A25 / HOU / HOU / HOU

Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart cakeby pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Will-o'-the-Wisp Cinder Storm Pact of Negation ---- Pact of Negation Jalira, Master Polymorphist Pact of Negation Skeletonize
1 - 2 Blood Moon Geist of the Moors Hordeling Outburst ---- Armageddon Hordeling Outburst Hordeling Outburst Skeletonize
1 - 3 Savannah Lions Assembly-Worker Dragon's Eye Savants ---- Cinder Storm Savannah Lions Geist of the Moors Blightning
1 - 4 Savannah Lions Ruthless Ripper Colossal Dreadmaw ---- Geist of the Moors Ruthless Ripper Geist of the Moors Lightning Bolt
1 - 5 Azusa, Lost but Seeking Assembly-Worker Rancor ---- Primal Clay Ainok Survivalist Lightning Bolt Crimson Mage
1 - 6 Cinder Storm Loyal Sentry Crimson Mage ---- Ainok Survivalist Brainstorm Dragon's Eye Savants Crimson Mage
1 - 7 Relentless Rats Assembly-Worker Ainok Survivalist ---- Dragon's Eye Savants Fencing Ace Frenzied Goblin Krosan Tusker
1 - 8 Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Ainok Survivalist Fencing Ace ---- Geist of the Moors Fencing Ace Frenzied Goblin Renewed Faith
1 - 9 Pillage Sai of the Shinobi Borrowing 100,000 Arrows ---- Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Dragon's Eye Savants Relentless Rats Street Wraith
1 - 10 Pillage Court Hussar Renewed Faith ---- Ainok Survivalist Renewed Faith Loyal Sentry Frenzied Goblin
1 - 11 Ihsan's Shade Court Hussar Congregate ---- Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" Relentless Rats Pillage Renewed Faith
1 - 12 Spikeshot Goblin Path of Peace Krosan Tusker ---- Jackal Pup Renewed Faith Zombify Zombify
1 - 13 Court Hussar Jackal Pup Jackal Pup ---- Jackal Pup Court Hussar Jackal Pup Renewed Faith
1 - 14 Court Hussar Krosan Colossus Court Hussar ---- Jackal Pup Krosan Colossus Conflux Simian Spirit Guide
2 - 1 Supreme Will Adorned Pouncer Grind / Dust ---- Crook of Condemnation Crested Sunmare Kefnet's Last Word Neheb, the Eternal
2 - 2 Sand Strangler Supreme Will Sandblast ---- Desert's Hold Sandblast Struggle / Survive Resolute Survivors
2 - 3 Lethal Sting Saving Grace Bloodwater Entity ---- Jace's Defeat Ramunap Ruins Desert of the Glorified Torment of Scarabs
2 - 4 Rhonas's Stalwart Torment of Venom Khenra Scrapper ---- Khenra Scrapper Refuse / Cooperate Burning-Fist Minotaur Unconventional Tactics
2 - 5 Khenra Scrapper Wretched Camel Ambuscade ---- Brambleweft Behemoth Unquenchable Thirst Dauntless Aven Crypt of the Eternals
2 - 6 Thorned Moloch Open Fire Vizier of the Anointed ---- Desert of the Indomitable Unsummon Blur of Blades Spellweaver Eternal
2 - 7 Khenra Scrapper Ruin Rat Aven of Enduring Hope ---- Blur of Blades Harrier Naga Desert of the Fervent Striped Riverwinder
2 - 8 Blur of Blades Disposal Mummy Act of Heroism ---- Striped Riverwinder Unconventional Tactics Frilled Sandwalla Angel of the God-Pharaoh
2 - 9 Manalith Marauding Boneslasher Brambleweft Behemoth ---- Solitary Camel Aven Reedstalker Djeru's Renunciation Aven Reedstalker
2 - 10 Striped Riverwinder Claim / Fame Marauding Boneslasher ---- Beneath the Sands Countervailing Winds Moaning Wall Wretched Camel
2 - 11 Solitary Camel Gilded Cerodon Blur of Blades ---- Marauding Boneslasher Oasis Ritualist Marauding Boneslasher Scrounger of Souls
2 - 12 Without Weakness Lurching Rotbeast God-Pharaoh's Faithful ---- Striped Riverwinder Aven Reedstalker Lurching Rotbeast Moaning Wall
2 - 13 Manalith Dune Diviner Liliana's Defeat ---- Countervailing Winds Cunning Survivor Carrion Screecher Frilled Sandwalla
2 - 14 Moaning Wall Without Weakness Countervailing Winds ---- Defiant Khenra Kindled Fury Dutiful Servants Traveler's Amulet
3 - 1 Kefnet's Last Word Mirage Mirror Sand Strangler ---- Nimble Obstructionist Ramunap Hydra Seer of the Last Tomorrow Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
3 - 2 Ominous Sphinx Vile Manifestation Unconventional Tactics ---- River Hoopoe Consign / Oblivion Without Weakness Magmaroth
3 - 3 Manticore Eternal Seer of the Last Tomorrow Lethal Sting ---- Unraveling Mummy Oketra's Avenger Jace's Defeat Puncturing Blow
3 - 4 Torment of Venom Merciless Eternal Hope Tender ---- River Hoopoe Desert of the Mindful Sandblast Tragic Lesson
3 - 5 Puncturing Blow Merciless Eternal Puncturing Blow ---- Resolute Survivors Lethal Sting Brambleweft Behemoth Consign / Oblivion
3 - 6 Hollow One Aerial Guide Rhonas's Stalwart ---- Torment of Venom Aerial Guide Accursed Horde Feral Prowler
3 - 7 Scavenger Grounds Steadfast Sentinel Disposal Mummy ---- Oketra's Avenger Rhonas's Stalwart Dauntless Aven Sandblast
3 - 8 Dauntless Aven Beneath the Sands Mummy Paramount ---- Sunset Pyramid Khenra Scrapper Inferno Jet Shefet Dunes
3 - 9 Solitary Camel Steadfast Sentinel Razaketh's Rite ---- Ipnu Rivulet Magmaroth Disposal Mummy Dauntless Aven
3 - 10 Khenra Eternal Feral Prowler Desert of the Glorified ---- Djeru's Renunciation Proven Combatant Disposal Mummy Gilded Cerodon
3 - 11 Carrion Screecher Countervailing Winds Manalith ---- Act of Heroism Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Moaning Wall Manalith
3 - 12 Feral Prowler Strategic Planning Beneath the Sands ---- Manalith Lurching Rotbeast Ipnu Rivulet Crash Through
3 - 13 Frilled Sandwalla Thorned Moloch Defiant Khenra ---- Striped Riverwinder Seer of the Last Tomorrow Graven Abomination Scrounger of Souls
3 - 14 Without Weakness Kindled Fury Djeru's Renunciation ---- Dutiful Servants Granitic Titan Without Weakness Moaning Wall
4 - 1 Fervent Paincaster Grind / Dust Pride Sovereign ---- Ammit Eternal The Scorpion God Lethal Sting Mirage Mirror
4 - 2 Magmaroth Earthshaker Khenra Earthshaker Khenra ---- Eternal of Harsh Truths Unquenchable Thirst Burning-Fist Minotaur Torment of Venom
4 - 3 Shefet Dunes Ammit Eternal Desert's Hold ---- Consign / Oblivion Jace's Defeat Hope Tender Struggle / Survive
4 - 4 Sand Strangler Claim / Fame Supreme Will ---- Puncturing Blow Unsummon Torment of Venom Angel of the God-Pharaoh
4 - 5 Dauntless Aven Doomfall Desert of the Indomitable ---- Sidewinder Naga Khenra Scrapper Obelisk Spider Aven of Enduring Hope
4 - 6 Khenra Scrapper Unsummon Merciless Eternal ---- Rampaging Hippo Proven Combatant Dunes of the Dead Desert of the Fervent
4 - 7 Quarry Beetle Disposal Mummy Wretched Camel ---- Graven Abomination Bitterbow Sharpshooters Marauding Boneslasher Harrier Naga
4 - 8 Lethal Sting Claim / Fame Shefet Dunes ---- Riddleform Striped Riverwinder Traveler's Amulet Blur of Blades
4 - 9 Scavenger Grounds Marauding Boneslasher Marauding Boneslasher ---- Ambuscade Countervailing Winds Hostile Desert Khenra Scrapper
4 - 10 Carrion Screecher Desert of the Indomitable Desert of the Glorified ---- Carrion Screecher Lurching Rotbeast Desert of the Fervent Lurching Rotbeast
4 - 11 Sidewinder Naga Seer of the Last Tomorrow Survivors' Encampment ---- Feral Prowler Desert of the Mindful Steadfast Sentinel Beneath the Sands
4 - 12 Without Weakness Granitic Titan Act of Heroism ---- Desert of the Glorified Cunning Survivor Frilled Sandwalla Harrier Naga
4 - 13 Dune Diviner Crash Through Striped Riverwinder ---- Disposal Mummy Granitic Titan Cunning Survivor Sidewinder Naga
4 - 14 Dutiful Servants Dunes of the Dead Khenra Eternal ---- Crash Through Moaning Wall Feral Prowler Cunning Survivor