Ended 7 months ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart mauriciocastanho pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Clement, the Worrywort Sunspine Lynx Kindlespark Duo Colossification Pawpatch Recruit Osteomancer Adept Muerra, Trash Tactician Mistbreath Elder
1 - 2 Blossoming Sands Oakhollow Village Sugar Coat Stormsplitter Rabid Bite Run Away Together Blossoming Sands Starforged Sword
1 - 3 Stormcatch Mentor Patchwork Banner Thought Shucker Swiftwater Cliffs Plumecreed Escort Knightfisher Harnesser of Storms Repel Calamity
1 - 4 Harnesser of Storms Reptilian Recruiter Nocturnal Hunger Lupinflower Village Oakhollow Village Flowerfoot Swordmaster Honored Dreyleader Patchwork Banner
1 - 5 Persistent Marshstalker Flowerfoot Swordmaster Take Out the Trash Reptilian Recruiter Downwind Ambusher Tidecaller Mentor Hop to It Wick's Patrol
1 - 6 Frilled Sparkshooter Agate Assault Junkblade Bruiser Sunshower Druid Persistent Marshstalker Seedpod Squire Barkform Harvester Pileated Provisioner
1 - 7 Conduct Electricity Agate Assault Nocturnal Hunger Fountainport Bell Cache Grab Finch Formation Bumbleflower's Sharepot Lifecreed Duo
1 - 8 Steampath Charger Kindlespark Duo Lightshell Duo Cache Grab Polliwallop Mind Spiral Head of the Homestead Uncharted Haven
1 - 9 Thought Shucker Steampath Charger Bellowing Crier Druid of the Spade Pond Prophet Nightwhorl Hermit Treeguard Duo Diresight
1 - 10 Might of the Meek Thistledown Players Finch Formation Bakersbane Duo Druid of the Spade Starlit Soothsayer Thistledown Players Warren Elder
1 - 11 Finch Formation Rust-Shield Rampager Nightwhorl Hermit Cache Grab Lightshell Duo Thought Shucker Treeguard Duo Brave-Kin Duo
1 - 12 Alania's Pathmaker Brave-Kin Duo Thornplate Intimidator Treeguard Duo Polliwallop Warren Elder Head of the Homestead Warren Elder
1 - 13 Longstalk Brawl Pileated Provisioner Nettle Guard Druid of the Spade Stickytongue Sentinel Rabbit Response Nettle Guard Pileated Provisioner
1 - 14 Brave-Kin Duo Sunshower Druid Scales of Shale Rust-Shield Rampager Glidedive Duo Thornplate Intimidator Bakersbane Duo Nettle Guard
2 - 1 Hugs, Grisly Guardian Portent of Calamity Harnesser of Storms Thornvault Forager Wishing Well Wick, the Whorled Mind Glarb, Calamity's Augur Kastral, the Windcrested
2 - 2 Otterball Antics Banishing Light Agate Assault Sugar Coat Bushy Bodyguard Run Away Together Brambleguard Veteran Banishing Light
2 - 3 Camellia, the Seedmiser Banishing Light Three Tree Mascot Mudflat Village Lilypad Village Harvestrite Host Blossoming Sands Wick's Patrol
2 - 4 Swiftwater Cliffs Seasoned Warrenguard Tempest Angler Junkblade Bruiser Rust-Shield Rampager Thieving Otter Polliwallop Driftgloom Coyote
2 - 5 Conduct Electricity Stormcatch Mentor Tempest Angler Quaketusk Boar Clifftop Lookout Into the Flood Maw Blooming Blast Star Charter
2 - 6 Whiskerquill Scribe Seasoned Warrenguard Tempest Angler Lilypad Village Longstalk Brawl Thought Shucker Clifftop Lookout Brightblade Stoat
2 - 7 Whiskerquill Scribe Bumbleflower's Sharepot Bellowing Crier Lightshell Duo Cache Grab Mind Drill Assailant Brave-Kin Duo Moonrise Cleric
2 - 8 Tempest Angler Heartfire Hero Mind Spiral Hidden Grotto Druid of the Spade Mind Drill Assailant Sunshower Druid Bandit's Talent
2 - 9 Run Away Together Warren Elder Kindlespark Duo Blooming Blast Corpseberry Cultivator Lightshell Duo Stickytongue Sentinel Nettle Guard
2 - 10 Nightwhorl Hermit Frilled Sparkshooter War Squeak Waterspout Warden Bakersbane Duo Bumbleflower's Sharepot Polliwallop Thistledown Players
2 - 11 Whiskerquill Scribe Hidden Grotto Diresight Stickytongue Sentinel Starlit Soothsayer Mind Spiral Stickytongue Sentinel Scales of Shale
2 - 12 Sunshower Druid Nettle Guard Whiskerquill Scribe Whiskerquill Scribe Rust-Shield Rampager Finch Formation Bellowing Crier Diresight
2 - 13 Starlit Soothsayer Rabbit Response Pileated Provisioner War Squeak Rabbit Response Nightwhorl Hermit Thornplate Intimidator Pileated Provisioner
2 - 14 Rust-Shield Rampager Thistledown Players Early Winter Veteran Guardmouse Waterspout Warden Diresight Nocturnal Hunger Brave-Kin Duo
3 - 1 Quaketusk Boar Tender Wildguide Fell Swiftwater Cliffs Festival of Embers Mockingbird Valley Floodcaller Banishing Light
3 - 2 Rabid Bite Salvation Swan Uncharted Haven Colossification Three Tree Scribe Bandit's Talent Druid of the Spade Mouse Trapper
3 - 3 Charmed Sleep Banishing Light Uncharted Haven Charmed Sleep Rabid Bite Salvation Swan Mouse Trapper Fell
3 - 4 Sugar Coat Feather of Flight Kitnap Run Away Together Brambleguard Veteran Banishing Light Mouse Trapper Brightblade Stoat
3 - 5 Tempest Angler Barkform Harvester Kindlespark Duo Giant Growth Pond Prophet Harvestrite Host Rockface Village Mouse Trapper
3 - 6 Pond Prophet Head of the Homestead Agate Assault Long River's Pull Lilysplash Mentor Calamitous Tide Brambleguard Captain Thought-Stalker Warlock
3 - 7 Tempest Angler Rabbit Response Uncharted Haven Tidecaller Mentor Treetop Sentries Mudflat Village Treetop Sentries Moonrise Cleric
3 - 8 Bumbleflower's Sharepot Hidden Grotto Mind Drill Assailant Bumbleflower's Sharepot Nocturnal Hunger Nightwhorl Hermit Repel Calamity Nettle Guard
3 - 9 Sugar Coat Bumbleflower's Sharepot Take Out the Trash Treetop Sentries Fountainport Bell Scales of Shale Wax-Wane Witness Moonrise Cleric
3 - 10 Fountainport Bell Thistledown Players Take Out the Trash Bakersbane Duo Druid of the Spade Thought Shucker Lifecreed Duo Diresight
3 - 11 Flame Lash Wax-Wane Witness Pearl of Wisdom Three Tree Mascot Rust-Shield Rampager Nightwhorl Hermit Lifecreed Duo Rabbit Response
3 - 12 Steampath Charger Might of the Meek Bellowing Crier Bakersbane Duo Steampath Charger Bellowing Crier Rust-Shield Rampager Scales of Shale
3 - 13 Whiskerquill Scribe Wax-Wane Witness Conduct Electricity Rust-Shield Rampager Pearl of Wisdom Lifecreed Duo Alania's Pathmaker Lifecreed Duo
3 - 14 Might of the Meek Bellowing Crier Glidedive Duo Scales of Shale Glidedive Duo Nocturnal Hunger Carrot Cake Early Winter