Ended 3 months ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Malakoz pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Koma, World-Eater Phyrexian Arena Mortify Massacre Wurmfoil Mindsparker Inspiring Overseer Krenko, Mob Boss Scavenging Ooze
1 - 2 Tribute to Hunger Grow from the Ashes Mold Adder Banner of Kinship Banishing Light Banishing Light Gilded Lotusfoil Goblin Oriflamme
1 - 3 Scorching Dragonfire Kitesail Corsair Ballyrush Banneret Angel of Vitality Evolving Wilds Stroke of Midnight Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim Hidetsugu's Second Rite
1 - 4 Tatyova, Benthic Druid New Horizons New Horizons Exsanguinate Grow from the Ashes Viashino Pyromancer Skyraker Giant Moment of Craving
1 - 5 Ballyrush Banneret Ajani's Pridemate Gruul Guildgate Boros Guildgate Leonin Vanguard Boltwave Essence Scatter Vampire Interloper
1 - 6 Dimir Guildgate Evolving Wilds Dwynen's Elite Burglar Rat Adamant Will Firebrand Archer Azorius Guildgate Opt
1 - 7 Run Away Together Flashfreeze New Horizons Rakdos Guildgate Goblin Smuggler Thrill of Possibility Spectral Sailor Goblin Smuggler
1 - 8 Uncharted Voyage Duress Cemetery Recruitment Dimir Guildgate Golgari Guildgate Swab Goblin Flashfreeze New Horizons
1 - 9 Opt Elementalist Adept Infernal Vessel An Offer You Can't Refuse Orzhov Guildgate Squad Rallier Rune-Sealed Wall Venom Connoisseur
1 - 10 Refute Healer's Hawk Apothecary Stomper Kindled Fury Armasaur Guide Demolition Field Sure Strike Rune-Sealed Wall
1 - 11 Uncharted Voyage Goldvein Pick Viashino Pyromancer Gutless Plunderer Goblin Firebomb Incinerating Blast Faebloom Trick Cancel
1 - 12 Bushwhack Strix Lookout Stab Swab Goblin Make Your Move Vanguard Seraph Quick Study Dive Down
1 - 13 Broken Wings Ambush Wolf Broken Wings Mocking Sprite Beast-Kin Ranger Crackling Cyclops Cackling Prowler Starlight Snare
1 - 14 Magnigoth Sentry Untamed Hunger Gorehorn Raider Vampire Soulcaller Starlight Snare Undying Malice Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind Cackling Prowler
2 - 1 Ovika, Enigma Goliath Llanowar Elves Hidetsugu's Second Rite Bake into a Pie Crystal Barricade Ball Lightning Kitesail Corsair Ovika, Enigma Goliath
2 - 2 Dwynen's Elite Expedition Mapfoil Guttersnipe Wildwood Scourge Swiftfoot Boots Burst Lightning AEtherize Scorching Dragonfire
2 - 3 Ovika, Enigma Goliath Lunar Insight Fanatical Firebrand Heraldic Banner Skyknight Squire Brazen Scourge Juggernaut Dwynen's Elite
2 - 4 Rakdos Guildgate Angelic Edict New Horizons Bake into a Pie Golgari Guildgate Seize the Spoils Skyraker Giant New Horizons
2 - 5 Fire Elemental Crusader of Odric Diregraf Ghoul Kitesail Corsair Dimir Guildgate Felidar Retreat Pacifism Ghitu Lavarunner
2 - 6 Herald of Faith Expedition Mapfoil Impact Tremorsfoil Azorius Guildgate Cryptic Caves Felidar Savior Moment of Triumph Fynn, the Fangbearer
2 - 7 Into the Roil Exclusion Mage New Horizons Firebrand Archer Exsanguinate Make Your Move Disenchant Healer's Hawk
2 - 8 Fleeting Distraction Frenzied Goblin Thornweald Archer Fiery Annihilation Battlesong Berserker Make Your Move Disenchant Dragon Fodder
2 - 9 Bolt Bend Demolition Field Bear Cub Midnight Snack Youthful Valkyrie Fleeting Flight Eaten by Piranhas Fleeting Distraction
2 - 10 Fleeting Distraction Aegis Turtle Campus Guide Cemetery Recruitment Axgard Cavalry Hinterland Sanctifier Negate Sanguine Indulgence
2 - 11 Refute Erudite Wizard Bushwhack Infestation Sage Cat Collector Kindled Fury Armasaur Guide Sure Strike
2 - 12 Crackling Cyclops Bigfin Bouncer Cackling Prowler Quick Study Goblin Firebomb Courageous Goblin Sure Strike Spitfire Lagac
2 - 13 Incinerating Blast Bigfin Bouncer Helpful Hunter Fake Your Own Death Squad Rallier Twinblade Paladin Prideful Parent Involuntary Employment
2 - 14 Highborn Vampire Tolarian Terror Infestation Sage Ambush Wolf Cathar Commando Magnigoth Sentry Helpful Hunter Suspicious Shambler
3 - 1 Spinner of Souls Pelakka Wurm Hedron Archivefoil Imprisoned in the Moon Boros Charmfoil Luminous Rebuke Mystic Archaeologist Imperious Perfectfoil
3 - 2 Hidetsugu's Second Rite Gruul Guildgate Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim Temple of Mystery Predator Ooze Healer's Hawk Flamewake Phoenix Ghitu Lavarunner
3 - 3 Cancel Rakdos Guildgate Izzet Guildgate Unsummon Serra Angel Dragon Fodder Gratuitous Violencefoil Unsummon
3 - 4 Wildheart Invoker Ajani's Pridemate Preposterous Proportions Ghitu Lavarunner Resolute Reinforcements Fanatical Firebrand Azorius Guildgate Orzhov Guildgate
3 - 5 Blanchwood Armor Angelic Edict Vampire Interloper Unsummon Boros Charmfoil Goblin Surprise Empyrean Eagle Thornweald Archer
3 - 6 Impact Tremorsfoil Run Away Together Maalfeld Twins Reassembling Skeleton Felidar Cub Seize the Spoils Opt Bake into a Pie
3 - 7 Crow of Dark Tidings Inspiration from Beyond Rapacious Dragon Stromkirk Bloodthief Moment of Triumph Squad Rallier Angelic Edict Wildheart Invoker
3 - 8 Cancel Vanguard Seraph Fierce Empath Negate Disenchant Inspiring Paladin Inspiration from Beyond Needletooth Pack
3 - 9 Tolarian Terror Dragon Trainer Ambush Wolf Bear Cub Ingenious Leonin Ingenious Leonin Mystical Teachings Thornweald Archer
3 - 10 Swab Goblin Vampire Gourmand Swab Goblin Suspicious Shambler Guarded Heir Inspiring Overseer Aegis Turtle Campus Guide
3 - 11 Quick-Draw Katana Strix Lookout Cemetery Recruitment Goblin Boarders Involuntary Employment Gorehorn Raider Lightshell Duo Three Tree Mascot
3 - 12 Involuntary Employment Quick Study Untamed Hunger Eaten Alive Cathar Commando Kargan Dragonrider Icewind Elemental Sower of Chaos
3 - 13 Bigfin Bouncer Helpful Hunter Offer Immortality Mocking Sprite Gorehorn Raider Involuntary Employment Magnigoth Sentry Treetop Snarespinner
3 - 14 Erudite Wizard Cathar Commando Fake Your Own Death Undying Malice Elfsworn Giant Magnigoth Sentry Magnigoth Sentry Bite Down