
Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart jazzarazza pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart L1NX pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker ---- Sensei's Divining Top Rashmi, Eternities Crafter ---- Combat Celebrant Control Magic Thran Dynamo
1 - 2 Batterskull ---- Brainstorm Birds of Paradise ---- Consecrated Sphinx Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip Sublime Archangel
1 - 3 Green Sun's Zenith ---- Venser, Shaper Savant Thassa, God of the Sea ---- Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Tinker
1 - 4 Cryptic Command *list* ---- Grave Titan Garruk Wildspeaker ---- Preordain Hanweir Garrison  Meld Everflowing Chalice
1 - 5 Flame Slash ---- Shriekmaw Tamiyo, the Moon Sage ---- Baral, Chief of Compliance Sower of Temptation Baleful Strix
1 - 6 Surrak, the Hunt Caller ---- Elspeth, Sun's Champion Thraben Inspector ---- Fyndhorn Elves Compulsive Research Recurring Nightmare
1 - 7 Mana Leak ---- Pestermite Show and Tell ---- Monastery Mentor Toxic Deluge Avenger of Zendikar
1 - 8 Hallowed Fountainfoil ---- Sakura-Tribe Elder Breeding Poolfoil ---- Arbor Elf Spellskite Murderous Redcap
1 - 9 Kitchen Finks ---- Vedalken Shackles Electrolyze ---- Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Armageddon Courser of Kruphix
1 - 10 Elvish Mystic ---- Phyrexian Revoker Baneslayer Angel ---- Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip Craterhoof Behemoth Abrupt Decay
1 - 11 Magma Jet ---- Secure the Wastes Beast Within ---- Grim Lavamancer Vesuva Thrun, the Last Troll
1 - 12 Thundermaw Hellkite ---- Oblivion Ring Gray Merchant of Asphodel ---- Vengevine Karmic Guide Terminus
1 - 13 Far / Away ---- Sacred Foundryfoil Flickerwisp ---- Student of Warfare Kessig Wolf Run Ash Zealot
1 - 14 Raging Ravine ---- Burst Lightning Pithing Needle ---- Scavenging Ooze Eldrazi Monument Sunpetal Grove
1 - 15 Treetop Village ---- Dualcaster Mage Hinterland Harbor ---- Stromkirk Noble Enclave Cryptologist Selvala's Stampede
2 - 1 Demonic Tutor ---- Elspeth, Knight-Errant Ancient Tomb ---- Archangel Avacyn  Flip Gonti, Lord of Luxury Supreme Will
2 - 2 Snapcaster Mage ---- Sneak Attack Solemn Simulacrum ---- Samut, Voice of Dissent City of Ass Chromatic Lantern
2 - 3 Dig Through Time ---- Kira, Great Glass-Spinner Glen Elendra Archmage ---- Dack Fayden Dragonlord Silumgar Censor
2 - 4 Wrath of God ---- Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip Vendilion Clique ---- Sinkhole Swords to Plowshares Dragonlord Ojutai
2 - 5 Mimic Vat ---- Xenagos, God of Revels Hero of Bladehold ---- Upheaval Deal Broker Balance
2 - 6 Bloodstained Mire ---- Necromancy Miscalculation ---- Hedron Archivefoil Entomb Hero's Downfall
2 - 7 Booster Tutor ---- Go for the Throat Mulldrifter ---- Dragonlord Atarka Pia and Kiran Nalaar Watery Gravefoil
2 - 8 Simic Sky Swallower ---- Hangarback Walker Merfolk Looter ---- Wheel of Fortune Dark Confidant Steam Ventsfoil
2 - 9 Master of Wavesfoil ---- Leovold's Operative Mirari's Wake ---- Eternal Witness Explore Oath of Druids
2 - 10 Remand ---- Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Godless Shrinefoil ---- Nekrataal Massacre Wurmfoil Fiery Confluence
2 - 11 Dungeon Geists ---- Kari Zev's Expertise Selfless Spirit ---- Reclamation Sage Goblin Guide Kolaghan's Command
2 - 12 Necropotence ---- Flametongue Kavu Spectral Procession ---- Hellrider Celestial Colonnade Wall of Omens
2 - 13 Zurgo Bellstriker ---- Tangle Wire Lumbering Falls ---- Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Hero of Oxid Ridge Siege Rhino
2 - 14 Irrigated Farmland ---- Stormblood Berserker Accorder Paladin ---- Rogue's Passage Noose Constrictor Rishadan Port
2 - 15 Lore Seeker ---- Fireblast Bloodrage Brawler ---- Parallax Wave Foreboding Ruins Agent of Acquisitions
3 - 1 Tireless Tracker ---- Forsake the Worldly Quicksilver Amulet ---- Animate Dead Gilded Lotusfoil As Foretold
3 - 2 Ramunap Excavator ---- Emrakul, the Promised End Mystic Confluence ---- Coalition Relic Restoration Angel Cultivator's Caravan
3 - 3 Basalt Monolith ---- Verdurous Gearhulk Nissa, Voice of Zendikarfoil ---- Reanimate Torrential Gearhulk Pack Rat
3 - 4 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas ---- Ancestral Vision Cultivate ---- Sundering Titan Sylvan Caryatid Goblin Rabblemaster
3 - 5 Cyclonic Rift ---- Phyrexian Metamorph Thalia, Heretic Cathar ---- Nissa, Steward of Elements Hornet Queen Flooded Strand
3 - 6 Blade Splicer ---- Shelldock Isle Wretched Confluence ---- Prismatic Lens Drana, Liberator of Malakir Ponder
3 - 7 Blood Artist ---- Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast Bonfire of the Damned ---- Angel of Invention Whisperwood Elemental Coldsteel Heart
3 - 8 Treasure Cruise ---- Hordeling Outburst Mind Stone ---- Phantasmal Image Sylvan Library Bloodbraid Elf
3 - 9 Sulfur Falls ---- Entreat the Angels Venser, the Sojournerfoil ---- Rancor Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit Kodama's Reach
3 - 10 Young Pyromancer ---- Deceiver Exarch Inferno Titan ---- Sram's Expertise Temple Gardenfoil Unburial Rites
3 - 11 Sphinx of the Steel Wind ---- Faith's Fetters Sphinx's Revelation ---- Daze Nissa, Vital Force Regrowth
3 - 12 Searing Blaze ---- Izzet Charm Rift Bolt ---- Council's Judgment Cast Out Zealous Conscripts
3 - 13 Wooded Foothills ---- Cloistered Youth  Flip Loxodon Smiter ---- Figure of Destiny Into the Roil Fiend Hunter
3 - 14 Mirror Entity ---- Manic Vandal Champion of the Parish ---- Shadowmage Infiltrator Dictate of Heliod Frostburn Weird
3 - 15 Shrine of Burning Rage ---- Boros Charmfoil Dragon Hunter ---- Porcelain Legionnaire Razorverge Thicket Pillage