The Cube

Ended 4 years ago

Player Joss87 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart jdwhite89 pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- Wurmcoil Engine Gilded Lotusfoil Gaea's Cradle Phyrexian Metamorph Ancestral Vision Tamiyo, the Moon Sage ----
1 - 2 ---- Time Warp Thalia, Heretic Cathar Jace Beleren Vendilion Clique Preordain Sower of Temptation ----
1 - 3 ---- Drana, Liberator of Malakir Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Keranos, God of Storms Damnation Brimaz, King of Oreskos Hangarback Walker ----
1 - 4 ---- Reanimate Hornet Queen Monastery Mentor Chandra, Flamecaller Gonti, Lord of Luxury Mana Leak ----
1 - 5 ---- Sylvan Caryatid Sorin, Solemn Visitor Brainstorm Geist of Saint Traft Aether Vial Volcanic Island ----
1 - 6 ---- Elvish Mystic Wrath of God Sakura-Tribe Elder Kodama's Reach Farseek Sublime Archangel ----
1 - 7 ---- Restoration Angel Compulsive Research Heartless Act Thundermaw Hellkite Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip Avenger of Zendikar ----
1 - 8 ---- Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip Cryptbreaker Toxic Deluge Supreme Verdict Catacomb Sifter Tragic Slip ----
1 - 9 ---- Courser of Kruphix Night's Whisper Marsh Flats Archangel of Thune Blade Splicer Fire / Ice ----
1 - 10 ---- Dragonlord Atarka Zealous Conscripts Woodfall Primus Surrak, the Hunt Caller Managorger Hydra Shriekmaw ----
1 - 11 ---- Genesis Hydra Mother of Runes Nissa, Worldwaker Lingering Souls Dragonlord Dromoka Magma Jet ----
1 - 12 ---- Fairgrounds Warden Gray Merchant of Asphodel Looter il-Kor Bayou Journey to Nowhere Vindicate ----
1 - 13 ---- Hordeling Outburst Izzet Charm Goblin Dark-Dwellers Genesis Wave Valorous Stance Abbot of Keral Keep ----
1 - 14 ---- Lightning Mauler Spectral Procession Hell's Thunder Pithing Needle Acidic Slime Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip ----
1 - 15 ---- Voice of Resurgence Firedrinker Satyr Gravecrawler Avalanche Riders Dromoka's Command Lightning Helix ----
2 - 1 ---- Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip Nissa, Voice of Zendikarfoil Sensei's Divining Top Grave Titan Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite ----
2 - 2 ---- Mystic Confluence Remand Torrential Gearhulk Counterspell Skullclamp Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary ----
2 - 3 ---- Misty Rainforest Ponder Noble Hierarch Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver Splinter Twin Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath ----
2 - 4 ---- Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre Sheoldred, Whispering One Mulldrifter Fact or Fiction Elspeth, Knight-Errant Polukranos, Unchained ----
2 - 5 ---- Hero of Bladehold Baneslayer Angel Kozilek, Butcher of Truth Polluted Delta Myr Battlesphere Tireless Tracker ----
2 - 6 ---- Dismember Joraga Treespeaker Verdurous Gearhulk Sun Titan Archangel Avacyn  Flip Craterhoof Behemoth ----
2 - 7 ---- Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker Dragonlord Ojutai Coercive Portal Goblin Rabblemaster Phantasmal Image Spellskite ----
2 - 8 ---- Tooth and Nail Watery Gravefoil Verdant Catacombs Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit Pack Rat Blood Artist ----
2 - 9 ---- Gifts Ungiven Baleful Strix Sphinx's Revelation Young Pyromancer Pia and Kiran Nalaar Hymn to Tourach ----
2 - 10 ---- Grim Lavamancer Massacre Wurmfoil Nightveil Specter Murderous Cut Mana Confluence Stoke the Flames ----
2 - 11 ---- Plateau Figure of Destiny Dark Petition Inferno Titan Fleshbag Marauder Mirari's Wake ----
2 - 12 ---- Shardless Agent Pyroclasm Electrolyze Collected Company Harmonize Imposing Sovereign ----
2 - 13 ---- Accorder Paladin Deranged Hermit Edric, Spymaster of Trest Overgrown Tombfoil Whisperwood Elemental Mizzium Mortars ----
2 - 14 ---- Reveillark Vines of Vastwood Pillar of Flame Brutal Expulsion Primal Command Raise the Alarm ----
2 - 15 ---- Goblin Bombardment Mishra's Factory Pernicious Deed Mogis's Marauder Boros Charmfoil Stormblood Berserker ----
3 - 1 ---- Liliana, Death's Majesty Ugin, the Spirit Dragon Karn, Scion of Urza Karn Liberated Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Primeval Titan ----
3 - 2 ---- Cyclonic Rift Thoughtseize Cryptic Command *list* Chromatic Lantern Batterskull Scalding Tarn ----
3 - 3 ---- Snapcaster Mage Brazen Borrower Ravenous Chupacabra Recurring Nightmare Smuggler's Copter Urza, Lord High Artificerfoil ----
3 - 4 ---- Griselbrand Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip Oracle of Mul Daya Mimic Vat Dragonlord Silumgar Lightning Bolt ----
3 - 5 ---- Sylvan Advocate Liliana, the Last Hope Sylvan Library Thragtusk Kira, Great Glass-Spinner Tundra ----
3 - 6 ---- Birds of Paradise Progenitor Mimic Garruk Wildspeaker Gitaxian Probe Tropical Island Frost Titan ----
3 - 7 ---- Control Magic Underground Sea Steam Ventsfoil Whirler Rogue Sea Gate Oracle Pact of Negation ----
3 - 8 ---- Goblin Guide Linvala, Keeper of Silence Animate Dead Entreat the Angels Pestermite Ajani Vengeantfoil ----
3 - 9 ---- Deep Analysis Kitchen Finks Murderous Redcap Banishing Light Gideon Jura Green Sun's Zenith ----
3 - 10 ---- Secure the Wastes Wood Elves Xenagos, the Reveler Unearth Zulaport Cutthroat Precinct Captain ----
3 - 11 ---- Anger of the Gods Living Deathfoil Master of the Wild Hunt Boros Reckoner Abrupt Decay Flametongue Kavu ----
3 - 12 ---- Polukranos, World Eater Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker Bloodbraid Elf Taiga Shadowmage Infiltrator Imperial Recruiter ----
3 - 13 ---- Monastery Swiftspear Utter End Rotting Regisaur Enlightened Tutor Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim Song of the Dryads ----
3 - 14 ---- Aven Mindcensor Stomping Groundfoil Tidehollow Sculler Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Phyrexian Revoker Faith's Fetters ----
3 - 15 ---- Flickerwisp Atarka's Command Reclamation Sage Trygon Predator Carrion Feeder Guttersnipe ----