Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart CodenameJD pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Aethertide Whale Untethered Express Yahenni's Expertise Yahenni's Expertise Maulfist Revolutionary ---- Maulfist Revolutionary Battle at the Bridge
1 - 2 Ridgescale Tusker Narnam Renegade Treasure Keeper Scrounging Bandar Scrapper Champion ---- Fatal Push Daredevil Dragster
1 - 3 Reckless Racer Gifted Aetherborn Daring Demolition Inspiring Statuary Chandra's Revolution ---- Caught in the Brights Maverick Thopterist
1 - 4 Caught in the Brights Lifecraft Cavalry Druid of the Cowl Renegade Map Chandra's Revolution ---- Shielded Aether Thief Shielded Aether Thief
1 - 5 Aether Swooper Enraged Giant Aetherstream Leopard Chandra's Revolution Aether Swooper ---- Rogue Refiner Renegade Map
1 - 6 Lifecraft Cavalry Consulate Dreadnought Chandra's Revolution Consulate Crackdown Trophy Mage ---- Dawnfeather Eagle Aetherstream Leopard
1 - 7 Consulate Dreadnought Bastion Inventor Mobile Garrison Aether Swooper Implement of Malice ---- Servo Schematic Efficient Construction
1 - 8 Welder Automaton Dawnfeather Eagle Metallic Rebuke Unbridled Growth Cruel Finality ---- Aether Swooper Efficient Construction
1 - 9 Welder Automaton Silkweaver Elite Sly Requisitioner Verdant Automaton Gremlin Infestation ---- Leave in the Dust Implement of Ferocity
1 - 10 Welder Automaton Bastion Inventor Verdant Automaton Hinterland Drake Night Market Guard ---- Silkweaver Elite Embraal Gear-Smasher
1 - 11 Shipwreck Moray Verdant Automaton Night Market Aeronaut Conviction Universal Solvent ---- Ice Over Watchful Automaton
1 - 12 Conviction Dispersal Technician Watchful Automaton Implement of Combustion Augmenting Automaton ---- Filigree Crawler Fourth Bridge Prowler
1 - 13 Wrangle Night Market Guard Lathnu Sailback Filigree Crawler Shipwreck Moray ---- Wrangle Universal Solvent
1 - 14 Lathnu Sailback Bastion Enforcer Wrangle Prizefighter Construct Aegis Automaton ---- Embraal Gear-Smasher Dispersal Technician
2 - 1 Aethersphere Harvester Narnam Renegade Peacewalker Colossus Tezzeret the Schemer Untethered Express ---- Aethersphere Harvester Walking Ballista
2 - 2 Airdrop Aeronauts Winding Constrictor Pacification Array Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Aethertide Whale ---- Untethered Express Narnam Renegade
2 - 3 Caught in the Brights Winding Constrictor Monstrous Onslought Wind-Kin Raiders Untethered Express ---- Daring Demolition Daring Demolition
2 - 4 Aether Chaser Daring Demolition Trophy Mage Hungry Flames Gifted Aetherborn ---- Baral, Chief of Compliance Wind-Kin Raiders
2 - 5 Deadeye Harpooner Aether Swooper Shock Narnam Renegade Druid of the Cowl ---- Aether Chaser Deft Dismissal
2 - 6 Mobile Garrison Sly Requisitioner Shock Scrounging Bandar Scrounging Bandar ---- Irontread Crusher Druid of the Cowl
2 - 7 Ghirapur Osprey Aether Herder Sly Requisitioner Aetherstream Leopard Aetherstream Leopard ---- Prey Upon Highspire Infusion
2 - 8 Implement of Ferocity Highspire Infusion Aether Swooper Barricade Breaker Fen Hauler ---- Implement of Examination Metallic Rebuke
2 - 9 Watchful Automaton Mobile Garrison Sweatworks Brawler Destructive Tampering Sweatworks Brawler ---- Alley Evasion Bastion Inventor
2 - 10 Bastion Inventor Highspire Infusion Shipwreck Moray Alley Strangler Crackdown Construct ---- Conviction Alley Evasion
2 - 11 Frontline Rebel Reservoir Walker Verdant Automaton Destructive Tampering Wrangle ---- Consulate Turret Frontline Rebel
2 - 12 Negate Augmenting Automaton Reservoir Walker Bastion Enforcer Fen Hauler ---- Implement of Combustion Embraal Gear-Smasher
2 - 13 Precise Strike Negate Aegis Automaton Night Market Guard Lathnu Sailback ---- Natural Obsolescence Aegis Automaton
2 - 14 Precise Strike Take into Custody Implement of Combustion Take into Custody Salvage Scuttler ---- Dispersal Technician Bastion Enforcer
3 - 1 Longtusk Cub Skywhaler's Shot Dynavolt Tower Servant of the Conduit Bomat Bazaar Barge ---- Kambal, Consul of Allocation Fairgrounds Warden
3 - 2 Renegade Freighter Bomat Bazaar Barge Revoke Privileges Whirler Virtuoso Fabrication Module ---- Revoke Privileges Armorcraft Judge
3 - 3 Restoration Gearsmith Ovalchase Daredevil Peema Outrider Thriving Rhino Servo Exhibition ---- Restoration Gearsmith Furious Reprisal
3 - 4 Sky Skiff Durable Handicraft Riparian Tiger Servo Exhibition Peema Outrider ---- Durable Handicraft Empyreal Voyager
3 - 5 Propeller Pioneer Wildest Dreams Dhund Operative Concealed Courtyard Hunt the Weak ---- Maulfist Doorbuster Malfunction
3 - 6 Aether Theorist Die Young Decoction Module Chandra's Pyrohelix Malfunction ---- Inspiring Vantage Chandra's Pyrohelix
3 - 7 Eager Construct Foundry Screecher Maulfist Squad Propeller Pioneer Consulate Skygate ---- Die Young Prakhata Pillar-Bug
3 - 8 Fragmentize Dukhara Peafowl Eager Construct Aetherflux Reservoir Narnam Cobra ---- Thriving Grubs Chandra's Pyrohelix
3 - 9 Blooming Marsh Spireside Infiltrator Select for Inspection Spireside Infiltrator Bastion Mastodon ---- Accomplished Automaton Incendiary Sabotage
3 - 10 Salivating Gremlins Eddytrail Hawk Ambitious Aetherborn Ninth Bridge Patrol Highspire Artisan ---- Maulfist Squad Take Down
3 - 11 Cowl Prowler Ambitious Aetherborn Foundry Screecher Cogworker's Puzzleknot Hijack ---- Rush of Vitality Ambitious Aetherborn
3 - 12 Wayward Giant Renegade Tactics Consulate Skygate Built to Last Built to Last ---- Paradoxical Outcome Fortuitous Find
3 - 13 Ruinous Gremlin Fortuitous Find Prakhata Club Security AEther Tradewinds Woodweaver's Puzzleknot ---- Renegade Tactics AEther Tradewinds
3 - 14 Renegade Tactics Failed Inspection Terror of the Fairgrounds Curio Vendor Prakhata Club Security ---- Dukhara Scavenger Failed Inspection