Vintage Cube copy

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart vino03111 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Hero's Downfall Consecrated Sphinx Mana Drain Tinker ---- Demonic Tutor Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Ancestral Recall
1 - 2 Blightsteel Colossus Wasteland Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Karn Liberated ---- Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Show and Tell Reanimate
1 - 3 Polluted Delta Garruk Wildspeaker Survival of the Fittest Izzet Signet ---- Mind Twist Torrential Gearhulk Myr Battlesphere
1 - 4 Gideon of the Trials Tarmogoyf Wheel of Fortune Declaration in Stone ---- Sword of Fire and Ice Solemn Simulacrum Monastery Mentor
1 - 5 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Balance Pack Rat Goblin Dark-Dwellers ---- Volcanic Island Primeval Titan Entomb
1 - 6 Mana Confluence Azorius Signet Llanowar Elves Fatal Push ---- Bayou Sun Titan Animate Dead
1 - 7 Steam Ventsfoil Ajani Vengeantfoil Tooth and Nail Inquisition of Kozilek ---- Knight of the White Orchid Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury Mishra's Workshop
1 - 8 Avenger of Zendikar Dark Ritual Toxic Deluge Dark Confidant ---- Linvala, Keeper of Silence Spirebluff Canal Polukranos, World Eater
1 - 9 Garruk, Apex Predator Badlands Necromancy Harsh Mentor ---- Terastodon Sphinx of the Steel Wind Painful Truths
1 - 10 Hellrider Chandra, Pyromaster Banishing Light Council's Judgment ---- Pentad Prism Unburial Rites Scrubland
1 - 11 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas Mizzium Mortars Daretti, Scrap Savant Lodestone Golem ---- Breeding Poolfoil Rishkar, Peema Renegade Oath of Druids
1 - 12 Grim Lavamancer Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip Pernicious Deed Commit / Memory ---- Lingering Souls Burst Lightning Duress
1 - 13 Westvale Abbey  Flip Smokestack Search for Tomorrow Goblin Welderfoil ---- Genesis Wave Vryn Wingmare Primal Command
1 - 14 Sacred Foundryfoil Mental Misstep Tidehollow Sculler Spectral Procession ---- Flickerwisp Regrowth Shadowmage Infiltrator
1 - 15 Ancient Grudge Sweltering Suns Rift Bolt Leonin Relic-Warder ---- Putrid Impfoil Shrine of Burning Rage Boros Charmfoil
2 - 1 Sword of War and Peace Elspeth, Sun's Champion Treachery Grim Monolith ---- Sheoldred, Whispering One Mana Crypt Liliana of the Veil
2 - 2 Sower of Temptation Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary Ancestral Vision Sol Ring ---- Counterspell Snapcaster Mage Mystical Tutor
2 - 3 Mulldrifter Tamiyo, the Moon Sage Library of Alexandria Dragonlord Atarka ---- Worn Powerstone Time Spiral Gideon Jura
2 - 4 Tropical Island Imperial Seal Phyrexian Arena Fact or Fiction ---- Elvish Mystic Sakura-Tribe Elder Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
2 - 5 Simic Signet Watery Gravefoil Mana Leak Chandra, Flamecaller ---- Ral Zarek Oblivion Ring Frost Titan
2 - 6 Gitaxian Probe Thragtusk Scalding Tarn Go for the Throat ---- Recruiter of the Guard Vedalken Shackles Rakdos Signet
2 - 7 Craterhoof Behemoth Deathrite Shaman Green Sun's Zenith High Tide ---- Baleful Strix Phantasmal Image Scavenging Ooze
2 - 8 Frantic Search Collective Brutality Xenagos, the Reveler Thirst for Knowledge ---- Overgrown Tombfoil Repeal Nevinyrral's Disk
2 - 9 Daze Selfless Spirit Chain Lightning Impulse ---- Land Tax Cabal Ritual Windswept Heath
2 - 10 Master of the Wild Hunt Trinket Mage Marsh Flats Banisher Priest ---- Massacre Wurmfoil Kitchen Finks Palinchron
2 - 11 Awakening Zone Monastery Swiftspear Song of the Dryads Acidic Slime ---- Avacyn's Pilgrim Sidisi, Undead Vizier Armageddon
2 - 12 Plateau Exalted Angel Porcelain Legionnaire Anguished Unmaking ---- Wall of Blossoms Figure of Destiny Izzet Charm
2 - 13 Brimstone Volley Raging Ravine Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Mind's Desire ---- Searing Spear Moat Phyrexian Revoker
2 - 14 Fire / Ice Reflector Mage Stirring Wildwood Blooming Marsh ---- Progenitus Mesmeric Fiend Braids, Cabal Minion
2 - 15 Grim Tutor Avalanche Riders Falkenrath Gorger Razorverge Thicket ---- Magus of the Will Lightning Mauler Firedrinker Satyr
3 - 1 Umezawa's Jitte Noble Hierarch Thran Dynamo Mox Diamond ---- Mox Ruby Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip Phyrexian Metamorph
3 - 2 Dig Through Time Mystic Confluence Glen Elendra Archmage Birds of Paradise ---- Mox Pearl Dack Fayden Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
3 - 3 Basalt Monolith Stoneforge Mystic Bitterblossom Venser, Shaper Savant ---- Ancient Tomb Channel Recurring Nightmare
3 - 4 Misty Rainforest Vendilion Clique Day of Judgment Lotus Bloom ---- Control Magic Liliana, Death's Majesty Path to Exile
3 - 5 Jace Beleren Baral, Chief of Compliance Sneak Attack Den Protector ---- Lotus Cobra Crucible of Worlds Orzhov Signet
3 - 6 Metalworker Damnation Young Pyromancer Restoration Angel ---- Tundra Tezzeret the Seeker Golgari Signet
3 - 7 Eternal Witness Gruul Signet Treasure Cruise Iona, Shield of Emeria ---- Winter Orb Fiery Confluence Memory Jar
3 - 8 Taiga Hallowed Fountainfoil Vindicate Flooded Strand ---- Natural Order Yawgmoth's Bargain Voice of Resurgence
3 - 9 Garruk Relentless  Flip Wandering Fumarole Vampire Nighthawk Desecration Demon ---- Goblin Guide Tasigur, the Golden Fang Mirari's Wake
3 - 10 Linvala, the Preserver Angel of Sanctions Exquisite Firecraft Necropotence ---- Verdant Catacombs Ultimate Price Blackcleave Cliffs
3 - 11 Shambling Vent Scroll Rack Anticipate Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ---- Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker Thundermaw Hellkite Spell Pierce
3 - 12 Stormbreath Dragon Incinerate Electrolyze Heartbeat of Spring ---- Imperial Recruiter Lion's Eye Diamond Magma Jet
3 - 13 Force Spike Lightning Helix Skinrender Shallow Grave ---- Pithing Needle Ravages of War Magus of the Moon
3 - 14 Bring to Light Concealed Courtyard Stomping Groundfoil Firebolt ---- Manglehorn Siege-Gang Commander Reveillark
3 - 15 Botanical Sanctum Needle Spires Mardu Woe-Reaper Guttersnipe ---- Wall of Omens Qasali Pridemage Smash to Smithereens