Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart coslenchip pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Sandwurm Convergence Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons ---- Honored Hydra
1 - 2 Cast Out Scaled Behemoth ---- Harsh Mentor
1 - 3 Shefet Monitor Censor ---- Magma Spray
1 - 4 Vizier of Tumbling Sands Cartouche of Ambition ---- Evolving Wilds
1 - 5 Labyrinth Guardian Cartouche of Knowledge ---- Fan Bearer
1 - 6 Ahn-Crop Champion Gust Walker ---- Wasteland Scorpion
1 - 7 Shimmerscale Drake Aven Initiate ---- Open Into Wonder
1 - 8 Winged Shepherd Rhet-Crop Spearmaster ---- Open Into Wonder
1 - 9 Essence Scatter Doomed Dissenter ---- Impeccable Timing
1 - 10 Hieroglyphic Illumination Colossapede ---- Miasma Mummy
1 - 11 Naga Oracle Tah-Crop Skirmisher ---- Anointer Priest
1 - 12 Unburden Those Who Serve ---- Sacred Cat
1 - 13 Cancel Forsake the Worldly ---- Anointer Priest
1 - 14 Forsake the Worldly Decision Paralysis ---- Sunscorched Desert
2 - 1 Scaled Behemoth Sweltering Suns ---- Angler Drake
2 - 2 Electrify Regal Caracal ---- Harsh Mentor
2 - 3 Start / Finish Trial of Strength ---- Trial of Solidarity
2 - 4 Final Reward Shefet Monitor ---- Unwavering Initiate
2 - 5 Wasteland Scorpion Tah-Crop Elite ---- Cartouche of Strength
2 - 6 Bitterblade Warrior Emberhorn Minotaur ---- Shimmerscale Drake
2 - 7 Giant Spider Anointed Procession ---- Vizier of Remedies
2 - 8 Wander in Death Aven Initiate ---- Oashra Cultivator
2 - 9 Nef-Crop Entangler Flameblade Adept ---- Desert Cerodon
2 - 10 Tah-Crop Skirmisher Compelling Argument ---- Illusory Wrappings
2 - 11 Bloodlust Inciter Tah-Crop Skirmisher ---- Pouncing Cheetah
2 - 12 Cancel Kefnat's Monument ---- Mighty Leap
2 - 13 Forsake the Worldly Cancel ---- Shed Weakness
2 - 14 Scribe of the Mindful Scarab Feast ---- Luxa River Shrine
3 - 1 Exemplar of Strength Sandwurm Convergence ---- Bontu the Glorified
3 - 2 Bone Picker Bone Picker ---- Compulsory Rest
3 - 3 Galestrike Bloodrage Brawler ---- Compulsory Rest
3 - 4 Devoted Crop-Mate Fan Bearer ---- New Perspectives
3 - 5 Impeccable Timing Hooded Brawler ---- Electrify
3 - 6 Magma Spray Binding Mummy ---- Battlefield Scavenger
3 - 7 Cartouche of Silidarity Gust Walker ---- Nef-Crop Entangler
3 - 8 River Serpent Cartouche of Solidarity ---- Wander in Death
3 - 9 Sacred Cat Desert Cerodon ---- Cancel
3 - 10 Bloodlust Inciter Tormenting Voice ---- Shadow of the Grave
3 - 11 Initiate's Companion Seeker of Insight ---- Initiate's Companion
3 - 12 Naga Oracle Hekma Sentinels ---- Floodwaters
3 - 13 Reduce / Rubble In Oketra's Name ---- Forsake the Worldly
3 - 14 Protection of the Hekma In Oketra's Name ---- By Force