nOOb cUUb

Ended 1 week ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart marconfiltvik pie chart svendviking pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Swords to Plowshares Llanowar Visionary Gigantosaurusfoil Lightning Bolt
1 - 2 Thought Vessel Charging Monstrosaur Ashnod's Altar Myr Retriever
1 - 3 Warden of Evos Isle Voltaic Key Reclamation Sage Goblin Warchief
1 - 4 Thought Vessel Opportunity Village Rites Serrated Scorpion
1 - 5 Spellbook Healer of the Pride Archweaver Zo-Zu the Punisher
1 - 6 Sky Ruin Drake Raging Swordtooth Evolving Wilds Steam Blast
1 - 7 Windstorm Drake Storm Crow Pharika's Chosen Wayfarer's Bauble
1 - 8 Warden of Evos Isle Windstorm Drake Village Rites Abrade
1 - 9 Ancient Crab Opt Defiant Elf Dune Beetle
1 - 10 Sunspire Griffin Invoke the Divine Howling Golem Fleshbag Marauder
1 - 11 Wizard Replica Temple Bell Sibsig Icebreakers Faerie Seer
1 - 12 Boomerang Bonded Construct Garruk's Companion Corpse Knight
1 - 13 Seraph of the Suns Scour from Existence Chardalyn Dragon Dangerous Wager
1 - 14 Voltaic Servant Introduction to Annihilation Rotting Fensnake Goblin Arsonist
1 - 15 Inspiring Overseer Orazca Raptor Savannah Lions Spined Karok
2 - 1 Omega Myr Mind Stone Exploration Goblin Bombardment
2 - 2 Swords to Plowshares Thran Dynamo Priest of Titania Circuit Mender
2 - 3 Healer's Hawk Tome Raider Explore Evolving Wilds
2 - 4 Pacifism Mind Stone Llanowar Tribe Exhumefoil
2 - 5 Pacifism Jet Medallion Clip Wings Fleshbag Marauder
2 - 6 Vengeful Dead Explore Banehound Virus Beetle
2 - 7 Tormod's Crypt Abrade Goblin Grenade Goblin Motivator
2 - 8 Loxodon Wayfarer Flame Slash Greater Basilisk Goblin Arsonist
2 - 9 Vedalken Archmage Lathnu Sailback Leatherback Baloth Inspiring Overseer
2 - 10 Lifelink Favorable Winds Goblin Sky Raider Bronze Walrus
2 - 11 Cloud Manta Silent Observer Colossadactyl Lazotep Behemoth
2 - 12 Rhox Faithmender Bottle Golems Midnight Assassin Hulking Devil
2 - 13 Isamaru, Hound of Konda Nimble Birdsticker Pounce Revitalize
2 - 14 Curfew Colossal Dreadmaw Armored Warhorse Goblin Assailant
2 - 15 Joraga Visionary Cut a Deal Celestial Unicorn Curfew
3 - 1 Hedron Archivefoil Preordain Fleshbag Marauder Infernal Grasp
3 - 2 Meteor Golem Swab Goblin Reclamation Sage Dark Ritual
3 - 3 Pardic Wanderer Chief of the Foundry Nature's Claim Tattered Mummy
3 - 4 Sculpting Steel Coalhauler Swine Mortician Beetle Hulking Bugbear
3 - 5 Pillarfield Ox Memnite Thran Dynamo Gravedigger
3 - 6 Crawlspace Tattered Mummy Beast Whisperer Flame Rift
3 - 7 Siege Mastodon Temple Bell Village Rites Friendly Teddy
3 - 8 Invoke the Divine Serum Visions Feiyi Snake Ember Hauler
3 - 9 Sanctuary Cat Tangle Mantis Giant Growth Nest Robber
3 - 10 Colorful Feiyi Sparrow Pounce Essence Warden Lightning Elemental
3 - 11 Healer's Flock Dream Fracture Infernal Grasp Lone Missionary
3 - 12 Coiling Oracle Trained Armodon Invoke the Divine Bronze Walrus
3 - 13 Introduction to Annihilation Thornweald Archer Silverback Ape Sprite Dragon
3 - 14 Light of Promise Aegis Turtle Goblin Piker Goliath Sphinx
3 - 15 Bear Cub Oko's Accomplices Celestial Unicorn Wetland Sambar