
Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Rowan4 pie chart DraftBot pie chart L1NX pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Heirloom Blade Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh Rhonas the Indomitable Liliana of the Veil Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet ---- Noxious Gearhulk ----
1 - 2 Umezawa's Jitte Languish Jace, the Mind Sculptor Glory-Bound Initiate Mystic Confluence ---- Ramunap Excavator ----
1 - 3 Sensei's Divining Top Batterskull Exhumefoil Archangel Avacyn  Flip Goblin Rabblemaster ---- Swords to Plowshares ----
1 - 4 Mox Diamond Nissa, Steward of Elements Sundering Titan Steam Ventsfoil Worn Powerstone ---- Force of Will ----
1 - 5 Jace Beleren Tireless Tracker Elspeth, Knight-Errant Coldsteel Heart Dragonlord Atarka ---- Lightning Bolt ----
1 - 6 True-Name Nemesis Tundra Grave Titan Doom Blade Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip ---- Hangarback Walker ----
1 - 7 Creeping Tar Pit Monastery Mentor Necromancy Dack Fayden Preordain ---- Joraga Treespeaker ----
1 - 8 Control Magic Prismatic Lens Recurring Nightmare Hallowed Fountainfoil Strip Mine ---- Pia Nalaar ----
1 - 9 Thraben Inspector Angel of Invention Eternal Witness Maze of Ith Wheel of Fortune ---- Opposition ----
1 - 10 Banishing Light Grim Lavamancer Mana Confluence Kitchen Finks Memory Lapse ---- Stoneforge Mystic ----
1 - 11 Grafted Wargear Scroll Rack Raging Ravine Arc Lightning Breeding Poolfoil ---- Badlands ----
1 - 12 Volcanic Island Icy Manipulator Bonesplitter Flickerwisp Arcane Denial ---- Figure of Destiny ----
1 - 13 Selfless Spirit Deep Analysis Incinerate Porcelain Legionnaire Dryad Militant ---- Journey to Nowhere ----
1 - 14 Stormblood Berserker Plateau Incendiary Flow Lone Missionary Regrowth ---- Waterfront Bouncer ----
1 - 15 Koth of the Hammerfoil Falkenrath Gorger Reveillark Lingering Souls Stromkirk Noble ---- Fireblast ----
2 - 1 Bloodforged Battle-Axe Chandra, Torch of Defiance Griselbrand Vampiric Tutor Karn Liberated ---- Demonic Tutor ----
2 - 2 Path to Exile Mystical Tutor Remand Consecrated Sphinx Chart a Course ---- Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip ----
2 - 3 Hanweir Garrison  Meld Kolaghan's Command Primeval Titan Ugin, the Spirit Dragon Snapcaster Mage ---- Counterspell ----
2 - 4 Council's Judgment Brainstorm Verdurous Gearhulk Thalia, Heretic Cathar Arcane Savant ---- Hornet Queen ----
2 - 5 Ponder Spell Queller Fact or Fiction Mana Leak Dismember ---- Pack Rat ----
2 - 6 Misty Rainforest Walking Ballista Forbid Oblivion Ring Glen Elendra Archmage ---- Wooded Foothills ----
2 - 7 Flooded Strand Flame Slash Duplicant Sram's Expertise Wrath of God ---- Lotus Cobra ----
2 - 8 Ajani Vengeantfoil Recruiter of the Guard Brimaz, King of Oreskos Impulse Chain Lightning ---- Tropical Island ----
2 - 9 Terastodon Myr Battlesphere Glint-Sleeve Siphoner Overgrown Tombfoil Windswept Heath ---- Baneslayer Angel ----
2 - 10 Imperial Seal Perilous Myr Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Goblin Guide Vedalken Shackles ---- Mutavault ----
2 - 11 Abbot of Keral Keep Crystal Shard Oath of Nissa Tasigur, the Golden Fang Watery Gravefoil ---- Harsh Mentor ----
2 - 12 Heir of Falkenrath  Flip Savannah Arid Mesa Bayou Maelstrom Pulse ---- Everflowing Chalice ----
2 - 13 Bloodbraid Elf Looter il-Kor Vindicate Char Daze ---- Force Spike ----
2 - 14 Godless Shrinefoil Day of Judgment Siege-Gang Commander Grand Coliseum Celestial Colonnade ---- Wild Nacatl ----
2 - 15 Horizon Canopy Soldier of the Pantheon Rolling Earthquake Wall of Omens Firebolt ---- Acidic Slime ----
3 - 1 Forsake the Worldly Coalition Relic Grim Monolith Tinker Sword of Fire and Ice ---- Skullclamp ----
3 - 2 Adanto Vanguard Wurmcoil Engine Censor Cryptic Command *list* Whirler Rogue ---- Serum Visions ----
3 - 3 Miscalculation Dig Through Time Phyrexian Metamorph Smuggler's Copter Upheaval ---- Torrential Gearhulk ----
3 - 4 Animate Dead Courser of Kruphix Sylvan Caryatid Mulldrifter Bitterblossom ---- Scalding Tarn ----
3 - 5 Ancient Tomb Liliana, Death's Majesty Rampant Growth Fellwar Stone Underground Sea ---- Polluted Delta ----
3 - 6 Venser, Shaper Savant Vendilion Clique Sneak Attack Baleful Strix Phantasmal Image ---- Mind Stone ----
3 - 7 Blood Artist Tarmogoyf Noble Hierarch Sun Titan Inferno Titan ---- Hymn to Tourach ----
3 - 8 Thoughtseize Verdant Catacombs Hero of Bladehold Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Farseek ---- Wasteland ----
3 - 9 Declaration in Stone Young Pyromancer Go for the Throat Night's Whisper Garruk Wildspeaker ---- Mother of Runes ----
3 - 10 Sphinx of the Steel Wind Man-o'-War Scavenging Ooze Survival of the Fittest Fiery Confluence ---- Entomb ----
3 - 11 Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip Rishkar, Peema Renegade Feldon of the Third Path Taiga Kari Zev, Skyship Raider ---- Restoration Angel ----
3 - 12 Pyroclasm Guardian Idol Shelldock Isle Edric, Spymaster of Trest Arc Trail ---- Shriekmaw ----
3 - 13 Pia and Kiran Nalaar Blade Splicer Thundermaw Hellkite Magma Jet Stomping Groundfoil ---- City of Brass ----
3 - 14 Temple Gardenfoil Tangle Wire Imposing Sovereign Izzet Charm Pernicious Deed ---- Reflector Mage ----
3 - 15 Sacred Foundryfoil Isamaru, Hound of Konda Goblin Welderfoil Firedrinker Satyr Mardu Woe-Reaper ---- Unexpectedly Absent ----