Ended 2 months ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart FlyingYokedOx pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Wilt-Leaf Liege High Fae Trickster Wildborn Preserver Regal Caracal Druid of the Cowl Crossway Troublemakers Rite of Replicationfoil Desecration Demon
1 - 2 Crusader of Odric Stasis Snare Scorching Dragonfire Hinterland Sanctifier Gate Colossus Aggressive Mammoth Angelic Edict Brazen Scourge
1 - 3 Grow from the Ashes Pirate's Cutlass Dryad Militant Healer's Hawk Serra Angel Skyraker Giant Evolving Wilds Leonin Skyhunter
1 - 4 Opt Vampire Interloper Pirate's Cutlass Giant Growth Dwynen's Elite Into the Roil Think Twice Expedition Mapfoil
1 - 5 Dimir Guildgate Felidar Cub Dragon Fodder Giant Growth Pacifism Blanchwood Armor Gruul Guildgate Evolving Wilds
1 - 6 Vampire Interloper Sorcerous Spyglass Eager Trufflesnout Treetop Snarespinner Angelic Edict Cryptic Caves Rakdos Guildgate Golgari Guildgate
1 - 7 Simic Guildgate Gruul Guildgate Gnarlback Rhino Cackling Prowler Golgari Guildgate Evolving Wilds Macabre Waltz Revenge of the Rats
1 - 8 Negate Adamant Will Gruul Guildgate Dazzling Angel Grappling Kraken Golgari Guildgate Driver of the Dead Campus Guide
1 - 9 Icewind Elemental Battle-Rattle Shaman Needletooth Pack Broken Wings Vile Entomber Sanguine Indulgence Sure Strike Bloodtithe Collector
1 - 10 Cephalid Inkmage Prideful Parent Apothecary Stomper Cackling Prowler Fishing Pole Crash Through Suspicious Shambler Balmor, Battlemage Captain
1 - 11 Snakeskin Veil Volley Veteran Magnigoth Sentry Hinterland Sanctifier Volley Veteran Sure Strike Uncharted Haven Eaten Alive
1 - 12 Elfsworn Giant Uncharted Haven Prideful Parent Icewind Elemental Involuntary Employment Marauding Blight-Priest Fleeting Distraction Vampire Spawn
1 - 13 Tolarian Terror Squad Rallier Crackling Cyclops Infestation Sage Pilfer Marauding Blight-Priest Vampire Spawn Tragic Banshee
1 - 14 Goblin Boarders Offer Immortality Seize the Spoils Pilfer Tolarian Terror Infestation Sage Icewind Elemental Luminous Rebuke
2 - 1 Syr Alin, the Lion's Claw Ballyrush Banneret Good-Fortune Unicorn Cathar Commando Fireshrieker Heraldic Banner Midnight Reaper Hoarding Dragon
2 - 2 Sorcerous Spyglass Ballyrush Banneret Rogue's Passage Mentor of the Meek Aggressive Mammoth Izzet Guildgate Archmage of Runes Gratuitous Violencefoil
2 - 3 Drake Hatcher Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate Heartfire Immolator Cat Collector Sure Strike Blanchwood Armor Bake into a Pie Abyssal Harvester
2 - 4 Secluded Courtyard Moment of Triumph Giant Growth Felidar Cub Pacifism Hoarding Dragon Crow of Dark Tidings Azorius Guildgate
2 - 5 Leonin Skyhunter Dimir Guildgate Boltwave Felidar Cub Thornweald Archer Dragon Fodder Boros Guildgate Moment of Craving
2 - 6 Orzhov Guildgate Burglar Rat New Horizons Healer's Hawk Leonin Skyhunter Thornweald Archer Dreadwing Scavenger Macabre Waltz
2 - 7 Mystical Teachings Guarded Heir Heroic Reinforcements Felidar Savior Angelic Edict Fire Elemental Strix Lookout Pulse Tracker
2 - 8 Three Tree Mascot Macabre Waltz Impact Tremorsfoil Felling Blow Swab Goblin Axgard Cavalry Sanguine Indulgence Bloodtithe Collector
2 - 9 Quick-Draw Katana Fire Elemental New Horizons Squad Rallier Helpful Hunter Fiendish Panda Feed the Swarmfoil Sanguine Syphoner
2 - 10 Cephalid Inkmage Firebrand Archer Quick-Draw Katana Helpful Hunter Hare Apparent Ambush Wolf Vampire Soulcaller Kindled Fury
2 - 11 Affectionate Indrik Spitfire Lagac Bite Down Make Your Move Cathar Commando Kargan Dragonrider Feed the Swarmfoil Untamed Hunger
2 - 12 Tolarian Terror Prideful Parent Soul-Shackled Zombie Inspiring Overseer Ambush Wolf Helpful Hunter Offer Immortality Impact Tremorsfoil
2 - 13 Strix Lookout Elementalist Adept Cathar Commando Strix Lookout Lightshell Duo Goblin Boarders Fanatical Firebrand Gutless Plunderer
2 - 14 Quick Study Tolarian Terror Tolarian Terror Witness Protection Suspicious Shambler Goblin Firebomb Vampire Spawn Starlight Snare
3 - 1 Harbinger of the Tides Moment of Craving Imperious Perfectfoil Healer's Hawk Overrun Mindsparker Fireshrieker Flamewake Phoenix
3 - 2 Into the Roil Exsanguinate Overrun Fleeting Flight Steel Hellkite Seismic Rupture Evolving Wilds Scorching Dragonfire
3 - 3 Wilt-Leaf Liege Leonin Skyhunter Rapacious Dragon Thornweald Archer Crusader of Odric Mold Adder Curator of Destinies Shipwreck Dowser
3 - 4 Good-Fortune Unicorn Gleaming Barrier Pelakka Wurm Claws Out Rakdos Guildgate Maelstrom Pulse Crow of Dark Tidings Skeleton Archer
3 - 5 Cancel Swiftblade Vindicator Rapacious Dragon Giant Growth AEtherize Pulse Tracker Heartfire Immolator Unsummon
3 - 6 Llanowar Elves Felidar Cub Izzet Guildgate Vanguard Seraph Gleaming Barrier Burglar Rat Drake Hatcher Impact Tremorsfoil
3 - 7 Llanowar Elves Make a Stand Fierce Empath Cathar Commando Demolition Field Crow of Dark Tidings Hungry Ghoul Stromkirk Bloodthief
3 - 8 New Horizons Joust Through Thrill of Possibility Hinterland Sanctifier Fierce Empath Burglar Rat Think Twice Sower of Chaos
3 - 9 Broken Wings Fleeting Flight Cackling Prowler Dawnwing Marshal Stromkirk Bloodthief Macabre Waltz Fleeting Distraction Arbiter of Woe
3 - 10 Beast-Kin Ranger Inspiring Paladin Affectionate Indrik Cathar Commando Kindled Fury Crypt Feaster Unsummon Kindled Fury
3 - 11 Dive Down Cemetery Recruitment Spitfire Lagac Wary Thespian Fleeting Distraction Goldvein Pick Infestation Sage Thrill of Possibility
3 - 12 Ambush Wolf Battle-Rattle Shaman Crash Through Prideful Parent Burrog Befuddler Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind Undying Malice Vampire Spawn
3 - 13 Beast-Kin Ranger Kindled Fury Involuntary Employment Marauding Blight-Priest Hare Apparent Pilfer Negate Starlight Snare
3 - 14 Dazzling Angel Gnarlid Colony Seize the Spoils Sanguine Syphoner Marauding Blight-Priest Cathar Commando Fake Your Own Death Lightshell Duo