Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart arcezise pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Illusionary Mask Dragon Whelp Lightning Bolt ---- Celestial Prism Armageddon Lightning Bolt The Hive
1 - 2 Fireball Thicket Basilisk Crystal Rod ---- Orcish Oriflamme Drain Life Fireball Scrubland
1 - 3 Sinkhole Sengir Vampire Feedback ---- Flashfires Raise Dead Wall of Air Uthden Troll
1 - 4 Regrowth Deathgrip Orcish Oriflamme ---- Orcish Oriflamme War Mammoth Wall of Fire Kudzu
1 - 5 Giant Growth Disintegrate Feedback ---- Circle of Protection: Black Disintegrate Deathgrip Nettling Imp
1 - 6 Gray Ogre Psychic Venom War Mammoth ---- Giant Growth Drain Life Drudge Skeletons Wall of Wood
1 - 7 Raise Dead Holy Strength Orcish Artillery ---- Creature Bond Grizzly Bears Fire Elemental Chaoslace
1 - 8 Power Sink Drudge Skeletons Circle of Protection: Blue ---- Wild Growth Hill Giant Blue Elemental Blast Circle of Protection: White
1 - 9 Drudge Skeletons Hill Giant Scathe Zombies ---- Creature Bond Howl from Beyond Wild Growth Raise Dead
1 - 10 Drudge Skeletons Power Sink Death Ward ---- Shanodin Dryads Scathe Zombies Iron Star Ironroot Treefolk
1 - 11 Instill Energy Scathe Zombies Jump ---- Healing Salve Ironclaw Orcs Plague Rats Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
1 - 12 Weakness Firebreathing Twiddle ---- Samite Healer False Orders Guardian Angel Circle of Protection: Blue
1 - 13 Merfolk of the Pearl Trident Dwarven Warriors Pearled Unicorn ---- Ironroot Treefolk Ironroot Treefolk Phantom Monster Invisibility
1 - 14 Shatter Tranquility Regeneration ---- Power Leak Shatter Invisibility Mons's Goblin Raiders
2 - 1 Abu Ja'far Desert Nomads Hurr Jackal ---- Hurr Jackal Hurr Jackal Serendib Efreet Merchant Ship
2 - 2 City of Brass Magnetic Mountain Oubliette ---- Jeweled Bird Camel Abu Ja'far Jeweled Bird
2 - 3 Oubliette Jeweled Bird Unstable Mutation ---- Fishliver Oil Ali Baba Brass Man Sandals of Abdallah
2 - 4 Desert Twister Flying Carpet Oubliette ---- Piety Camel Stone-Throwing Devils Piety
2 - 5 Erg Raiders Ali Baba Flying Men ---- Dandan Camel Flying Carpet Hurr Jackal
2 - 6 Erg Raiders Unstable Mutation Oubliette ---- Dandan Fishliver Oil Desert Dandan
2 - 7 Rukh Egg Hurr Jackal Erg Raiders ---- Giant Tortoise Camel Cuombajj Witches Piety
2 - 8 Cuombajj Witches Desert Dancing Scimitar ---- Stone-Throwing Devils Sandstorm Flying Men Sindbad
2 - 9 Nafs Asp Desert Cuombajj Witches ---- Ghazban Ogre Ghazban Ogre Wyluli Wolf Kird Ape
2 - 10 Nafs Asp Desert Twister Desert Nomads ---- Fishliver Oil Bird Maiden Ghazban Ogre Ghazban Ogre
2 - 11 Wyluli Wolf Kird Ape Rukh Egg ---- Hasran Ogress Sandstorm Moorish Cavalry Bird Maiden
2 - 12 Ghazban Ogre Kird Ape Old Man of the Sea ---- Giant Tortoise Metamorphosis Ghazban Ogre Kird Ape
2 - 13 Moorish Cavalry Kird Ape Cyclone ---- Army of Allah Moorish Cavalry Desert Magnetic Mountain
2 - 14 Army of Allah Dandan War Elephant ---- War Elephant Moorish Cavalry Metamorphosis Shahrazad
3 - 1 Chain Lightning Divine Offering Syphon Soul ---- Silhouette Ramses Overdark Disharmony Wall of Wonder
3 - 2 Chain Lightning Craw Giant Gaseous Form ---- Visions Princess Lucrezia Blue Mana Battery Divine Offering
3 - 3 Gaseous Form Marhault Elsdragon Blue Mana Battery ---- Blue Mana Battery Pyrotechnics Alabaster Potion Moss Monster
3 - 4 Cat Warriors Remove Soul Land Tax ---- Touch of Darkness Walking Dead Aisling Leprechaun Remove Soul
3 - 5 Puppet Master Wall of Earth Tundra Wolves ---- Tor Wauki Livonya Silone The Brute Reset
3 - 6 Wall of Caltrops Wall of Heat Shelkin Brownie ---- Glyph of Delusion Walking Dead Tundra Wolves Zephyr Falcon
3 - 7 Untamed Wilds Indestructible Aura Planar Gate ---- Glyph of Destruction Glyph of Destruction Wall of Caltrops Wall of Vapor
3 - 8 Giant Strength Jasmine Boreal Takklemaggot ---- Glyph of Delusion Wall of Shadows Osai Vultures Active Volcano
3 - 9 Ghosts of the Damned Spirit Shackle Hell Swarm ---- Shelkin Brownie Holy Day Ichneumon Druid Active Volcano
3 - 10 Feint Moss Monster Wall of Shadows ---- Crookshank Kobolds Crookshank Kobolds Headless Horseman Wall of Earth
3 - 11 Durkwood Boars Enchantment Alteration Kobolds of Kher Keep ---- Wall of Earth Crimson Kobolds Hornet Cobra Psychic Purge
3 - 12 Flash Counter Darkness Kobolds of Kher Keep ---- Kobolds of Kher Keep Wolverine Pack Avoid Fate Transmutation
3 - 13 Glyph of Reincarnation Torsten Von Ursus Sivitri Scarzam ---- Giant Turtle Devouring Deep Glyph of Doom Darkness
3 - 14 Rust Avoid Fate Crimson Kobolds ---- Devouring Deep Shelkin Brownie Emerald Dragonfly Enchanted Being