Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart drok911 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Maniacal Rage Crushing Canopy Goblin Electromancer Dead Weight ---- Darkblade Agent Righteous Blow Dead Weight
1 - 2 Prey Upon Fearless Halberdier Golgari Guildgate Pack's Favor ---- Maniacal Rage Ornery Goblin Hitchclaw Recluse
1 - 3 Wojek Bodyguard Swathcutter Giant Vigorspore Wurm Join Shields ---- Might of the Masses Goblin Electromancer Wary Okapi
1 - 4 Ledev Guardian Ledev Guardian Capture Sphere Cosmotronic Wave ---- Fresh-Faced Recruit Urban Utopia Rubblebelt Boar
1 - 5 Hired Poisoner Collar the Culprit Tenth District Guard Never Happened ---- Skyline Scout Dimir Informant Severed Strands
1 - 6 Sonic Assault Douser of Lights Loxodon Restorer Centaur Peacemaker ---- Pause for Reflection Mephitic Vapors Devkarin Dissident
1 - 7 Fire Urchin Douser of Lights Parhelion Patrol Parhelion Patrol ---- Pause for Reflection Dazzling Lights Maximize Altitude
1 - 8 Loxodon Restorer Capture Sphere Maximize Altitude Vedalken Mesmerist ---- Skyline Scout Maximize Altitude Muse Drake
1 - 9 Darkblade Agent Candlelight Vigil Vernadi Shieldmate Veiled Shade ---- Steam Ventsfoil Wishcoin Crab Rhizome Lurcher
1 - 10 Quasiduplicate Veiled Shade Wojek Bodyguard Rubblebelt Boar ---- Watcher in the Mist Goblin Electromancer Sworn Companions
1 - 11 Legion Guildmage Inspiring Unicorn Vraska, Golgari Queen Risk Factor ---- Direct Current Unexplained Disappearance Lava Coil
1 - 12 Conclave Tribunal Firemind's Research Hellkite Whelp Nightveil Predator ---- Legion Guildmage Conclave Tribunal Charnel Troll
1 - 13 District Guide Golgari Locket Electrostatic Field Gateway Plaza ---- Hunted Witness Hunted Witness Integrity / Intervention
1 - 14 Notion Rain Hunted Witness Gateway Plaza Radical Idea ---- Justice Strike Invert / Invent Gatekeeper Gargoyle
2 - 1 Skizzik Grand Warlord Radha Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar Aryel, Knight of Windgrace ---- Opt Skirk Prospector Sage of Lat-Nam
2 - 2 Dauntless Bodyguard Jhoira's Familiar Triumph of Gerrard Skirk Prospector ---- The Mending of Dominaria Syncopate Skirk Prospector
2 - 3 Settle the Score Academy Drake Opt Tragic Poet ---- Opt Fall of the Thran Vicious Offering
2 - 4 Sentinel of the Pearl Trident Fire Elemental Kwende, Pride of Femeref Settle the Score ---- Grunn, the Lonely King Warcry Phoenix Wizard's Retort
2 - 5 Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage Vicious Offering Garna, the Bloodflame Goblin Warchief ---- Weight of Memory Academy Journeymage Deathbloom Thallid
2 - 6 Baloth Gorger Shivan Fire Demonlord Belzenlok Board the Weatherlight ---- Blink of an Eye Blink of an Eye Memorial to Glory
2 - 7 Sanctum Spirit Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage Cloudreader Sphinx Pegasus Courser ---- Mammoth Spider Howling Golem Fiery Intervention
2 - 8 Vicious Offering D'Avenant Trapper Ancient Animus Sergeant-at-Arms ---- Jousting Lance Memorial to Genius Pegasus Courser
2 - 9 Arcane Flight Keldon Overseer Llanowar Scout Diligent Excavator ---- Blink of an Eye Cloudreader Sphinx Blink of an Eye
2 - 10 Pardic Wanderer Arbor Armament Arcane Flight Caligo Skin-Witch ---- Keldon Overseer Mesa Unicorn Unwind
2 - 11 Guardians of Koilos Artificer's Assistant Ghitu Chronicler Precognition Field ---- Invoke the Divine Broken Bond Llanowar Envoy
2 - 12 Invoke the Divine Voltaic Servant Adventurous Impulse Gift of Growth ---- Demonic Vigor Caligo Skin-Witch Ghitu Journeymage
2 - 13 Warlord's Fury Cabal Evangel Orcish Vandal Keldon Raider ---- Divest Homarid Explorer Radiating Lightning
2 - 14 Seismic Shift Befuddle Seismic Shift Rampaging Cyclops ---- Keldon Warcaller Homarid Explorer Keldon Raider
3 - 1 Goblin Electromancer Maniacal Rage Ironshell Beetle Disdainful Stroke ---- Pack's Favor Siege Wurm Ironshell Beetle
3 - 2 Izzet Guildgate Disdainful Stroke Wee Dragonauts Book Devourer ---- Ironshell Beetle Pause for Reflection Rampaging Monument
3 - 3 Piston-Fist Cyclops Prey Upon Prey Upon Golgari Guildgate ---- Dimir Guildgate Boros Guildgate Gravitic Punch
3 - 4 Vernadi Shieldmate Portcullis Vine Conclave Guildmage Douser of Lights ---- Rubblebelt Boar Fresh-Faced Recruit Izzet Guildgate
3 - 5 Rosemane Centaur Unexplained Disappearance Dazzling Lights Flight of Equenauts ---- Fire Urchin Skyline Scout Moodmark Painter
3 - 6 Collar the Culprit Wary Okapi Muse Drake Passwall Adept ---- Intrusive Packbeast Urban Utopia Muse Drake
3 - 7 Command the Storm Whisper Agent Intrusive Packbeast Goblin Locksmith ---- Pause for Reflection Sworn Companions Fresh-Faced Recruit
3 - 8 Passwall Adept Fire Urchin Goblin Locksmith Vernadi Shieldmate ---- Collar the Culprit Wishcoin Crab Hypothesizzle
3 - 9 Rosemane Centaur Drowned Secrets Goblin Locksmith Vedalken Mesmerist ---- Steam Ventsfoil Centaur Peacemaker Intrusive Packbeast
3 - 10 Parhelion Patrol Demotion Lava Coil Mausoleum Secrets ---- Citywide Bust Nightveil Sprite Deafening Clarion
3 - 11 Wall of Mist Passwall Adept Worldsoul Colossus Legion Guildmage ---- Hellkite Whelp Luminous Bonds Golgari Findbroker
3 - 12 Boros Locket Chemister's Insight Fresh-Faced Recruit Mission Briefing ---- Wall of Mist Devious Cover-Up Legion Guildmage
3 - 13 Goblin Cratermaker Maximize Velocity Generous Stray Quasiduplicate ---- Artful Takedown Chemister's Insight Beacon Bolt
3 - 14 Maximize Velocity Healer's Hawk Bartizan Bats Maximize Velocity ---- Barging Sergeant Boros Locket Generous Stray