Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart RTiffstonybrook pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Karona, False God Nefashu Stifle Upwelling Cabal Interrogator Consumptive Goo ---- Primitive Etchings
1 - 2 Skirk Volcanist Fatal Mutation Claws of Wirewood Karona's Zealot Claws of Wirewood Krosan Drover ---- Dimensional Breach
1 - 3 Cabal Interrogator Karona's Zealot Krosan Warchief Krosan Drover Dragonstalker Scattershot ---- Fatal Mutation
1 - 4 Cabal Interrogator Wing Shards Krosan Warchief Dragonspeaker Shaman Undead Warchief Undead Warchief ---- Treetop Scout
1 - 5 Bladewing the Risen Wirewood Symbiote Spark Spray Misguided Rage Misguided Rage Alpha Status ---- Dragonstalker
1 - 6 Krosan Drover Aven Farseer Torrent of Fire Dragon Fangs Spark Spray Aven Liberator ---- Lingering Death
1 - 7 Bonethorn Valesk Lingering Death Long-Term Plans Astral Steel Woodcloaker Zombie Cutthroat ---- Aven Liberator
1 - 8 Torrent of Fire Coast Watcher Treetop Scout Bonethorn Valesk Vengeful Dead Dragon Shadow ---- Woodcloaker
1 - 9 Death's-Head Buzzard Rock Jockey Vengeful Dead One with Nature Death's-Head Buzzard Frontline Strategist ---- Aven Farseer
1 - 10 Torrent of Fire Dragon Scales Guilty Conscience Noble Templar Noble Templar Enrage ---- Torrent of Fire
1 - 11 Zealous Inquisitor Zealous Inquisitor Sprouting Vines Dragon Scales Guilty Conscience Twisted Abomination ---- Chartooth Cougar
1 - 12 Reaping the Graves Rock Jockey Unburden Frontline Strategist Carrion Feeder Dragon Wings ---- Hindering Touch
1 - 13 Reaping the Graves Skulltap Twisted Abomination Divergent Growth Hindering Touch Divergent Growth ---- Carrion Feeder
1 - 14 Raven Guild Initiate Raven Guild Initiate Wipe Clean Wipe Clean Mercurial Kite Raven Guild Initiate ---- Wipe Clean
2 - 1 Sylvan Primordial Ogre Slumlord Gideon, Champion of Justice Blind Obedience Simic Manipulator Sylvan Primordial ---- Hellkite Tyrant
2 - 2 Rust Scarab Knight of Obligation Rapid Hybridization Vizkopa Guildmage Knight of Obligation Immortal Servitude ---- Truefire Paladin
2 - 3 Guardian of the Gateless Orzhov Charm Pit Fight Kingpin's Pet Rust Scarab Wojek Halberdiers ---- Wasteland Viper
2 - 4 Cloudfin Raptor Dying Wish Incursion Specialist Prophetic Prism Basilica Screecher Ripscale Predator ---- Forced Adaptation
2 - 5 Kingpin's Pet Assault Griffin Balustrade Spy Verdant Haven Simic Fluxmage Deathcult Rogue ---- Urban Evolution
2 - 6 Balustrade Spy Bomber Corps Undercity Informer Basilica Screecher Assault Griffin Mugging ---- Warmind Infantry
2 - 7 Scorchwalker Last Thoughts Basilica Guards Last Thoughts Cinder Elemental Dimir Guildgate ---- Sapphire Drake
2 - 8 Skarrg Guildmage Sage's Row Denizen Hellraiser Goblin Wojek Halberdiers Ivy Lane Denizen Devour Flesh ---- Martial Glory
2 - 9 Shadow Slice Boros Guildgate Assault Griffin Metropolis Sprite Bomber Corps Spire Tracer ---- Massive Raid
2 - 10 Adaptive Snapjaw Psychic Strike Paranoid Delusions Scorchwalker Slate Street Ruffian Mark for Death ---- Scab-Clan Charger
2 - 11 Skyknight Legionnaire Scatter Arc Vizkopa Confessor Psychic Strike Basilica Guards Zarichi Tiger ---- Predator's Rapport
2 - 12 Predator's Rapport Knight Watch Nav Squad Commandos Armored Transport Contaminated Ground Ruination Wurm ---- Skyblinder Staff
2 - 13 Aerial Maneuver Scatter Arc Guildscorn Ward Ember Beast Greenside Watcher Ruination Wurm ---- Bioshift
2 - 14 Skygames Structural Collapse Predator's Rapport Tin Street Market Greenside Watcher Ruination Wurm ---- Mortus Strider
3 - 1 Stoic Ephemera Simic Sky Swallower Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Vigean Intuition Crime / Punishment Pure / Simple ---- Hide / Seek
3 - 2 Squealing Devil Paladin of Prahv Cytospawn Shambler Seal of Doom Blood Cryptfoil Bond of Agony ---- Stomp and Howl
3 - 3 Isperia the Inscrutable Sporeback Troll Seal of Doom Guardian of the Guildpact Shielding Plax Shielding Plax ---- Patagia Viper
3 - 4 Wakestone Gargoyle Azorius Guildmage Psychotic Fury Blood Cryptfoil Azorius Signet Rakdos Guildmage ---- Indrik Stomphowler
3 - 5 Cytospawn Shambler Freewind Equenaut Hit / Run Demon's Jester Rise / Fall Freewind Equenaut ---- Trial / Error
3 - 6 Rise / Fall Trial / Error Overrule Seal of Fire Ocular Halo Sporeback Troll ---- Assault Zeppelid
3 - 7 Ragamuffyn Psychotic Fury Rakdos Signet Wrecking Ball Wrecking Ball Enemy of the Guildpact ---- Mistral Charger
3 - 8 Azorius Chancery Demon's Jester Plumes of Peace Wrecking Ball Rakdos Carnarium Vision Skeins ---- Minister of Impediments
3 - 9 Rakdos Signet Steeling Stance Wrecking Ball Street Savvy Simic Growth Chamber Vision Skeins ---- Rakdos Ickspitter
3 - 10 Jagged Poppet Beacon Hawk Skullmead Cauldron Ocular Halo Wrecking Ball Rakdos Ickspitter ---- Rakdos Ickspitter
3 - 11 Valor Made Real Silkwing Scout Azorius First-Wing Rakdos Ickspitter Brace for Impact Azorius Chancery ---- Taste for Mayhem
3 - 12 Entropic Eidolon Utvara Scalper Utvara Scalper Soulsworn Jury Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace Soulsworn Jury ---- Sandstorm Eidolon
3 - 13 Simic Ragworm Helium Squirter Vigean Hydropon Haazda Exonerator Macabre Waltz Aurora Eidolon ---- Writ of Passage
3 - 14 Silkwing Scout Haazda Exonerator Magewright's Stone Haazda Exonerator Slaughterhouse Bouncer Enigma Eidolon ---- Macabre Waltz