Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart draftgeist pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Woodland Stream Deadeye Brawler Path of Discovery Legion Lieutenant Radiant Destiny Dire Fleet Daredevil Ravenous Chupacabra ----
1 - 2 Impale Champion of Dusk Skymarcher Aspirant Siren Reaver Swift Warden Impale Reckless Rage ----
1 - 3 Bombard Bombard Reckless Rage Frilled Deathspitter Waterknot Dire Fleet Neckbreaker Forerunner of the Coalition ----
1 - 4 Voracious Vampire Path of Mettle  Flip Forerunner of the Empire Bombard Mist-Cloaked Herald Oathsworn Vampire Exultant Skymarcher ----
1 - 5 Deadeye Brawler Cacophodon Daring Buccaneer Waterknot Jungleborn Pioneer Moment of Triumph Exultant Skymarcher ----
1 - 6 Goblin Trailblazer Aquatic Incursion Fanatical Firebrand Moment of Triumph Dire Fleet Neckbreaker Voracious Vampire Deadeye Rig-Hauler ----
1 - 7 Thunderherd Migration Dinosaur Hunter Sanguine Glorifier Vampire Revenant Sanguine Glorifier Dusk Legion Zealot Giltgrove Stalker ----
1 - 8 Jungle Creeper Mutiny Knight of the Stampede Fanatical Firebrand Swaggering Corsair Sun Sentinel Kitesail Corsair ----
1 - 9 Jungle Creeper Fathom Fleet Boarder Spire Winder Fathom Fleet Boarder Tilonalli's Crown Pitiless Plunderer Swaggering Corsair ----
1 - 10 Goblin Trailblazer Buccaneer's Bravado Tilonalli's Crown Swaggering Corsair Sun-Crested Pterodon Jade Bearer Grasping Scoundrel ----
1 - 11 Secrets of the Golden City Orazca Frillback Swaggering Corsair Jade Bearer Snubhorn Sentry Gleaming Barrier Snubhorn Sentry ----
1 - 12 Hardy Veteran Gleaming Barrier Blazing Hope Sun-Collared Raptor Orazca Frillback Dark Inquiry River Darter ----
1 - 13 Sea Legs River Darter Sea Legs Overgrown Armasaur Hardy Veteran Cleansing Ray Sworn Guardian ----
1 - 14 Canal Monitor Dark Inquiry Snubhorn Sentry Sworn Guardian Dark Inquiry Gleaming Barrier Awakened Amalgam ----
2 - 1 Tomb Robber Tilonalli's Summoner Impale Ravenous Chupacabra Bishop of Binding Reaver Ambush Warkite Marauder ----
2 - 2 Reckless Rage Bombard Baffling End Impale World Shaper Impale Needletooth Raptor ----
2 - 3 Forerunner of the Empire Seafloor Oracle Bombard Waterknot Oathsworn Vampire Dusk Legion Zealot Swift Warden ----
2 - 4 Raging Regisaur Needletooth Raptor Squire's Devotion Skymarcher Aspirant Kitesail Corsair Jungleborn Pioneer Waterknot ----
2 - 5 Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Giltgrove Stalker Dusk Legion Zealot Frilled Deathspitter Strength of the Pack Atzocan Seer Expel from Orazca ----
2 - 6 Moment of Triumph Frilled Deathspitter Thunderherd Migration Deadeye Rig-Hauler Exultant Skymarcher See Red Martyr of Dusk ----
2 - 7 Thunderherd Migration Aquatic Incursion Sanguine Glorifier Mausoleum Harpy Storm the Vault  Flip Squire's Devotion Swift Warden ----
2 - 8 Giltgrove Stalker Jungle Creeper Frilled Deathspitter Giltgrove Stalker Voracious Vampire Frilled Deathspitter Deadeye Rig-Hauler ----
2 - 9 Spire Winder Sanguine Glorifier Sanguine Glorifier Knight of the Stampede Knight of the Stampede Jungle Creeper Voracious Vampire ----
2 - 10 Crashing Tide Spire Winder Crashing Tide Grasping Scoundrel Stampeding Horncrest Knight of the Stampede Vampire Revenant ----
2 - 11 Swaggering Corsair Jadecraft Artisan Secrets of the Golden City Soul of the Rapids Tilonalli's Crown Soul of the Rapids Soul of the Rapids ----
2 - 12 River Darter Hardy Veteran Grasping Scoundrel Grasping Scoundrel Sun-Crested Pterodon Dusk Charger Secrets of the Golden City ----
2 - 13 Gleaming Barrier Orazca Frillback Jade Bearer Hardy Veteran Overgrown Armasaur Overgrown Armasaur Sun-Collared Raptor ----
2 - 14 Sea Legs Cleansing Ray Dusk Charger Orazca Raptor Cleansing Ray Hardy Veteran Orazca Raptor ----
3 - 1 Captivating Crew Wanted Scoundrels Lightning Strike Drover of the Mighty Gishath, Sun's Avatar Settle the Wreckage Treasure Map  Flip ----
3 - 2 Charging Monstrosaur Bishop of the Bloodstained Watertrap Weaver Verdant Sun's Avatar Firecannon Blast Merfolk Branchwalker Territorial Hammerskull ----
3 - 3 Pounce Drover of the Mighty Bright Reprisal Atzocan Archer Siren Lookout Bishop of the Bloodstained Territorial Hammerskull ----
3 - 4 Siren Lookout Glorifier of Dusk New Horizons Deeproot Warrior Pirate's Cutlass Vicious Conquistador Inspiring Cleric ----
3 - 5 Ranging Raptors Deadeye Quartermaster Thrash of Raptors Skymarch Bloodletter One With the Wind Tilonalli's Knight Storm Fleet Arsonist ----
3 - 6 Kinjalli's Caller Atzocan Archer Wildgrowth Walker Nest Robber Nest Robber Shining Aerosaur Axis of Mortality ----
3 - 7 Fathom Fleet Firebrand Revel in Riches Pterodon Knight Raptor Companion Sailor of Means Deadeye Tormentor Dinosaur Stampede ----
3 - 8 Rallying Roar Deadeye Tormentor Spike-Tailed Ceratops Looming Altisaur Crushing Canopy Heartless Pillage Raiders' Wake ----
3 - 9 Looming Altisaur Unknown Shores River Heralds' Boon Dire Fleet Hoarder Jungle Delver Anointed Deacon Storm Fleet Pyromancer ----
3 - 10 Crash the Ramparts Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Brazen Buccaneers Hierophant's Chalice Shipwreck Looter Costly Plunder Fire Shrine Keeper ----
3 - 11 Looming Altisaur Legion Conquistador Rile Duress One With the Wind Legion Conquistador Brazen Buccaneers ----
3 - 12 Mark of the Vampire Hierophant's Chalice Jungle Delver Vampire's Zeal Prying Blade Blight Keeper Crash the Ramparts ----
3 - 13 Duress Queen's Agent Crash the Ramparts Hierophant's Chalice Duress Swashbuckling Sure Strike ----
3 - 14 Cobbled Wings Cancel Demystify Demolish Demystify Dive Down Desperate Castaways ----