Dal Amrou Scout Drifter il-Dal Jhoira's Timebug
1 - 12 Greenseeker ---- Venser's Sliver Skittering Monstrosity Urborg Syphon-Mage Fortify Strength in Numbers Molder
1 - 13 Greenseeker ---- Cyclopean Giant Jedit's Dragoons Venser's Sliver AEtherflame Wall Cancel Ancient Grudge
1 - 14 Cyclopean Giant ---- Mindlash Sliver Flamecore Elemental Herd Gnarr Subterranean Shambler Feebleness Flickering Spirit
2 - 1 Furnace Dragon ---- Rebuking Ceremony Mycosynth Lattice Pulse of the Tangle Neurok Transmuter Flamebreak Skullclamp
2 - 2 Pulse of the Dross ---- Aether Vial Genesis Chamber Pulse of the Forge Dismantle Neurok Transmuter Genesis Chamber
2 - 3 Chimeric Egg ---- Second Sight Vulshok Morningstar Test of Faith Trinisphere Fireball Hoverguard Observer
2 - 4 Stand Together ---- Razor Golem Echoing Ruin Chimeric Egg Barbed Lightning Arcbound Slith Tangle Spider
2 - 5 Voltaic Construct ---- Myr Landshaper Tangle Golem Viridian Acolyte Barbed Lightning Vedalken Engineer Emissary of Despair
2 - 6 Vedalken Engineer ---- Tangle Spider Quicksilver Behemoth Spire Golem Dross Golem Arcbound Stinger Vedalken Engineer
2 - 7 Oxidda Golem ---- Tears of Rage Drooling Ogre Echoing Truth Essence Drain Echoing Truth Thunderstaff
2 - 8 Viridian Acolyte ---- Oxidda Golem Oxidda Golem Drooling Ogre Essence Drain Essence Drain Tel-Jilad Outrider
2 - 9 Echoing Decay ---- Chittering Rats Myr Landshaper Drooling Ogre Oxidda Golem Burden of Greed Arcbound Stinger
2 - 10 Auriok Glaivemaster ---- Hallow Echoing Ruin Wurm's Tooth Carry Away Essence Drain Echoing Ruin
2 - 11 Burden of Greed ---- Chittering Rats Drill-Skimmer Loxodon Mystic Hallow Auriok Glaivemaster Stir the Pride
2 - 12 Inflame ---- Hunger of the Nim Nourish Auriok Glaivemaster Burden of Greed Hunger of the Nim Carry Away
2 - 13 Hunger of the Nim ---- Hunger of the Nim Loxodon Mystic Drill-Skimmer Echoing Courage Echoing Courage Scavenging Scarab
2 - 14 Reap and Sow ---- Nourish Arcane Spyglass Machinate Crazed Goblin Magnetic Flux Neurok Prodigy
3 - 1 Delusions of Mediocrity ---- Defense of the Heart Viashino Cutthroat Delusions of Mediocrity Impending Disaster Palinchron Bloated Toad
3 - 2 Rancor ---- Rancor Viashino Cutthroat Rivalry Knighthood Gang of Elk Tinker
3 - 3 Slow Motion ---- Gang of Elk Rack and Ruin Forbidding Watchtower Unearth Darkwatch Elves Rancor
3 - 4 Simian Grunts ---- Subversion Simian Grunts Intervene Phyrexian Debaser Raven Familiar Snap
3 - 5 Radiant's Judgment ---- Opportunity Snap Treetop Village Granite Grip Aura Flux Frantic Search
3 - 6 Yavimaya Granger ---- Vigilant Drake Intervene Faerie Conclave Thran War Machine Yavimaya Scion Opal Champion
3 - 7 Treefolk Mystic ---- Frantic Search Devout Harpist Cloud of Faeries Vigilant Drake Vigilant Drake Fog of Gnats
3 - 8 Walking Sponge ---- Opal Champion Phyrexian Debaser Granite Grip Granite Grip Intervene Opal Champion
3 - 9 Ostracize ---- Ostracize Parch Aura Flux Defender of Chaos Weatherseed Faeries Cloud of Faeries
3 - 10 Phyrexian Reclamation ---- Thornwind Faeries Sleeper's Guile Sick and Tired Granite Grip Silk Net Fog of Gnats
3 - 11 Parch ---- Angelic Curator Sleeper's Guile Harmonic Convergence Giant Cockroach Ticking Gnomes About Face
3 - 12 Last-Ditch Effort ---- Weatherseed Faeries Goblin Medics Silk Net Silk Net Expendable Troops Viashino Bey
3 - 13 Pygmy Pyrosaur ---- Giant Cockroach Thornwind Faeries Phyrexian Denouncer Sick and Tired Goblin Medics Last-Ditch Effort
3 - 14 Repopulate ---- Repopulate Pygmy Pyrosaur Sluggishness Tragic Poet Repopulate Viashino Sandscout