Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart MalfegorVII pie chart KenBrantz pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Barl's Cage Mana Clash Fissure Wand of Ith Whippoorwill ---- ---- Banshee
1 - 2 Ashes to Ashes Ashes to Ashes Squire Necropolis Ashes to Ashes ---- ---- Ashes to Ashes
1 - 3 Word of Binding Fountain of Youth Fire Drake Wand of Ith Mana Vortex ---- ---- Dust to Dust
1 - 4 Standing Stones Sisters of the Flame Ghost Ship Flood Gaea's Touch ---- ---- Land Leeches
1 - 5 Flood Reflecting Mirror Cave People Fire and Brimstone Murk Dwellers ---- ---- Morale
1 - 6 Inquisition Word of Binding Morale Pikemen Word of Binding ---- ---- Goblin Caves
1 - 7 Pikemen Skull of Orm Ghost Ship Dark Heart of the Wood Dark Heart of the Wood ---- ---- Morale
1 - 8 Murk Dwellers Scavenger Folk Bog Rats Elves of Deep Shadow Scavenger Folk ---- ---- Brainwash
1 - 9 Dark Heart of the Wood Sunken City Bog Rats Dark Heart of the Wood Bog Rats ---- ---- Goblin Caves
1 - 10 Goblins of the Flarg Giant Shark Dark Heart of the Wood Venom Goblins of the Flarg ---- ---- Giant Shark
1 - 11 Goblin Hero Riptide Bog Rats Goblin Hero Marsh Goblins ---- ---- Bog Imp
1 - 12 Goblin Rock Sled Goblin Digging Team Carnivorous Plant Goblin Digging Team Marsh Goblins ---- ---- Goblins of the Flarg
1 - 13 Scavenger Folk Bone Flute Miracle Worker Venom Water Wurm ---- ---- Sorrow's Path
1 - 14 Festival Squire Marsh Gas Goblin Rock Sled Holy Light ---- ---- Cave People
2 - 1 Wand of Ith Lurker Fire and Brimstone Standing Stones Lurker ---- ---- Land Leeches
2 - 2 Land Leeches Merfolk Assassin Word of Binding Scarwood Hag Skull of Orm ---- ---- Blood Moon
2 - 3 Inferno Necropolis Ashes to Ashes Rag Man Inquisition ---- ---- Fountain of Youth
2 - 4 Gaea's Touch Fountain of Youth Fissure Tower of Coireall Pikemen ---- ---- Word of Binding
2 - 5 Carnivorous Plant Scavenger Folk Fissure Scarecrow Scavenger Folk ---- ---- Fire and Brimstone
2 - 6 Bog Rats Pikemen Fissure Dark Heart of the Wood Murk Dwellers ---- ---- Squire
2 - 7 Word of Binding Miracle Worker Bog Rats Inquisition Dark Heart of the Wood ---- ---- Erosion
2 - 8 Giant Shark Water Wurm Brainwash Goblins of the Flarg Pikemen ---- ---- Giant Shark
2 - 9 Bog Imp Necropolis Giant Shark Nameless Race Drowned ---- ---- Marsh Goblins
2 - 10 Giant Shark Water Wurm Bog Imp Savaen Elves Marsh Goblins ---- ---- Giant Shark
2 - 11 Goblin Caves Goblins of the Flarg Goblin Rock Sled Squire Bog Rats ---- ---- Water Wurm
2 - 12 Goblin Caves Marsh Gas Dust to Dust Morale Goblin Caves ---- ---- Marsh Gas
2 - 13 Dust to Dust Tormod's Crypt Bog Imp Morale Goblin Rock Sled ---- ---- Dust to Dust
2 - 14 Festival Goblin Digging Team Holy Light Holy Light Goblin Rock Sled ---- ---- Electric Eel
3 - 1 Apprentice Wizard Spitting Slug Wand of Ith Maze of Ith Uncle Istvan ---- ---- The Fallen
3 - 2 Word of Binding The Fallen Fissure Niall Silvain Necropolis ---- ---- Spitting Slug
3 - 3 Rag Man Angry Mob Word of Binding Inquisition Gaea's Touch ---- ---- Carnivorous Plant
3 - 4 Goblin Hero Flood Ashes to Ashes Sunken City Worms of the Earth ---- ---- Skull of Orm
3 - 5 Safe Haven Fire and Brimstone Bog Rats Necropolis Morale ---- ---- Bog Imp
3 - 6 Pikemen Murk Dwellers Pikemen Scavenger Folk Dark Heart of the Wood ---- ---- Murk Dwellers
3 - 7 Sisters of the Flame Nameless Race Sisters of the Flame Scarecrow Drowned ---- ---- Sunken City
3 - 8 Goblins of the Flarg Goblins of the Flarg Giant Shark Morale Marsh Goblins ---- ---- Brothers of Fire
3 - 9 Bog Rats Pikemen Brainwash Sunken City Goblins of the Flarg ---- ---- Goblin Shrine
3 - 10 Savaen Elves Brainwash Water Wurm Marsh Goblins Goblin Shrine ---- ---- Bog Imp
3 - 11 Water Wurm Marsh Viper Giant Shark Riptide Goblin Rock Sled ---- ---- Dust to Dust
3 - 12 Holy Light Riptide Dust to Dust Marsh Gas Miracle Worker ---- ---- Scarwood Goblins
3 - 13 Holy Light Miracle Worker Goblin Caves Morale Scarwood Goblins ---- ---- Miracle Worker
3 - 14 Marsh Goblins Marsh Goblins Cave People Miracle Worker Scarwood Goblins ---- ---- Goblin Caves