PD S9 Cube

Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart LSVianna pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Llanowar Scout The Mending of Dominaria Edifice of Authority Martyr of Dusk Rattleclaw Mystic ---- Deathcap Cultivator Faith of the Devoted
1 - 2 Realm Razer Rubblebelt Raiders Moment of Craving Aerial Responder Salt Marsh ---- Gather the Pack Life's Finale
1 - 3 Embodiment of Spring Broodhatch Nantuko Greater Sandwurm Forsake the Worldly Morkrut Banshee ---- Mouth / Feed Charging Monstrosaur
1 - 4 Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary Dead Weight AEtherling Ulcerate From Under the Floorboards ---- Angelic Purge Talisman of Impulse
1 - 5 Gift of Growth Thought Courier Firebrand Archer Hieroglyphic Illumination Fiery Impulse ---- Master Trinketeer Silence the Believers
1 - 6 Smother Distended Mindbender Bloodgift Demon Spontaneous Mutation Foul Orchard ---- Clash of Wills Vizier of Deferment
1 - 7 Ravenous Bloodseeker Sandwurm Convergence Profaner of the Dead Golgari Signet Boneyard Wurm ---- Retreat to Emeria Claustrophobia
1 - 8 Devil's Play Jinxed Idol Syncopate Dissolve Sunlance ---- Town Gossipmonger  Flip Skirsdag High Priest
1 - 9 Immortal Servitude Diabolic Tutor Eager Construct Fleshbag Marauder Desert of the Mindful ---- Careful Consideration Mudbutton Torchrunner
1 - 10 Stoic Angel Samurai of the Pale Curtain Shimmering Grotto Disciple of the Ring Crib Swap ---- Key to the City Markov Dreadknight
1 - 11 Elder Deep-Fiend Avacyn's Pilgrim Anointer of Champions Advanced Stitchwing Glorious Anthem ---- Wildest Dreams Orzhov Guildgate
1 - 12 Sire Of Insanity Gnarlwood Dryad Dungeon Geists Ruthless Sniper Obelisk of Naya ---- Midnight Guard Arc Trail
1 - 13 Cloudgoat Ranger Wind-Scarred Crag Shelter Warcry Phoenix Gathan Raiders ---- Simic Guildgate Legacy's Allure
1 - 14 Whitemane Lion Deputy of Acquittals Boros Guildgate Overrun Rugged Highlands ---- Ant Queen Puppeteer Clique
1 - 15 Village Messenger  Flip Ghostfire Blade Burning of Xinye Soldier of the Pantheon Stormblood Berserker ---- Invigorate War Priest of Thune
2 - 1 Baffling End Frost Marsh Deem Worthy Sailor of Means Vizier of Tumbling Sands ---- Undercity Troll Beneath the Sands
2 - 2 Farm / Market Striped Riverwinder Always Watching Shefet Monitor Dynavolt Tower ---- Spiritmonger Anointer Priest
2 - 3 Vizier of Many Faces Approach of the Second Sun Forsaken Sanctuary Weaver of Lightning Nomad Outpost ---- Lay Bare the Heart Pacification Array
2 - 4 Icefeather Aven Tezzeret's Gambit Pale Rider of Trostad Living Deathfoil Expunge ---- Warfire Javelineer Ulvenwald Mysteries
2 - 5 Cinder Barrens Desolation Twin Aven Riftwatcher Talisman of Unity Yavimaya Sapherd ---- End Hostilities Wee Dragonauts
2 - 6 Heir of the Wilds Inexorable Blob Skymarcher Aspirant Blood Knight Incorrigible Youths ---- Grim Haruspex Seekers' Squire
2 - 7 Nest Invader Mystic of the Hidden Way Bestial Menace Extricator of Sin  Flip Rise from the Tides ---- Selesnya Signet Blinding Souleater
2 - 8 Burst Lightning Flames of the Blood Hand Sylvan Ranger Nissa's Pilgrimage Linvala, the Preserver ---- Seaside Citadel Akroan Crusader
2 - 9 Boros Signet Voldaren Pariah  Flip Elemental Mastery Anticipate Boros Elite ---- Riddleform Rally the Peasants
2 - 10 Spellweaver Eternal Immolating Glare Mizzium Mortars Repeal Ruthless Ripper ---- Traveler's Amulet Jungle Shrine
2 - 11 Open Fire Radiant Flames Ghitu Chronicler Unsummon Kjeldoran Outpost ---- Captain's Claws Scoured Barrens
2 - 12 Lyev Skyknight Cursed Scroll Unwind Select for Inspection Thunderblust ---- Corrupted Grafstone Asylum Visitor
2 - 13 Desert of the Fervent Village Bell-Ringer Reckless Scholar Bloodhall Priest Haunted Plate Mail ---- Warleader's Helix Flaying Tendrils
2 - 14 Rakdos Cackler Jeskai Ascendancy Indulgent Aristocrat Jeskai Elder Bloodwater Entity ---- Thornwood Falls Essence Flux
2 - 15 Gore-House Chainwalker Jackal Pup Secret Plans Desert of the True Hermit Druid ---- Sunstrike Legionnaire Psychatog
3 - 1 Rites of Initiation Sylvan Primordial Lay Claim World Shaper Vampire Aristocrat ---- Thundering Spineback Astral Slide
3 - 2 Tukatongue Thallid Luminous Bonds Echo Tracer Deathless Ancient Whirler Rogue ---- Veteran Motorist Vicious Conquistador
3 - 3 Cloudblazer Battle Screech Niblis of Frost Filigree Familiar Curious Homunculus  Flip ---- Dauntless Cathar Grow from the Ashes
3 - 4 Eternal Scourge Everflowing Chalice Glory-Bound Initiate Scab-Clan Berserker Murderous Redcap ---- Bomat Bazaar Barge Saproling Migration
3 - 5 Falkenrath Noble Possessed Skaab Putrefy Cloud of Faeries Advent of the Wurm ---- Eight-and-a-Half-Tails Rampant Growth
3 - 6 Opportunity Kessig Cagebreakers Wolfir Avenger Man-o'-War Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip ---- Voltaic Brawler Duneblast
3 - 7 Izzet Guildgate Overwhelming Stampede Roar of the Wurm Countervailing Winds Catacomb Sifter ---- Prismatic Lens Gideon's Lawkeeper
3 - 8 Razormane Masticore Broodmate Dragon Harbinger of the Hunt Stoke the Flames Displace ---- Caldera Lake Boon Satyr
3 - 9 Thousand Winds Guul Draz Assassin Nagging Thoughts Soul Manipulation Wharf Infiltrator ---- Collective Defiance Honored Crop-Captain
3 - 10 Triskelion Fireball Autumnal Gloom  Flip Carrier Thrall Angler Drake ---- Obelisk of Esper Watertrap Weaver
3 - 11 Spellheart Chimera Butcher of the Horde Precursor Golem Emeria Angel Tranquil Cove ---- Stasis Snare Mistmeadow Witch
3 - 12 Borderland Marauder Frontier Bivouac Calciform Pools Whisper, Blood Liturgist Stromkirk Noble ---- Nantuko Husk Imprisoned in the Moon
3 - 13 Satyr Firedancer All Suns' Dawn Spear of Heliod Spikeshot Elder Veteran Armorer ---- Noose Constrictor Ankh of Mishra
3 - 14 Char Fervent Cathar Momentary Blink Toolcraft Exemplar Aviary Mechanic ---- Enigma Drake Sunforger
3 - 15 Cloudshift Goblin Glory Chaser Temur Charger Falkenrath Gorger Borrowed Grace ---- Villainous Wealth Cartel Aristocrat