Ended 7 months ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart tron2000xl pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Patient Naturalist Spinewoods Paladin Vault Plunderer Roxanne, Starfall Savant Iron-Fist Pulverizer Boneyard Desecrator Bristlepack Sentry Desert's Due
1 - 2 Phantom Interference Reckless Lackey Vault Plunderer Goldvein Hydra Blacksnag Buzzard Discerning Peddler Raven of Fell Omens Wanted Griffin
1 - 3 Conduit Pylons Reach for the Sky Fake Your Own Death Stingerback Terror Discerning Peddler Nezumi Linkbreaker Spring Splasher Consuming Ashes
1 - 4 Slickshot Vault-Buster Spinewoods Paladin Highway Robbery Bristlepack Sentry Armored Armadillo Quilled Charger Reckless Lackey Ankle Biter
1 - 5 Overzealous Muscle Bridled Bighorn Conduit Pylons Selvala, Eager Trailblazer Nezumi Linkbreaker Freestrider Commando Ankle Biter Consuming Ashes
1 - 6 Rooftop Assassin Geyser Drake Vengeful Townsfolk Mystical Tether Sterling Keykeeper Sterling Hound Inventive Wingsmith Sterling Hound
1 - 7 Patient Naturalist Prickly Pair Take Up the Shield Goldvein Hydra Patient Naturalist Deadeye Duelist Peerless Ropemaster Rooftop Assassin
1 - 8 Raven of Fell Omens Conduit Pylons Hardbristle Bandit Ornery Tumblewagg Dance of the Tumbleweeds Wanted Griffin Rodeo Pyromancers Take the Fall
1 - 9 Sterling Keykeeper Slickshot Vault-Buster Geyser Drake Trained Arynx Mourner's Surprise Stop Cold Trained Arynx Razzle-Dazzler
1 - 10 Snakeskin Veil Geyser Drake Slickshot Vault-Buster Bovine Intervention Geyser Drake Nezumi Linkbreaker Reckless Lackey Dance of the Tumbleweeds
1 - 11 Neutralize the Guards Sterling Hound Blood Hustler Lassoed by the Law Drover Grizzly Vault Plunderer Explosive Derailment Daring Thunder-Thief
1 - 12 Take for a Ride Beastbond Outcaster Take for a Ride One Last Job Sterling Hound Rooftop Assassin Kraum, Violent Cacophony Forsaken Miner
1 - 13 Aloe Alchemist Omenport Vigilante Forsaken Miner Return the Favor Blood Hustler Mobile Homestead Stubborn Burrowfiend Shifting Grift
1 - 14 Ferocification Shifting Grift Form a Posse Pillage the Bog Kraum, Violent Cacophony Shoot the Sheriff Stubborn Burrowfiend Fleeting Reflection
2 - 1 Stop Cold Stop Cold Trained Arynx Calamity, Galloping Inferno Holy Cow Sterling Keykeeper Failed Fording Mystical Tether
2 - 2 Dance of the Tumbleweeds Mourner's Surprise Phantom Interference Jolene, Plundering Pugilist Inventive Wingsmith Explosive Derailment Stop Cold Sterling Keykeeper
2 - 3 Bridled Bighorn Take the Fall Explosive Derailment Ankle Biter Raven of Fell Omens Mine Raider Trained Arynx Consuming Ashes
2 - 4 Thunder Salvo Mourner's Surprise Rodeo Pyromancers Dance of the Tumbleweeds Vengeful Townsfolk Rodeo Pyromancers Blacksnag Buzzard Mystical Tether
2 - 5 Take Up the Shield Rooftop Assassin Thunder Salvo Reckless Lackey Stagecoach Security Oasis Gardener Mirage Mesa Peerless Ropemaster
2 - 6 Ankle Biter Cactarantula Daring Thunder-Thief Taii Wakeen, Perfect Shot Nezumi Linkbreaker Spring Splasher Inventive Wingsmith Explosive Derailment
2 - 7 Snakeskin Veil Snakeskin Veil Vengeful Townsfolk Steer Clear Boneyard Desecrator Harrier Strix Sterling Keykeeper Failed Fording
2 - 8 Voracious Varmint Oasis Gardener Nezumi Linkbreaker Prairie Dog Highway Robbery Peerless Ropemaster Outlaw Medic Stagecoach Security
2 - 9 Jailbreak Scheme Tumbleweed Rising Prickly Pair Vengeful Townsfolk Sterling Keykeeper Voracious Varmint Deadeye Duelist Oasis Gardener
2 - 10 Seize the Secrets Discerning Peddler Ambush Gigapede Thunder Salvo Lassoed by the Law Corrupted Conviction Fake Your Own Death Spinewoods Paladin
2 - 11 Loan Shark Failed Fording Explosive Derailment Resilient Roadrunner Cunning Coyote Redrock Sentinel Stop Cold Hellspur Brute
2 - 12 Rictus Robber Ruthless Lawbringer Congregation Gryff Smuggler's Surprise Fleeting Reflection Frontier Seeker Emergent Haunting Kraum, Violent Cacophony
2 - 13 Frontier Seeker Riku of Many Paths Rictus Robber Betrayal at the Vault Trash the Town Servant of the Stinger Shackle Slinger Kraum, Violent Cacophony
2 - 14 Skulduggery Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius Breeches, the Blastmaker Blood Hustler Another Round Vadmir, New Blood Requisition Raid Duelist of the Mind
3 - 1 Sterling Supplier Discerning Peddler Take the Fall Cactusfolk Sureshot Reach for the Sky Outlaw Medic Freestrider Commando Desperate Bloodseeker
3 - 2 Inventive Wingsmith Quilled Charger Slickshot Vault-Buster Hardbristle Bandit Corrupted Conviction Discerning Peddler Outlaw Medic Inventive Wingsmith
3 - 3 Silver Deputy Outlaw Medic Stop Cold Stubborn Burrowfiend Trained Arynx Failed Fording Inventive Wingsmith Gold Pan
3 - 4 Holy Cow Take the Fall Desperate Bloodseeker Mystical Tether Outlaws' Fury Spinewoods Paladin Snakeskin Veil Overzealous Muscle
3 - 5 Take the Fall Take the Fall Corrupted Conviction Eriette's Lullaby Phantom Interference Sterling Supplier Sterling Hound Highway Robbery
3 - 6 Irascible Wolverine Djinn of Fool's Fall Trained Arynx Rambling Possum Stagecoach Security Highway Robbery Raven of Fell Omens Gold Pan
3 - 7 Djinn of Fool's Fall Mourner's Surprise Outlaw Medic Great Train Heist Fake Your Own Death Deadeye Duelist Thunder Salvo Snakeskin Veil
3 - 8 Drover Grizzly Daring Thunder-Thief Irascible Wolverine Mystical Tether Phantom Interference Take the Fall Sterling Hound Harrier Strix
3 - 9 Raven of Fell Omens Iron-Fist Pulverizer Bridled Bighorn Spinewoods Paladin Inventive Wingsmith Quilled Charger Outlaws' Fury Giant Beaver
3 - 10 Geyser Drake Honest Rutstein Hardbristle Bandit Obeka, Splitter of Seconds Conduit Pylons Mourner's Surprise Mourner's Surprise Reach for the Sky
3 - 11 Geyser Drake Shackle Slinger Bandit's Haul Deadeye Duelist Boneyard Desecrator Desperate Bloodseeker Hollow Marauder Patient Naturalist
3 - 12 Fleeting Reflection Rakish Crew Deepmuck Desperado Step Between Worlds Bounding Felidar Luxurious Locomotive Boom Box Shackle Slinger
3 - 13 Boom Box Visage Bandit Emergent Haunting Geralf, the Fleshwright Emergent Haunting Treasure Dredger Hollow Marauder Honest Rutstein
3 - 14 Geralf, the Fleshwright Gisa, the Hellraiser Shifting Grift Kambal, Profiteering Mayor Metamorphic Blast Skulduggery Jace Reawakened Magebane Lizard